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Everything posted by Lambier

  1. O_O The video of Knott's is......very sad. Yeah Im sure HHN could do alot better than that......then again....it wouldnt be too hard xD Sorry, that was harsh. But seriously.
  2. I think a Casino has the potential to be something pretty cool. If it's done well, of course. it has the potential to be really really cheasy. >.<
  3. if you could face off against any of the HHN icons, who would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Liam W

      Liam W

      Cagefighting Jack

    3. Lambier


      i think i might be able to survive an attack from Cindy...maybe. If she didnt have any matches or lighter fluid on her....lol

    4. HHNFan1981


      I wouldn't "face off" per se, but me and Julian would make one kick ass Ushering duo! lol

  4. I agree blackmask! I think they have potential. Will it ever happen? Not for a few years, if at all. But there's alot they could do with the monsters. Hell, they could even do a form of "retelling" it; same story but different, more intense elements. Kind of like what they did with Frankenstein
  5. I dont think the idea of having classic monsters would be SO bad. Theres alot of things they could revamp and make new for audiences (after all, I think they did a bang up job with Dracula and Frankenstein. The Wolfman was the only monster I wasnt too thrilled with hah) But would they do it? I dont think so; not after blowing up the idea of "NEW ERA OF DARKNESS". Old monsters arent new. Even a retooled version of them would still be considered old.
  6. Honestly, I loved RHPS but we can do without it. I agree w/ blackmask though...with all the sorts of things we have out there today, this should really not surprise anyone lol As for having the event in both parks, it would be interesting. I didn't get to experience it when we had it last so I'd like to see what all the fuss is about. I'm just not crazy about having it at IOA
  7. Yeah I don't think it's going to effect the event very much. It's like you guys said, business changes hands all the time. I'm sure things will stay the same; especially with HHN being as popular as it is.
  8. In regards to having RHPS coming back, I would love that. Watching the show there was the first time I'd ever seen it ever. As for people getting offended by it, that's just so lame :/ On their part, I mean. honestly.....you're at Halloween Horror Nights. Its a place for blood and gore and all other sorts of profanity......if they're going to be taken back by something like RHPS, than maybe they shouldn't have come lol Yeah sorry....It just really grinds my gears when people get offended over silly things >.< Or when people bring their children to HHN. >.< Ugh...some people should just stick to Mickey's Not-so-scary Halloween. lol
  9. BY the time I got over to Containment, it was the end of the night so the fog machines weren't going anymore so I didnt get the full effect of it I did see actors tho....I imagine if I had seen all the elements put together, I would have been alot more impressed than I was initially. I haven't been super impressed by a scarezone since 08. Nothing in 09 really caught my eye, and only a couple really tickled my fancy last year. I definitely think HHN needs to step up with their scarezones. Like I said before though, definitely no insult meant to the actors who worked in them. I've never expierienced a bad scare actor in the scarezones (unless you count the Chuck and the Jack who refused to take a picture with me >< That was definitely uncool lol)
  10. I didn't know that about Army of Darkness!!! I have to admit, I wasn't a huge fan of Lights, Camera, Hackstion. It wasnt bad, it just wasnt anything special/out of the ordinary for me. Nothing personal to anybody who was apart of it. There's a couple of movies I wondered why they didn't incorperate into the 09 movie theme. I would have loved to see something to do with Hannibal Lecter!!
  11. If I'm not mistaken, didn't they do something like that with the ET ride? Having scareactors hiding in the queue beofoe u got on the ride? Or am I thinking of something else? But yeah! I am all for them spooky-fying the rides this year!!! I think the Mummy would be a PERFECT spot forsomething like that! Hell....all of them would be, but I've always been creeped out by the queue for the Mummy, so this would just add the icing on the cake And while I never saw it, I think that Jack popping out at me during Jaws would be terrifying. lol
  12. I really really hope they do have spooky rides this year. I've heard about them in the past and I've been dying to see them since. Do u know how bad I would have freaked if I saw Jack the Clown on the Jaws ride?????
  13. I know this is a little off topic, but themeparkinsider has released it's vote for who has the best halloween haunt. We've been put up against HOS http://www.themeparkinsider.com/flume/201103/2377/ I think we should all do our part Just saying!
  14. The actors in that house WERE amazing. And come on, the dedication was amazing. I dont think I can name half a dozen women who would shave their heads. Those were some hard core HHN-fans and they definitely made the house what it was :]
  15. How disappointing oh well-maybe this year? As long as it airs AFTER the event...I would be far too tempted to watch before i go to the event xD
  16. I've wanted them to do another special too. I didn't start attending HHN until 08, but after my first visit I became a rabid fan. It took me up until last year to find the Art of Scare on youtube. I would love to see a more current special on tv sometime soon; maybe something on HHN XX?
  17. Justamn, thats a crying shame D: I'm sorry you'll be missing it!!! and not to sound like a total doofus here, but I didn't notice the similarities in the Spawning/Havoc houses. I mean, I knew they were in the same tent but I hdn't noticed too much D: In my defense though.....I only went through each of them once xD And now that I think about it, I was a little distracted in Spawning. That was the house my younger sister's best friend peed her pants in.....no, I'm not joking. It was disguisting and hilarious xD
  18. Yes I saw the update on that -__- No offense to HOS here, it's a fun event, but...come on. COME. ON. Zombies? Really? I think if HHN had a zombie icon, I would just cry D: However, seeing as some sort of zombie is usually incorperated into the event every year, there's no doubt we'll be hearing some whining >.> BTW.......does anybody else wish we got updates that early??? lol
  19. Very true, Dr. Jimmy. I doubt we'll ever wander into a room where a bunch of tikes are going out at. At least I never hope we do xD lol
  20. i thinj they'll put an extreme house. If not this year, than the next. It's the hot thing right now; HHN won't allow itself to be out done by HOS. I guarentee you we will be seeing one soon enough :] I really hope its this year...while I did go to HOS last year I didnt get the chance to go into Alone :/ And a seance show? Like,we watch someone summon something? Well.....there was the 08 press only show they had where Bloody Mary was "summoned" to talk to the crowd. But I dont think that really counts lol
  21. As much as I would love to see MS perform live, I would have to agree. An arrival show, or something of that nature, would be amazing. I think it's a really good way to introduce the icon to the public and of course, it's a field trip for us hardcore HHN groupies :] lol
  22. I think a terror tram would be incredible!!!!! I've never been to the event out in Hollywood, but come on.....even the name....terror tram.....it sounds thrilling!! Whenever I read about the year they had The Director "loose" in the terror tram, I get so jealous >.< hah
  23. it would be really scary house-I can picture all the sorts of things they could do with IT. It might be a little touchy, what with all the dead kids that pop up in that story, but I think Universal is pretty ok with stepping on toes sometimes hah but you're right Dr. Jimmy, Pennywise, as terrifying as he is, really is very similar-physically-to Jack. What a shame :/ well....maybe now that our clown buddy is taking a hiatus....maybe there will be hope for Pennywise in the future
  24. lol very true JWFearman! A fog machine and eerie lighting does not a scarezone make hah That area just always seemed like it has so much potential. I remember a few years ago, when I was there for Grad Bash and they ushered us between the parks, I thought how cool of a scarezone it could make. This was before, obviously, I knew mych of anything about HHN lol
  25. Omg thats it!!! Howl-O-Sheen is going to be this year's theme!! Dr. Jimmy, you might be a genius LOL Omg I've been laughing for ten minutes........I think I can officially call myself a HHN nerd now xD rofl
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