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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2012 in all areas

  1. I've always wondered why they use the word "maze"instead of house in Hollywood. It's not like there are multiple paths that lead to dead-ends or anything.
    2 points
  2. I personally want to see a cameo from these guys
    2 points
  3. What I just saw cannot be unseen.......
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. while that is true, and you are right, 2007 was the first time Jason and Co. were made into houses, (At least that I know of) and then we never saw them again, Saw, Wolfman, same thing, once, and then gone, so while it is true that they are overexposed, I am really thankful, truly thankful to Universal and the people that work at HHN for bringing them to us, we were face to face with the big 3, I will never forget that, one of the best memories I have, not only of the event but in my life, that's why 2007 is my favorite year house wise, I know people love original ideas and hate IP houses, I will never understand why, but for me IP houses have made an everlasting memory, specially because you can watch the movie and remember the house, you can't do that with original houses
    1 point
  6. I don't know if it's so much that people truly hate IP houses, it's just that the concept and/or characters get overutilized in a major way. You can always take an IP, flip it on it's side and turn it into a completely different idea. Let's face it almost every concept we see has origins someplace else and is not original at all. Zombies, ghosts, vampires, psychotic clowns, crazy ass murderers, etc, all of those ideas have been used for decades and decades to scare us in movies, haunted houses, etc. It just all depends HOW you use them. Personally, if we don't see Jack for several more years, that's fine by me. He was a great icon/character...but he's had his time. Likewise with Chuckie, Freddy and Jason. That being said, it doesn't mean I would enjoy seeing them taken out of their usual element and put in a different one! I've seen some IP houses that were out of this world, and some not so much. Same goes for original concepts. It all boils down to having an open mind when you walk into a house/scarezone and take it for what it is, creativity meant to transport you to a different environment.
    1 point
  7. I'm imagining similar costumes to that of some of the scareactors in The In Between (minus the bright colors) mixed with the effect of the weeping angels from Winter's Night. Perhaps a flying scareactor like that from the Forsaken finale...the possibilities are endless...
    1 point
  8. Hmmmmm, that suuuuuuuuure sounds like a Dr Jimmy April 1st Special
    1 point
  9. I made 4 new Silent Hill wallpapers today because I was bored.
    1 point
  10. For those who want to understand Silent Hill better... Understanding Jungian Archetypes is a good start. (i.e. the self, the shadow, animus, etc.) they are heavily played upon and most of the characters were devleoped with these concepts in mind (for example Pyyramid Head would be the Shadow archetype being the repressed anger and judgement of the main character). It's not neccesary to enjoy it but it help to explain the world in which Silent hill exists. A world full of repressed memories and ones own fears and flaws set against you.
    1 point
  11. Other event on the West Coast? Do you mean HHN (who they are not in competition with because they're run by the same corporation), or the other park that has 18 year lead on them that started the whole "haunted theme park" idea? And Universal didn't come up with the "extreme house," idea; it has existed in local haunts long before then. Calm down.
    1 point
  12. I'm thrilled to read that everyone agrees on who is a pain in the ass on the show. That smug, know-it-all, "I'm better than you" look that Shane always had made me want to smack him. I did the Snoopy happy dance when he finally went down. I think this house will be pretty good - with or without the actual characters. Although, you guys are cracking me up with your ideas for Carl. Brilliant!
    1 point
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