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The Director of Horror

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Everything posted by The Director of Horror

  1. More Little Thingies: <--- I used DOH! as a onomonopia like all the others, but Director of Horror = DOH.
  2. *-Tron -Lady Gaga (mabye vs. Madonna) -Joe Calderone (Lady Gaga) -Ke$ha -Justin Bieber *-Ghostface (Scre4m) -Miley Cyrus (Bong) -Cowboys & Aliens -Katy Perry *-Green Hornet vs. Green Lantern -Black Eyed Peas *-Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides *-The Hangover 2 *-Kung Fu Panda 2 *-X-Men: First Class *-Transformers: The Dark of the Moon *-Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows: Part 2 *-Captain America: The First Avenger *-The Smurfs *-The Twillight Saga: Breaking Dawn -Mars Needs Moms! -LMFAO (Party Rock Anthem) -Glee -Black Swan -Beyonce's Baby! -Nicki Minaj -Rihanna -Adele (I don't know how should could be funny, but she's definitley popular) -Gay Marriage Legalized in NY -Rihanna *-X-Men: First Class -Arnold Schwarzenegger -Donald Trump -Michele Bachman -Anthony Weiner -iPad -Over-use of 3D -Remakes/Prequels/& Sequels (all on this list have a *) -Lindsay Lohan *-Scre4m -Insidious -Bad Teacher *-Rise of the Planet of the Apes -Royal Wedding -Maroon 5 -Charlie Sheen -American Idol vs. X-Factor -Oprah Winfrey -Ted Williams -Rebecca Black -Muammar Gaddafi -Osama Bin Ladden -Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark (The Musical) -Some More Products that None of Us Know About Yet -Some More Events that will Happen Sooner or Later -Some More Celebrities That Will Do Something from Now Until October
  3. My arms are soooo tired after weights todays at school.

  4. Dr. D took away my Top Overall 13 Posters Accolade.... <_<

    1. Liam W
    2. The Director of Horror

      The Director of Horror

      We should make this a battle between us. :P

      *But really, I think if you get the "13" accolade and your spot gets taken down, you still should have some type of accolade.

  5. There should be no such thing as a thing called "homework".

  6. I hope A&D is thinking of this, and would be estatic if she comes to XXI! I guess it would make sense. Even though Fear didn't destroy or bannish the icons of what we know, it was said that there would be a new era of darkness. Since Mary wasn't present last year, it would make sense for he to return without being questioned by the whole "new era of darkness, ect" to some degree. Do y'all understand what I'm trying to say?
  7. Why, of course! *The reason why I said Rush of Fear wouldn't apply to me was because I wouldn't have access to all the first 10 nights, so I don't see the point in getting one. I guess I could still get it though. I'm probably going to get Stay & Scream.
  8. Just in Time for Valentine's Day!: Homemade Version of P!nk's "The Album Collection": and I decided to merge her graphics of "The Album Collection" cover, and "Greatests Hits... So Far!!!" title. *Here's the official cover art: *I tried to make as similar as possible.
  9. Works for me. Took it last night. Unfortunately, it was mostly focused on FFP and Rush of Fear (two things that don't apply to me, because I'm going October 7th, 8th, and 9th for sure). The survey didn't feature any questions regarding houses/zones/icons/characters/themes/ect, though.
  10. The Tree of Death - (The Halloween Tree) - [sleepy Hollow Tree] - {Poking Fun at Disney's "Tree of Life"} ? Does this possibly mean The (Headless) Horseman is significant for XXI ?!?!?! (I sure hope so!) We were told to look for death (but not in an obvious form). Could this/he be it?
  11. I'm not sure about Timeout, but for sure believe anying Emerico Belasco says!
  12. A gravedigger? Or is that to similar to Albert?
  13. Yougurt/White Chocolate Covered Pretzels are Amazing!

  14. SACRIFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  15. Like I did with Emerico's clues, I will list many speculations, whether they're completly out or not. (I plan to do this with most all other sensible and reliable clues.) -"You will see what isn't there": The icon is a ghost or supernatul spirit -"You will see what isn't there": Legendary Truth are spirit seekers -"Fear has many faces, but you have only seen one of them": Until last year, Fear has always been present, but not in human form (until XX). I really don't know what to say about this one. -"Fear can be seen, Fear can be heard, but can Fear be spoken": The Storyteller?..... -"This time were going to go, 7x7": 49........ Like Jimmy said, will two new icons be added to the past five. Or mabye the "hidden" two (Cindy & Eddie) will make an aperance? I think it would be neat to have two new icons for one year. These clues have left me stumpt, for they're a bit one-dimensions. Emerico's hints have a bit more backstory, so therefore I was able to speculate more.
  16. Remember the Chucky heads in Friends Til' the End? I would like to more puppets used (where appropriate of course). Don't put them in a house just for the sake of using them and being scary, though. The bad thing is, the actors that operate the puppets woudn't (I suppose) have much fun. The fact that they wouldn't be able to get in the role a whole lot, or use a lot of physical motions wouldn't make me want to do it.
  17. Possibilities: -things come "full circle", everything starts to make sense -there was a circle in the Fear Revealed logo -"A new terror born", an all new icon -the icon is a child or baby -"A new terror born in death", reversed life (Benjamin Button) -"death", the grim reaper is the icon -"a new superstition", something we haven't seen before -"superstition", black cats (Cats N' Combs) -"unassailable", synonyms: hallowed, holy, inviolable, sacrosanct, sacred, untouchable -"fortress". Medieval castle -"forever", HHN will be forever changed -quote from I Am Legend book, the character from the film looked similar to the Dogs of War -quote from I Am Legend book, perhaps an apocalypse or zombiegeddon -quote from an author, story books and fairy tales reappearing -Richard Matheson was in the military and spent World War II as an infantry soldier -Matheson's first short story, "Born of Man and Woman," appeared in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in 1950. The tale of a monstrous child chained in its parents' cellar, it was told in the first person as the creature's diary -I Am Legend is about a disease (Catacombs) that turns all but one man into blood-thirsty vampires -could this one man be the icon, or perhaps vampires are returning -"Full circle. A new terror born in death. A new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I Am Legend" was the last words spoken of the main character in the book -I Am Legend, legendary truth -I Am Legend, the storyteller was Mythos, but mostly referred to as legend at HHN XX -will the new icon be legendary -in the end of the film with Will Smith, people are seen entering a safe-haven or "the unassailable fortress of forever", and supposedly stay there forever *Speculation
  18. They should have done re-imagined Frankenstein, Dracula, Mummy, Wolfman, Creature of the Black Lagoon, Silver Screams, and Phantom of the Opera for Ripped from the Silver Screen. But that's^ only seven houses....
  19. This is a combonation of P!nk's "Funhouse" era, along with her "Greatest Hits... So Far!!!" design: *Remember, I do sigs too!
  20. If that would have happened, Legendary Truth would have easily been one of my favorite houses! XXI/XXII/XIII/ect. perhaps.............?
  21. I've never experienced The 2001 Mummy maze (or any other ones from different years), but here are some pictures from previous mummy-themed mazes and rooms at HNN: VI: IX: IX: XI: *Photos from Dr. Raymond Holmes' (Charles') Facebook fanpage "Fans of Universal Orlando's Art and Design". Universal Studios Hollywood also had a walk-through attraction based off the Mummy movies in the building where House of Horrors currently is. "The Mummy Returns Chamber of Doom" was around from May 2001 to January 2004. Hope some of that helped a bit.
  22. Yep. I'll take pictures whether it's a photo-op or a full-on scare zones (but not if the actors don't want me to of course). Mike (Aiello) said that HHN XX was to try to find the new "Jack" or the next house franchise. Now obviously, EM/LT/H:DoW/C:BDR won't return all for 2011 (fans and GP will complain of it being to repedative of last year, and Uni doesn't want to gain that reputation). But what A&D figured out was that Catacombs and Havoc were scary and succesful. So there is a good chance we will see the Peckers or the Dogs this year, but in a very different environment. We might even get to see Murte (however you spell it), LT, or mabye even an icon that we have already seen (but meerly overlooked) in the future.
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