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Everything posted by BruinsFan

  1. I think the reasons these areas are not being used are due to Operational issues. Crowd flow is a big reason there won't be a show like "The Arrival" or "Jack's Carnival of Carnage" across from Mel's as well.
  2. HHN 19: Ripped from the Silver Screen won the "Best Halloween Event" award. 2010 Golden Ticket Awards
  3. Fear Revealed will not be like "The Arrival" from 2006.
  4. I'm pretty sure there is a pretty big hint to his role already posted.
  5. The art I am talking about was contained in one of the Polaroids that appeared when you clicked on the lantern on the official HHN site. I cannot seem to find my way back to the Polaroids now.
  6. I think we'll see the stone-columns from the concept art placed in the Coven. I also expect they will be placing trees in the alley.
  7. For the most part I agree with this. Just a couple of corrections. Hallow'd Past (Parade building) and LT (SS22) will open at 5:45, not 5:30. Catacombs (Tent 1) and one of the SS23 houses will open at 6:00 and the other SS23 probably won't open until 6:30. Just to clarify, this doesn't exactly apply to the AP early-entry nights.
  8. For the most part, with me anyway, I can tell the difference between some douche being an asshole and mocking the scare versus someone who genuinely appreciated the experience. I have seen a ton of these instances from both sides of the coin. It does make me feel good when I can tell that someone is having a good time and I am playing a role in their enjoyment of the event. However, I will say that there are far too many drunken (and non-drunken ) idiots that like to ruin the experience for others, including the scareactors. If you work the event full-time I wouldn't hesitate to say that you have either been hit or seen others get hit multiple times. It's a hazard that comes with the job. On that note, I sincerely hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable time at HHN this year.
  9. He was obviously making a joke about how it is "empty" and will be finished after RTU.
  10. Your ASM will/may ask you to come in early for those nights. The call-time you were given will be for all other nights of the event.
  11. So the AP nights are on Sep 24, 25 and Oct 1 and 2. The event will take place from 5:00 to 6:30. Guests will have early access to the Hallow'd Past and Catacombs starting at 5:00 and Havoc as early as 5:45.
  12. I've heard rumblings that the AP Party will return for the 24 and 25th. I've heard the 2nd weekend is probable as well, but haven't heard the dates.
  13. The version on the media site is the final version. Everyone needs to move on and get ready to enjoy the event. In the grand scheme of things, the commercials' importance to the event itself is very minor.
  14. They usually open the front gate sometime between 6 and 6:30. I agree that the S&S isn't as effective as it once was, but you should still be able to get AT LEAST one house done with no wait, and 2 or 3 with less than 15 minute waits. The best advice I can give is to keep up with these forums and have a touring plan before you get there. Also, make sure not to spend unnecessary time waiting in lines for houses that have not opened yet.
  15. Yes, if they build it, they (the crowds) will come. Selfishly, I wouldn't be sorry to see a slightly lesser turnout this year.
  16. I'm in the camp with those that don't really care too much about the commercial. It won't have any effect on your enjoyment of the event. In fact, they may have spent more money on the event and less on marketing which is a-ok with me.
  17. Ok, fair enough. When will you be taking care of business?
  18. Just checking, when will you be decapitating yourself?
  19. As long as you are in the park when it closes and have a valid HHN ticket (any type of HHN ticket) for the same evening, you may wait in the Stay & Scream area.
  20. In the past, they have *definitely* let the Stay & Scream guests out at approximately 5:45. Now, what time they open the front gate to the general public is a different question entirely.
  21. The "lantern" is on Hollywood Blvd. FEAR Revealed is in front of Mel's (where Horrorwood was last year).
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