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Everything posted by nellie_lovett

  1. Going back to a comparison made before about the Lantern being almost an Ark of the Covenant of HHN.... I think one way of visualizing it can be using the climax if Raiders of the Lost Ark, in that once the Lantern is open all of it's evil, in this case, is let loose, leaving it's mark (in this case, it's physical burn marks) on all around it (this being the images). To push the comparison even further, this Lantern could be kept in a certain warehouse like the Ark was...but then again, that's just speculation.
  2. I think this is the general idea with the house. And going back to Sin's idea about the Lantern being A&D's "Ark of the Covenant", what if it is located in here? Pure Speculation: Assuming all of A&D's ideas are based off of ideas they get from the Lantern in some way. The Lantern is somehow opened, maybe, and causes all kinds of chaos and Hell to break loose, right? So, if it is located in this HHN Warehouse, what if it causes everything that is stored in there (props, costumes, etc.) to come back to their full, evil glory like they were during their original event. I don't know, I'm just spewing my train of thought right now. Someone else will probably be able to make something more coherent.
  3. This will probably be quite helpful. It will at least be easier to put the pieces together (if that is what the case is) without all of the background. As someone mentioned, the photographs themselves are probably not the most important piece here, but the burn marks. My first guess was that the marks imprinted on the photographs were burned from the Lantern's imprint, but as it was mentioned some of them don't match. At this point there isn't much to do with them other than analyze, but if they are pieces of a puzzle we're just going to have to wait until we get a few more pieces. If anything, I'm thinking that maybe this burn marks could represent (in a literal fashion) that the Lantern has made its evil "mark" on the event this year. (Okay that's a little more than obvious so ignore that)
  4. Sin, I love that idea! And it would fit with the whole "LT is the true theme of this year" as we, the visitors, could be called to HHN to investigate the supposed evil that has corrupted A&D and the actual event.
  5. They're just going on the website for HHN. And its working fine for me. Just because its not working for you doesn't mean that there's an update. Be patient guys, haha.
  6. I was literally just about to edit my post to mention that, thank you sir.
  7. If you're talking about the picture of the lantern on the FB Wall, it was not put up by LT but by someone else. I think most (if not all) of those so called hidden pictures are just overanalyzation gone wild and wishful thinking. As for Mary, as much as I'd like for her to come back I don't think that just because we have LT we're going to get her back too. They're separate entities and LT can exist fine without Mary, who was pretty much a closed case at the end of '08.
  8. I don't believe the Jack/LT situation is legit at all, just a fan running with the LT theme. Let's not get carried away with it, shall we?
  9. I just hope, for the sake of the LT game, that the fan pages don't run with the LT idea too much. We don't need them to add even more crazy speculation and confusion. (This is slightly off-topic and I apologize)
  10. Ah, yes this is true. Man, I feel like all of these myths have been shmooshed together in my mind, but that's what happens when you're spending your whole summer answering 350 questions on mythology. Slightly back on topic, I'm pretty happy that this year I'll be able to actually be a CRO. Thank you, easy school schedule and free time!
  11. I'm currently studying Mythology and I believe you are right. Isn't Hera always the root of the trouble? Anyway, if for some reason this was the track in which they were going in regards to the Lantern's story, I'd say its more of an "enticed curiosity", in which the owner/caretaker of the Lantern is somehow seduced into opening it? Once again, pure speculation. If we can pull out anything from this crazy speculation, I'd say that we could definitely stick "Hell breaking loose (in some manner)" and "Greek mythology inspiration" as some very plausible ideas that may come out of the investigation. If anything, these are themes I've been seeing from what others have been speculating. Also, giant tents over the parks. But I'm done with speculating for now, I'll save it up for when these photos are released.
  12. I kinda pictured it like that in my mind. Like, I could totally imagine some guy hearing voices from the past icons or whatever, beckoning him to open/light/polish/blow up the lantern. And of course, he does. And all hell breaks loose. It's like in Doctor Who when Prof. Yana first opens the Fob Watch while hearing all of those past voices of the previous Masters..and that damn drum too. Sorry for the nerd tangent.
  13. Or maybe he go socurious about the icons that when he does come across the Lantern he opens it, unleashing all Hell and evil onto the world? That would stick with the whole Pandora's Box-type thing. I'm not one to speculate scenarios, but I figured I'd add in here.
  14. It would be nice and interesting to hear a recording. Thanks for bringing that up!
  15. Facebook, you do make me laugh sometimes. I wish we did know more about her...
  16. Well, we can always file those numbers away, just in case. You never know what we'll be using with LT. Nice work as always, JWFearman.
  17. Well, hopefully LT will have jobs for us, the viewers at home, to still do like in '08 with the CROs. I'm still kicking myself for not helping with the investigation more in '08, I started following it about halfway into the event.
  18. Nah, I highly doubt it. Like I said, they can already keep in contact with us via messages. I don't see what being friends with all 1,000+ of us would do. The FB profiles were made more or less to heighten the reality of LT this year.
  19. I doubt any of the accounts will actually friend anyone. There's no reason for them to, they can already communicate via messages on Facebook and through the page.
  20. I'm the naturalist B you'll ever see!

  21. Seriously, big ups to Ms. Himmel. How LT can read these message boards without going totally nuts is impressive. Back to something brought up a while ago, I'm glad that LT does recognize the group of us far away and all. Especially people like me, who can't even go this year to the event. I just like to keep in touch with what's happening though. And doing the LT investigations and speculations is a great way to procrastinate. What I'm trying to say is that anyone who gets to do the field work this year better keep me in the loop. Or else.
  22. I do not believe anyone is friends with them on FB, but are merely messaging them via Facebook (which you can do without being friends, I think). Also, I don't think we should go overboard with the questions to them. We will get information as time goes on and I'm kinda starting to feel bad for whoever has the job to actually answer these questions. If anything, make sure your question hasn't been asked and answered by one of us already. No need to bombard them with repeat questions.
  23. Don't hate me for being the naturalist B you've ever seen. Knew your father, I did!
  24. It'll be hard to really give a good run down of the whole LT event with '08, to be honest. It was definitely a "you had to be there" kind of thing. I mean, I wasn't officially part of the CFO/CRO thing, but I did get to keep up with the investigation and attempt (and by attempt, I mean do very little) to help. So I can't even try to explain that year, I only saw a very little piece of it. I do recall spending much time in the old Vault chatrooms discussing the investigations that were going on. I also remember getting frustrated at the vault on the LT website at the end of that year's event...but that's another story. Back on topic, I think everyone just needs to have a bit of patience at this point. We can let loose with crazy speculation once we see these photos.
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