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Everything posted by CinemaOfTheDead

  1. If minors can come in and we split the check/buy our own stuff... then yes i might (unless something prevents me going) join you guys.
  2. Maybe have selected nights that has the parade like opening weekend, some peak days, and Halloween that has the parade like for 30-45 minutes or less all the scareactors leave with the props and the put the parade in a road like New York to Amity/San Fransisco so only 1 scarezone is intupted for only a small time period. But if they can't i prefer the 8 houses because parades are not that awesome enough to lose a house IMO. But it would be fun to see the parade one more time maybe they should this every 5 years or so.
  3. Rude People. This counts for everyone who's rude not only the drunks or the people only rude to scareactors but a person in general who is mistreating employees or people in the crowd/line. People who don't want to be scared. You paid your money to be scared every corner of the park so you better enjoy it and not threaten anyone including other guests like myself.
  4. 3 days ago i looked inside and i saw a table with a saw cutting on the wood so I believe its just burnt wood and nothing else house/theme related.
  5. Can we make enjoyable houses that are only based on one small ideas like ghosts, demons and such. Will fans and the GP would buy to see this. I love the idea of a traditional theme but we need houses or a tweak in the theme so most houses have their own idea that still contributes to the main theme. Like all variations of Halloween.
  6. Back from the grave... I was thinking can we blast horror music and not only the typical Midnight Syndicate but with loud rock music and strobes come on and all the scareactors will scream and come out from the their spots...
  7. Hell he deserves a wing in every science academy and museum from here to Australia

  8. cool so hows everything?

  9. Well I feel so much secure than the usual "let me see your bag for less than 5 seconds" but it doesn't take too much time to wait in line either way so I don't mind at all.
  10. You can advertise Bloody Mary because she's scary and known world wide... Not so much voodoo's theme can you see the icon of the year and how are we going to sell him or her to the public? A half naked African who does Voodoo rituals will people pay to see that?
  11. Well i want an original idea as movie based years were already in HHN 19 and 17 so i decided maybe only one multi based house like Silver Screams or All Night Die In but we need an original theme or icon or both.
  12. People lets use something called knowledge the last time HHN did something along the lines was the house "Jungle of Doom" and it was one of the biggest bombs ever created and it wasnt like all the houses were so great that one needed to be last but this one especially was one of the worst houses in recent time for HHN and it's been like 6-7 years and your telling me you don't want only one house devoted to this voodoo idea but the whole theme and icons? And even the director himself can't think up one whole house by himself and the parts he made was mostly scenery for a disney ride (crickets,fake allagators,and a shaky bridge) and he can't think up more scenes and neither can I... So how can we based a whole HHN around something we don't know what to use for only one of the eight houses. I'm sorry but if you guys really think the voodoo idea is going to be this great fan based HHN I don't know if I and the director can think up all eight houses just with this theme. So to say the least if you go ahead with this theme and is concrete I will have to quit.
  13. I wish Sam was nice to me as was to you^ I just asked him for a high 5 and he denied... At least Meety was fun with his chainsaw.
  14. Well the GP would at least stay and watch it for enjoyment because it's the first time and these acts are new to them but for us fans who already saw it we can skip it but for RHPS most GP wont like RHPS unless there fans of the show or movie and would more likely leave. So you will expect people will go to BB more than RHPS.Well at least there will be more crowd control as there will be less time for the houses. But maybe replace both of these shows to at least an original show like a type of "Arrival" show to keep the scare factor throughout the event. But I do agree change up the magic act and more time like the same duration as Bill and Ted
  15. If i did get the role of Maze designer i would happy to accept any and all ideas to make the houses better and more creative. I had much experience in houses as last year i went to each house more than 5 times so I know what houses needs and what makes each house special in it's own way. I know all the history and mechanics of Halloween Horror Nights since Fright Nights in 1990. I was part of HHN Vault Forums for years (lurking and as member) so I had a lot of years of experience of what happens before,during,and after Halloween Horror Nights since Carnival of Carnage. I watched a whole lot of Horror Movies as you know without them there wouldn't be a Universal Studios and for that matter Halloween Horror Nights I watched the first horror movies from Nosfratu to Phantom Of The Opera to Dracula to Frankenstein to Wolfman to JAWS to American WareWolf in London to Psycho to Nightmare on Elm Street to SAW so I know my material. I watched Jack's First AD and i got scared and curious of Halloween Horror Nights since then went to USF/IOA since 1994.
  16. Does only one person get to make house?
  17. Before Roddy left he gave the clue of "scrapbook year". Then the other clue of "arts and crafts" came to light. And for the reunion year is because of the result of the last weekend's scarezone titled Shadows of the Past was filled with past icons throughout HHN's past.
  18. True i would love to go see IOA back in the midst of HHN for one more time because i never get a chance too... but heres the problem J.K Rowling said herself that she didn't want Wizarding World of Harry Potter to be part of HHN. So now they can't touch Marvel,HP, and Suess Landing Islands... which is half the park so I wonder how they can walk around from that.
  19. They build around it(walls blocking the view of the regular Que props) from what I experience... the last two years when there was Disaster Que house which they did 4 years ago...
  20. I already called dibs on the maze designer for SS23
  21. Well I can advertise this at the Chat if people are on... and to people who are on my friend's list. And even Timmis who was suppose to help didn't reply back yet in 3 days so we really need more members. We each can contact our friends on here to ask to join...
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