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Trying To Remake Hollywood's Worst Maze


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hey guys, i've been doing haunt drafts for about 3 months now. now i wanna tackle a challenge. i want to remake hollywood's worst maze ever (for many people)

Image result for this is the end hhn

yep, you may think im crazy, but i think it's time someone tackled this maze and tried to make it good. my main goal is to make it the definition of a black comedy maze. if you guys have any ideas for this remake, feel free to tell me in the comments below.

(btw, the house would not be in 3d)

Edited by themazethinker
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6 hours ago, themazethinker said:

yep, you may think im crazy, but i think it's time someone tackled this maze and tried to make it good. my main goal is to make it the definition of a black comedy maze. if you guys have any ideas for this remake, feel free to tell me in the comments below.

Maybe have like a scene where guests experience the death of Michael Cera and blood from Michael Cera while being impaled by the street light could spray at guests?

Edited by Twilight59
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In all honesty - and I'm not one to defend Murdy much - I thought he hit the black comedy about as good as could have.  I was surprised they "went there" with Channing Tatum, and the Craig Robinson twist ending was not expected.  Might have blown the budget, but somehow having the rapture scene would have been nice.  With so many CGI rendered scenes for one-shot jokes, I think Murdy made reasonable decisions. 


I think there have been much worse houses at HHN Hollywood, but this is a great idea to tide us over.

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26 minutes ago, zombieman said:

In all honesty - and I'm not one to defend Murdy much - I thought he hit the black comedy about as good as could have.  I was surprised they "went there" with Channing Tatum, and the Craig Robinson twist ending was not expected.  Might have blown the budget, but somehow having the rapture scene would have been nice.  With so many CGI rendered scenes for one-shot jokes, I think Murdy made reasonable decisions. 


I think there have been much worse houses at HHN Hollywood, but this is a great idea to tide us over.

Hey more power to you man. I just wanna take a piece of wasted potential, and remold it into something good.

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here's my ideas so far.

This Is The End

location: soundstage 747 (replaces avp that year)

facade: drug store (reuse the first purge facade)

drug store: have a bungee scare of the rapture rapturing a customer.

streets: have a car and looter scare

franco's house/sinkhole: have a impaled michael cera as a distraction scare, and have a armless aziz or a panicked paul rudd as a scare.

transitional hallway: have a scare with jonah hill messing with the gun.

living room: have a headless body scare, along with some of the gang trying to throw the head at guests.

all the drugs - here the gang are absolutely tripping balls, a danny mcbride with mouths for eyes will scare.

transitional hallway: have a emma watson with a axe as a scare.

basement: have a demon scare.

outside: have another demon scare.

neighbor's house: have the bull demon as a scare.

living room: have a vomiting possessed jonah hill, along with vomit covered seth and james swinging at guests with bats.

transitional hallway: have a possessed jonah hill as a scare.

bedroom: basically the same as hollywood's scene, but remove the demon.

transitional hallway: have a burnt up jonah as a scare.

driveway: have the wing demon as a bungee scare, along with a craig robinson scare from below.

camp: have danny cannibalizing franco as a distraction scare, and have channing tatyum as a scare.

ruined street: have satan's foot crashing down from above as a scare.

rapture: same as hollywoods.

heaven/hell: same as hollywoods.

throne: a small original room of satan's throne, a stilt walker satan will scare.


Edited by themazethinker
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  • 3 weeks later...


welp, here it is

Image result for this is the end logo



Image result for first purge hhn


As you’re waiting in line, you notice as you walk closer to the entrance..it starts to look more and more chaotic. Multiple cracks are forming on the ground, a fire hydrant spraying (not to you), a destroyed lamp post, and a flipped over limousine (Could be a random celebrity, like Edward Norton or Bill Hader). The limousine plays various party music, and there’s a flyer next to it for James Franco’s party. You finally see the entrance, and it looks normal..for an end of the world scenario. It seems to be a drug store, it’s burglar alarm blaring. A taxi cab is parked right in front of the window. Every 3 minutes or so, blue lights will erupt from the ceiling (lighting effects). You then enter inside…

Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8hcBYmPi1g , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I826gxc8TvI , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POq2AznJO1Q 


Drug Store.

You then enter inside the drug store, and chaos is erupting. You pass by the checkout section, and you see a large piece of the ceiling on the floor with blood everywhere. As you walk past an aisle, several objects will fall out as a tremor occurs (ground shaker, and objects pushed by blackout performers). You then enter into a large part of the store, and you see several blinding blue lights in the room. On top of the lights are several legs kicking, as they are being raptured up. You walk past them to enter into the next room.

Music - Rapture on melrose - this is the end original score




You then enter outside. A failed power line lies in front of you, it sparks as you walk by it. Multiple cars line the way, some crushed, while some are burnt (smoke and orange lighting inside the car). On top of some buildings, you see the rapture still going on.(projection). As you walk past an alleyway, a taxi car honks its horn and drives towards you (puppet). You walk past another alleyway, a looter will come out with a crowbar and scare you. You quickly go to the next room.

Music - Rapture on melrose - this is the end original score




You continue walking outside, and you finally see another building in front of you, James Franco’s house. Through the windows, you can see silhouettes of various scenes being reenacted (the milky way argument, trying to barricade the windows) (all of this will be done by projection). On the lawn is a fallen lamppost, and on that lamppost is Michael Cera (actor positioned with the bloody tip of the lamp post on the chest,giving the illusion of him being impaled). He’ll occasionally reach out at you for help, or just ask where his cell phone is. Below him, you can see the sinkhole starting to open up slowly (projection). As you are distracted by this, an armless Aziz will pop out from behind the foliage and scream for help. You walk past him ignoring his pleas, and by the mansions front door, you see the headless body of the bald man as you finally enter inside.

Music - Hills on Fire - The Sinkhole - this is the end original score



Living Room.

You are now inside Franco's house. On the wall is a large helicopter tail poking through, smoke still billowing from it. There’s about 3 couches in the center of the room, each having an empty beer bottle or a bong. A table is between the couches , with various supplies on it (a bottle of water, beer, vodka, whiskey, wine, tequila, nutella, cheese, pizza, eggs, bananas, apples, bacon, steak, pancake mix, cinnamon toast crunch, milk, ketchup, a milky way, bag of sour diesel, cannabis, shrooms, ecstasy, a playboy mag, a baseball bat, a handheld camera, and a revolver). As you are distracted by the supplies, danny mcbride will come out with a bald man’s head and say “This is real, This is fu##ing real !”. He then proceeds to try and throw the head at you. as you exit the room, you hear from Seth in the background “Let’s do all the drugs”

Music - head guy - this is the end original score



Drug Trip.

(note - this will probably be the only room to look like it’s 3d) you then enter into the dining room. You notice that all of the color in the room has a trippy feel to it, and it seems to be popping out. There’s a small table in the back left of the room, with tons of cooked food laid out (smell of bacon and eggs is pumped into the room). On the left side of the room is a projection, showing the drug induced “lightsaber” brawl through shadows. The “lightsabers” glowing occasionally. Suddenly, danny will come out from the right with mouth for eyes and laugh at you. You go into the next room.

Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0


Image result for this is the end emma watson


You then enter into a slightly cramped hallway. Throughout the room are barricaded windows and some doors. A door is slightly opened, and you hear from mcbride “Hey guys, i'm going to sleep now. Nobody come in here and bother me.”. You then hear a zipper noise and a bong being smoked, as smoke comes out from the door. As this will distract you, Emma Watson will come out from a door with an axe and try to swing it at you, as you enter into the next room.

Music - emma returns  - this is the end original score




You are now back outside, in a small alleyway. Smoke fills the room, with fire coming out from windows (fake flames similar to the trick r treat pumpkin effect). A large trash can blocks the way in front of you, so you turn right. On your left is a closed door, rope is seen on the end of the door. The rope occasionally tugs forward, as something is pulling it forward. Suddenly from your right, a demon (design similar to this https://i.pinimg.com/474x/33/29/48/33294847e0cd8933f6fc1049d860b9cc--this-is-the-end-sculpting.jpg ) will pop out from a boohole and claw at you. You dash to a door in front of you.

Music - craig gets the water - this is the end original score



Neighbors Kitchen.

You then enter inside an abandoned kitchen. Most of the cupboards are opened, with most of the food gone. There are several torso size holes in the wall, with scorch marks on the edges. The window in front of you is busted open, so you back away from the window expecting a scare. Suddenly, Craig will come out from a door on the left to the window, swinging a metal bat towards you. You back up from him, and the dog demon will poke its head through one of the holes (puppet), and snarl at you. The next room awaits.

Music - Demonic chase sequence -  this is the end original score


Reentering Franco’s House.

You are then back outside, and you finally see the chaos outside the house. Like before, smoke fills up the room. You can’t see the sinkhole through the fog, but you hear the occasional rumble. Behind a car that has been crushed by a lamp post, a demon will pop out from it and roar at you. As you walk past the front door, you again see the body of the headless man now heavily decayed (scent of rotting flesh in the room). He will then suddenly lunge out at you, then immediately become motionless again. You enter back into the house.

Music - Creepy basement memorabilia - this is the end original score



Back To The Living Room.

You are then back into the living room, and the stench smells awful, it almost smells like...vomit. The room looks almost the same as before, but there’s a small hole on the ground. In the center of the room is Jonah Hill, his skin bleached and eyes yellow (dummy). He then echoes out “The apocalypse is nigh!”, as he then pukes all over you (water). However, this isn’t the main scare, as after the Jonah effect will be triggered, Seth will come out from behind drenched in puke and blindly swinging his bat at you. You go towards the next room.

Music - Jonah is possessed -  this is the end original score



Demon Fight.

You then enter into another hallway, and you hear a commotion behind some doors. The doors will occasionally shudder as something heavy pushes against it. You listen more closely, and you hear Seth and possessed Jonah fighting. As you hear the demon threatening him, the door on your left will then burst open, revealing Seth with possessed Jonah on his back (effect like this https://youtu.be/lfjqCszfkQQ?t=2110 ). He’ll try and push Jonah against the door, as from your right Jay will come out with a bat and try to push Jonah off Seth's back. You enter a door at the end of the hall.

Music - Demonic chase sequence -  this is the end original score


The Exorcism Of Jonah Hill.

You then enter into a large bedroom, and the stench of puke again fills the room. In the front of the room is a large bed, with Jay in front of it with a homemade cross (a spoon and a fork wrapped together). On the bed is possessed Jonah, trying to break from his bounds. Jay will say “The power of christ compels you” several times, and each time possessed Jonah will make a comeback (“oh does it? Does it compel me?” “Does it Jay?” “is the power of christ compelling me? Is that what’s happening ``''guess what...it’s not that compelling”). He’ll also occasionally taunt you, and try to convince you to cut him loose. You go to the next room.

Music - the possession of jonah hill - this is the end original score


Escaping The House.

You then enter into a short hallway, but this time it seems like the house is collapsing. The floor shakes, smoke fills the room, and parts of the ceiling falls towards you (air). As you walk past a painting, it’ll slide open letting the burnt possessed Jonah Hill to reach out at you. You enter outside.

Music - fire chase - this is the end original score




You then reenter back in the front lawn, as you hear the house fully collapsing behind you. In front of you is a small garage, with its door open. In it is a nice car, but that isn’t the center of attention. On the ceiling of the garage, is a large 10 foot demon with massive wings. It leaps over to you, with its wing outstretched (bungee). Turns out this is just a distraction, as Craig will scare from below charging at it. You enter into the next room.

Music - craig’s last stand - this is the end original score




You then enter into the hollywood hills. You pass by a couple of fences, behind some are cannibals with machetes and chainsaws. There try and poke there weapons through, and shout how “tasty” you look. You then enter into a large area, a parked RV is on your right, and on your left are a couple of cannibals huddled together. You then realize there feasting on James Franco’s corpse, his face mangled to shreds. In front of the cannibals is Danny Mcbride, and he’s tearing into him (velcro skin on the mask,) as blood sprays onto you (water). As this distracts you, Channing Tate-Yum will pop out from the rv door and scare you. You then enter the last room on earth.

Music - Franco’s demise - this is the end original score




You then reenter back into the streets from before, and it looks worse than ever. The buildings are unrecognizable, a crashed helicopter lies on your right, and the ground will rumble as something massive approaches. Suddenly, Satan's head comes down from above and roars at you (puppet), saliva dripping from his mouth. You then enter into a dark area.

Music - The rapture of seth and jay - this is the end original score


The Rapture.

And you are blinded by a bright blue light. The rest of the room seems to be blank, and the blue light seems to be pointing towards you. You hear Jay say in the background “And the skies shall open up, and the light of the lord shall shine down, and those of good heart shall be brought into my kingdom of heaven.” as you are getting closer to the light, it starts to flicker, but you diss it up as your imagination.

Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9nPf7w7pDI


“Heaven’s Gates”

You then enter into a room painted white and blue, and you see a large gate in front of you. On top of the gate, it reads “Heaven”. On your left is a podium, with Craig Robinson on it saying “Welcome to heaven motherfu**ers”. All of a sudden...the white and blue immediately turn red, as Craig then laughs demonically, as he swipes at you with a pitchfork. You look back up, as the gate now reads “Hell”.

Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZQxH_8raCI



Satan's Throne.

You then enter into an extremely massive room, as the smell of brimstone fills the room. To your left and right are several doors, each filled with the names of the fallen celebrities (Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, Kevin Hart, James Franco, etc etc). As you walk past several, some will open as burnt up versions of themselves will come out. In the center of the room is a large throne made out of bones, but no ones on it. Suddenly, Satan himself will lunge out from your right and roar at you. As you are about to exit the maze, you see a large sign reading “This Is The End”.

Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-0Hx1PttrI



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