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Everything posted by nellie_lovett

  1. This is insane. Big props to the LT people...seriously.
  2. Glad I'm not the only one. But I see what you mean, Dr. Jimmy. But what could he gain from taking the Device? ...I guess we really can't say, since no one knows what it does, haha.
  3. The video with Fear made me jump. LT has also posted it.
  4. I will admit, I'm disappointed that there is a lack of clickables on the site...
  5. Houses and Scarezones up. Looks like a good year ahead.
  6. I can see Mr. Fell being sacrificed...although like you said, IH is definitely under his spell, literally and/or figuratively, and would probably give up her life for him, whether she wants to or not. If they did end up doing a sacrifice of one of their fictional characters, I'd definitely lean towards IH...I still think Mr. Fell's on the wrong side of this whole mess. On an unrelated note, I wish I could meet the awesomeness that is TJ. Oh well.
  7. Well, I guess we've all agreed that Interestingly, Adaru was also one/two month(s) in the Babylonian calendar. Apparently it was also a month in the Hebrew calendar, with its Canaanite translation meaning "to be dark". But as for connections, that's where it ends as the month name is more closely connected to the word "adar" which brings positive things: "strength", "power", and "beauty". It is also connected to a tree called an Adar. This has nothing really to do with anything, just little fun facts. I doubt this will have much relevance to the case, but I do like trivia.
  8. She messaged about him. Not much help, really, I had to read through a bit of fluff about how being far away won't be a problem and that I'd still play a greater role than I previously imagined (so there's more encouragement there for any other people stuck in other states). Also, I think Dr. Jimmy might have hit the nail on the head with that theory. I would not be surprised if that turned out to be true.
  9. Well then, I guess we may hear LT's side soon enough.
  10. Random question: Anyone wonder what's happened to the infected MNA?
  11. If we're recreating that image with the burn marks, I guess that helps.
  12. As in by putting the photos together we create the needed gateway for all Hell to break loose? I dunno, that's what I thought of when I read your post.
  13. Wow, would you look at those marks...on one hand, its easier to see the patterns. On the other hand, things look pretty serious. Hopefully someones working on putting these with the other patterns.
  14. Seems like someone got a bit testy with the MNA. I knew those people asking for the password were trouble Seriously though, this is exciting. Maybe someone with prior access to the Network may have tampered with it...
  15. These are fantastic, well done. Definitely helpful for me, with my bad eyesight it was difficult to see a lot of the differences with the whole mess. Thanks!
  16. In that one photo with Caine, I think it was an arrival-type show. I could be wrong though, I wasn't there for the event. But I do recall some kind of show-type thing done during that event. And maybe these are things we should start paying attention to as well. With so much analyzing being done on the differences between the photo sets (which, to be honest, I think we've found the majority of what needed to be found at this point), we're sort of missing one of the bigger questions with these photos: why these photos? Just trying to help divert some of the thinking while we wait for new information.
  17. In regards to the theory of setting the LT up to fail, maybe this could be a way to bring an end to the LT arch after this year? Which would suck, as I do like being involved with it. Not my personal belief, but just adding on to what people are saying.
  18. Neither do I but apparently that's what some people are doing. I think what's important is the damage being done to these photographs, really. We're still on standby for more photos, right?
  19. I guess. But for the record, I really doubt that there's hidden faces in these photographs, like its been speculated on the FB page. I'm straining my eyes trying to see what others are claiming to see. Oh well, maybe I'm blind.
  20. I'm with Greyfalken...other than the fact that all of the angles are different, I can only see the Knife Tattoo as the only major difference. Which is weird...why would they just add a tattoo for one photo?
  21. Many have said that although it may resemble the Lantern's pattern, it does not exactly fit. But there is little doubt that the Lantern caused these issues, I think. But who knows?
  22. Never! I will never listen to you, just like I will forever hang on to my belief that there will be HUGE tents over the park this year! Good call though to you and anyone else who repeatedly mentioned the past.
  23. I think everyone needs to pay attention to the LT FB Page right now...
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