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  1. Lets hope that's a sign they have a bunch to put out
  2. I know we have speculated that Hollywood Blvd. was going to be the twenty years of fear scarezone, but any chance its the Esqueleto Muerte? Possibly for a shit ton of black lights?
  3. Maybe you could share the solution in case others run into your problem..
  4. Just Texted 64646 from ATT and it worked fine...
  5. Im not sure if anyone has brought this up yet ( I'm sure they have so i apologize in advanced..) but DOW is a chemical company which bought out Union Carbide, a company responsible for the Bhopal disaster: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhopal_disaster
  6. Hmm.. im probably wrong on this but after looking at the blueprint, and comparing it to the facade of sprung tent 2, there are some similarities. I circled in red what looks like it could correspond, And in blue if you notice the blueprint staggers as well as the side of the facade. As far as "lower level" the facade does appear to be broken up into an upper and lower level. EDIT: The more i examine these two pictures the more i think i am wrong. haha
  7. Im wondering what the skull on the website is from.. Its such a vague picture but surely Uni wouldn't put it on if it didn't have some sort of significance. The only thing that comes to mind is screamhouse and cindy.
  8. Regarding the Facebook pages... first of all, Cindy's picture is shopped, Jacks can easily be found on google :Here, and Eddie's is clearly from HHNVault. This leads me to believe two things: 1- These are without a doubt fake's created by a Horror Night fan or 2- Uni wants us to think these are created by a fan, but actually have legit info. That way we don't rely on them to much, but still tease us... Just a conspiracy thought
  9. EDIT: HHNFANTIC84 beat me to it ^^^^^^ haha That's actually very interesting. It would make perfect sense. It would appear to be a "body shop" for cars, and like Leave it to Cleaver it turns out to be a literal body shop. If that's the case it could be pretty cool..
  10. "Farewell forever"... huh, maybe im thinking to far into this but could this have been created for HHN? It is the tune to the song on the site, midnight syndicate does colaborate with uni, and farewell forever could mean farewell to the icons. Just a thought
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