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Everything posted by ThomasHHN

  1. No doubt that Uni would. It wouldn't be a TWD house without some of the main characters from the show.
  2. If they could move them, where do you think they could put them at?
  3. Amazing pictures Jeremy! Probably gonna check this out next week or something. Can't wait
  4. This is awesome! Def gonna check this out when I get a chance
  5. I've been trying to figure out the length & width for the background on Xbox 360..cause every time I put any of these wall papers it just doesn't seem to fit the screen and makes it twice the size. If someone could find out what the length & width and possibly make a wall paper for me so I could put it on my xbox. Would be awesome! This is the picture I would love to have. If anyone could do this, It would be awesome!!
  6. I honestly don't think you could even bring that into Disney..
  7. Such amazing photos from all these amazing photographers
  8. It was said earlier but someone decided to throw/spray deer piss in the Thankskilling room :\
  9. I'm guessing they stopped selling shirts and such on the Universal website?
  10. I totally agree with you. Best last show ever. Hands down
  11. There's so much stuff I could say about all the scare actors, You all were beyond amazing on Halloween! Me & Mclovin were hanging around 7 towards the end we were watching Lady Luck's minions..all I have to say is you guys made that night amazing! shout out to EZ_E for making it hilarious. Its just to bad they didn't let you race for them happy meals haha. To all the other scare actors ( Houses & other streets) You all were amazing! Props to you all!!
  12. Looks awesome! I'm right beside you Mark
  13. 1.The Forsaken 2. The In-Between 3.H.R Bloodngutz 4.Winters Night 5.Nightengales: Blood prey 6.Nevermore 7.Saws n Steam 8. The Thing
  14. Yeah it is The Exorism of Emily Rose, Also Freak, did you get my downloads?
  15. Not to get too off topic,but the other night as I was going through the line for Nightingales the picture with the wait time and such...well as I walked through Twister I turned and looked out the window and the image behind it is none other than Havoc:Dogs of War. Thought it was interesting Not to get too off topic,but the other night as I was going through the line for Nightingales the picture with the wait time and such...well as I walked through Twister I turned and looked out the window and the image behind it is none other than Havoc:Dogs of War. Thought it was interesting
  16. I can't get enough of this scarezone, its simply amazing. Music sets the tempo I'd say. & I also see those two also Black Mask, its pretty funny actually. Every time I go through this zone I try looking for Pumpkin but I either walk through at the wrong time or don't know where to look lol
  17. I completely agree with you! This house is just to fun to go through! Yeah the lines can be a real pain in the ass but it pay offs defiantly. Always fun when walking through and seeing SHOE always telling me Cast A rules lol. But none-less both cast are top notch! You guys keep this house alive! This will probably be the last house I will go through on Halloween
  18. Here are the links. I posted them on my Media Fire. http://www.mediafire.com/?m4yzc4un0vhkwwg http://www.mediafire.com/?lxzrdksp33ejkkw http://www.mediafire.com/?0tb0k5akmjazqhi I tried my best!
  19. Got some recordings of Night Maze & loops by Amity and by where all the games are. I'll be uploading them either late tonight or tomorrow!
  20. i just wish they would have the glow off untill they scared us
  21. Ah right! I understand. I am going tonight so I will record Amity area & Lagoon area
  22. So when I was walking around the park Sunday night and heard the loop, I tried using " sound hound" but no luck I'll try it again soon. But on another note..for the Poe house is there only that one song track playing through out the house?
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