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Everything posted by ScottEdmondson41

  1. Omg I can't believe I forgot about Oculus! I forgot that was Blumhouse too. Surprising cause I love that movie, like I call Oculus my 2nd favorite horror movie of all time (Scream is 1st). I so wish Oculus could have been in the house.
  2. I thought the same thing until I recently realized that Annabelle and the whole Conjuring franchise aren't part of Blumhouse, I thought they were too, but nope. I agree though, Annabelle: Creation was great and I would've loved it if it were Blumhouse and was in the house.
  3. Hollywood is getting Happy Death Day instead of Insidious since they have a whole house for Insidious. Yeah, I'm actually jealous of Hollywood with that one. Technically, Whiplash is a Blumhouse movie. the movie about Miles Teller drumming and JK Simmons being the crazy anger teacher. We could've got a scene of that! A bald guy yelling at us while drums are playing. That would've been different!
  4. Agreed. I'm pretty disappointed that it's not other stuff we haven't seen before. Sinister' great inclusion, but don't wanna see Purge or Insidious in there really. Would've loved Ouija 2, Happy Death Day, Hush, maybe even Get Out or Split.
  5. As of me checking just now they haven't announced on twitter, BUT the HHN website has the blumhouse announcement up now. They just mention Insidious, Purge, and Sinister.
  6. Feel like it kinda has to be this week with how close we are to the event lol.
  7. I wish Ouija would be in it. The first one wasn't good, but I really loved the second one Ouija: Origin Of Evil so I'd love to see some from that.
  8. Ah ok, well like I said I really wasn't sure. Just guessing, cause I thought any rights problems with Alien would've been a problem for AvP too. Rights stuff can be weird. Thanks for the correction.
  9. I don't think GMR would have any effect on that? I could be wrong though. We got Alien vs Predator, don't know why we couldn't just get Alien already.
  10. Varies some but mid-to-late August for sure.
  11. Can I plug my YouTube channel to you guys here? Cause I just made a video about the announcement and thought i could share it here. If that's not cool, then sorry and one of the mods can delete this. Anyway here's video I made about the announcement. My channels new with just 30 subscribers and not getting a lot of views on most videos so far. My channel is mostly about movies, I do movie reviews and trailer reactions, cause those are a popular thing for some reason, but I will also be talking about Hhn a lot in the future since I'm such a big fan, I'll talk about whatever other reveals we get and I'll do a review on my channel once the event starts. So if any of you would like to check it out that would be much appreciated.
  12. Well we're hoping the full reveal, but we don't really know. There's a mysterious countdown on the website that doesn't say what it's counting down to.
  13. Jigsaw trailer just released, announcement soon now that we got trailer?
  14. Saw a post on Facebook from a Florida news station reporting about the whole soul collectors thing, and a bunch of christians were complaining about that somehow.
  15. I'll get to it at some point, i do want to just haven't got around to it. It'll be higher priority if this is true about the house.
  16. I have a feeling I will, 4 years away from release and I consider it my 3rd favorite horror movie of all time and my 9th favorite movie ever. I strongly prefer it over the original, like as in I don't really like the original (I've yet to see the second or third).
  17. And 2013 we had Evil Dead and Cabin In The Woods, both about a cabin in the woods lol.
  18. Wouldn't be the first time they did that, heck The Wolfman house in 2009 was based on movie that came out February 2010
  19. Meh, I don't really mind because well back in my day (lol) it all got announced all at once in August, and we loved it. I would be fine with that even.
  20. The new upcoming Saw movie, formerly known as Saw: Legacy, is now called "Jigsaw" and has a new logo Not that it matters a lot, but you think our Saw house will be called Jigsaw now like the new movie or it will be Saw with maybe some new subtitle?
  21. this band released this song all about The Shining. Very cool video. I'd love to hear this in the queue lol.
  22. This is my first time here since last years event and just read through this whole thread. Here's a house list prediction I have come up with, some personal biases and wishes in there, but also trying to be realistic about it. 1. AHS (seasons 2,3, and 6) 2. Bates Motel/Psycho ( I'm a huge fan of the show Bates Motel and would love to see version specific to that if they can, but if not I'd settle for a classic Psycho house which I never got to see when they've done it before) 3. Either The Shining or a house based on upcoming show Castle Rock ( http://screencrush.com/stephen-king-castle-rock-hulu-anthology-details/) 4. The Conjuring 5. Trick R Treat 6. Cindy house (aka icon house. I want Cindy to have her chance to shine as the main icon as she almost has several times) 7. Nightingales 2? 8 & 9. Something original, I don't have any ideas myself
  23. nope universal just confirmed it on twitter. I'm so glad I did the tour last weekend before this happened. Tour is now ruined
  24. There's a portrait of the Storyteller in Ghost Town.
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