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Doctor Cogstein's Review: Now with 50% more spoilers!

Doctor Cogstein

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This has been a good even all around with the exception of one house that I will get to.  The scarezones were all top notch this year and none of the park felt empty! Both shows were great. As someone who missed 2007, I was happy to see Jack on stage once more!




    This house was great! I enjoyed every bit and could name every scene. I greatly enjoyed seeing Cindy and Eddie. However, as great as this house it, I got two maybe three total scares out of it. Maybe I just didn't get the right timing. I will see if anyone can truly scare me in this as the event goes on.

                       SCARES: 3/10

                      SCENERY: 10/10


    I did not go through this one since I went through the original and this is supposed to be a replica.


   Another fantastic house! There were Jasons right off the bat in the first room and both got me. All the scares from this house came from the Freddys and they all got me good. Sadly, since it was still light outside, my eyes could not adjust enough to see the scenery too well. The mirror maze was awesome to go through though.

                      SCARES: 8/10

                     SCENERY: 6/10


    It is great to hear A Summer Place theme again. I loved the decor of this house and it fit greatly with the Body Collectors formal dress. Also that spine room with all the different body collectors and the headless guy...amazing! My only gripe with this house is that the spine ripping room I think needs more scare actors. They need some live people mixed in with the fake dummies in the seats watching the spine rip.

                     SCARES: 8/10

                     SCENERY: 10/10

5. RUN

    A lot of people had mixed or somewhat positive experiences on this. I am putting this up in my top list for a good reason. I got to enter this house alone! No one in front of me nor behind me. Experiencing this house completely solo is the best way to do it. It feels like you actually do have to survive each room with the scare actors focusing on just you. This house had me run a little and for the first time ever, got me on the ground in fear! The electricity room with ol' smokey got me good. More specifically the guy on the heightened platform that had two electric wires to put on metal to make noise. It caught me so off guard that I went down to the ground screaming. Just for that I give this house my highest praise that I can give it!

                   SCARES: 10/10

                  SCENERY: 10/10


    The great houses keep flowing. I love the movies (I have not seen the third movie yet.). This house had the one thing I was looking forward to the most...Tip Toe Through the Tulips. I got some great scares and the energy was great in this house with some of the scenes from the movie being recreated perfectly. The further hallway was amazing!

                  SCARES: 8/10

                  SCENERY: 10/10


    I hated this house. I thought walking dead would be my most hated but nope. This house does nothing for me at all! Boring sets and boring scares. I did two runs to give this house the most fair chance I could. I never got a scare from this house and the scenery does not impress me. I never thought I could be bored in a haunted house but this one did it. I'm a fan of both films, this house is supposed to cater to me. I think the purge is more effective on the streets where you can really show more chaos than in a confined room. I also got major and unforgivable disrespect from one of the team leaders for this house that I will not go into in this review as I do not wish to slander the TL's name. If you wish to know the whole story on that feel free to PM me.

                      10/10 WOULD AVOID AGAIN!


    Have you gone in any of the walking dead houses? Yes? Then you have been in this one. Not much more to say than that -oh wait there is! I actually got lost in this house. Specifically in the warehouse room, I made a wrong turn and the zombies in the corner were pointing where to go while grunting and moaning. It was kinda funny. I will give a special mention to the revolving door scene, I thought that was interesting.

                 SCARES: 1/10

                 SCENERY: 4/10


   This house was nice in its design. The scares were not that great. I was hearing confusion over the ending with the Red Queen slicing Alice's throat. My thoughts on this is that the Red Queen killed the last of Alice's sanity, dooming her to be trapped in wonderland and the asylum forever. I got one scare from the White Rabbit as I did not expect anyone before tunnel. Speaking of tunnel, the tunnel actually made me dizzy for the first time. In past houses I could walk without grabbing the rails, but in this house I had to.

              SCARES: 3/10

              SCENERY: 8/10


Edited by Doctor Cogstein
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