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In-line Entertainment

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Lines at HHN get longer and longer each year as the event grows in popularity, and with huge IPs starting to come yearly to the event, this isn't going to change. The line experience, however, doesn't seem to be advancing.


You just stand in a backstage area (some that aren't always the safest places to be walking around in the dark due to rough roads) and shuffle about for however your wait is. When I stood for an hour next to a huge soundstage waiting for dead waters, I couldn't help but think: why don't they have entertainment projected on these huge walls for the guests in line?


They could legitimately just put the first film for the IP of the house on repeat on a projector, and people would love it.


Also, no, those 5 minute shorts don't count, as I find they get annoying the 10th time you hear it repeated (looking at you Shining) and a lot of the time, they are just reused from years past so they have no relevancy. What's up with this?


(BTW, I personally bring those headphones you can plug another set into and jam out with my friend in line)

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