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Mark M.

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Everything posted by Mark M.

  1. They are different if you look around. The secondary nav bars on the after version have added things. Look under Horror Comes Home for example.
  2. Legendary Truth 2008 and the Generic Archive 2008 sites now added!
  3. All of Gambit's desktop wallpaper's from 2008 on are now available on our homepage in the downloads section. http://bit.ly/2vv7Oip
  4. Your welcome, everyone enjoy! I wish we had more, but I think that's all we'll be able to recover.
  5. What is it you are looking for? We may have it!
  6. You can tell we have nothing really to talk about here. Everyone just needs to relax, when information comes it comes. Again, everyone is entitled to an opinion about the event, positive or negative. This site is not controlled by Universal or any company related to it. Each member has the right to say what they wish about what they know, or don't know. If they are an employee, then they do that at risk of ones job. If they are not an employee, or didn't get hired for HHN this year, sure they can say what they know. However, if they want to try out next year.. good luck on that. Let's not bash one another based on opinion. Just because this is a HHN related site, DOES NOT mean we can't post negative stuff about it. Why do you think they do survey's when you exit the park each night? They want to hear what you like AND DON'T like. If no one ever complains or expresses dislike, nothing will ever change or Universal won't try to make things better. Yes we are not the norm, or the general public that marketing caters to, BUT we can make things sound good or sound bad. People doing a Google search for HHN information more than likely will get one of the sites related to the event, and read it. That will have influence. With that said, keep the thread to speculation and what we know, or action will be taken. spec·u·la·tion noun 1. the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
  7. Let's not get into an argument about one's opinion of the event. Some will like it, some won't. We love to see everyone's views, good or bad.
  8. I received an email maybe an hour later or so, it wasn't right away. If you signed up, you can click on "Soul Collectors" in the top navigation bar (desktop) on the website.
  9. Let me know through PM, or have Sean PM me when this happens, and we'll get something posted and help promote it.
  10. Universal will go back to releasing everything in August at 12 midnight! Get ready!
  11. HHN has outgrew an event at IOA. Maybe opening up a section or two for overflow, but that's about it. IOA has much smaller paths and tighter areas than the Studios. Go to IOA on a busy/peak day and you'll see how horrible HHN would be. Areas that can't be used comes into play as well with IOA.
  12. The IP problem.. maybe? Evil Dead - TV vs. Movie, could of caused issues. The Conjuring - Legal problems.
  13. Just in case you missed it! Also, with all the rumors and speculation.. we posted this. http://www.horrornightnightmares.com/2017/05/who-is-cindy-caine/
  14. This is one of the Sprung tents, not the new tent.
  15. I'm sure there will be a price increase, always is. AP pricing hasn't been released yet. Also.. from Twitter.
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