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Everything posted by TheRobcat

  1. I am hoping a shirtless muscled saxophone player jumps out playing an unexpected note. That would be hilarious and probably effective. Also, I hope there is no Fear Factor stuff. I'd rather not eat maggots. And a room with Joel Schumacher giggling, mumbling about putting nipples on the bat-suit. But yeah, as psyched as I am for this maze, they might have gotten more scenes from Monster Squad. I wonder if Lost Boys will be a shorter house like Dead Waters. Whatever. I'll love it.
  2. Funny enough, I did notice that. heh heh I almost wrote CRYYYYYY LITTLE SIIISTAAAAH but I didn't want to be annoying. For once.
  3. Lost Boys, The Thing and maybe Fright Night? If they are going all-in on the 80's I'm going to be very happy. Drac T has mentioned a lot of things, so I'll have to go back and look. fright Night is my fave and I don't see how Poltergeist could be done unless some Spielbergian muscles were flexed.
  4. Ifrit seems to be referencing The Lost Boys Clues point directly to it. Probably instead of Vamp80'swhatever they realized someone already made Vamp80'swhatever
  5. I read that on the boards here or Inside Universal. Just a rumor as far as I know. I'd love it too.
  6. I am still going to be holding out hope until the last moment, but might not be as sad if The Thing and/or Alien rumors are true I just can't go next year. No way I can talking my GF into three years in a row. I'm hoping to go to 30... heh heh
  7. Yeah, I think if they had It they still do. If Trick r Treat is still on the table, there isn't an issue with Warner brothers in general.
  8. I know nothing, Jon Snow, but it would seem like something major would have had to happen to lose It. In Hollywood, Murdy said they have had things locked for a while. Seems like they've had a long time to work out details. If It was planned and did get canceled, I hope the story as to why comes out. Seems like something you'd lock down right away, just like Stranger Things. Not saying it's impossible, just really weird to me. Seems like only a major shake-up from the top down would have had to happen.
  9. The Thing is a Universal property, so if it was planned I'm not sure why it would have been dropped. Also, I really want that maze to happen.
  10. It would be smart. Announce a can't-miss tv property followed by a can't miss film property and many a trip will be booked.
  11. I want to see Pee Wee's Big Adventure. There is a way to make that a great comedy house with a couple of fun scares. Large Marge would be great. One scare could just be a Pee-Wee jumping out and doing comedic "scary" screams. With the intense Danny Elfman score it could be outstanding and memorable. Maybe it could be a 3D house.
  12. I get that some people aren't super into what it has to say or how it says it, but last year everything Ifirt confirmed showed up at the event, including originals, so I take it Trick r Treat was just fully confirmed. So far we've got It, Stranger Things and TrT greenlit by Ifrit. I am cautiously optimistic. Also, that Robert Bliss guy who keeps commenting on Ifrit's posts sure seems like a cool sexy genius. He must be so smart and interesting. Is this working? No? Fine then.
  13. I want miles of neon and synth music for days And no hurricanes.
  14. Titans of Terror instead of just Freddy? I'd be cool with that.
  15. Rarely have I felt envious of those who completed a survey.
  16. The idea of the will-o'-the-wisp is to draw people into danger, so I thought maybe The Thing. Ifrit often goes abstract.
  17. Very true, and I’m kind of a merch junkie, so having Halloween themed stuff is an added bonus.
  18. AHS for sure unless they are counting on and pushing the clown theme, second choice Blumhouse Halloween just because it is an unknown at this point and would be a preview house for the first half of the event I was lucky enough to attend last year and the four originals were my favorite by far and the Jack anniversary house at 25 is an all-time favorite. I love the properties they've announced but their originals can be amazing. I'll never forget the riverboat they built.
  19. Hi. I'm New. Goodformeyesthankyou The Carpenter Thing is one of my favorite films of all time, so I'm very happy about this. I'm happy there are no Purge/Insidious/Saw rumors right now. Also, I think AHS is going to be a bit weird in this political environment, but I'm guessing the draw of Twisty and the clown cult are too strong to dismiss. With the possibility of those clowns and the probable appearance of Pennywise, might there be a Jack connection? Or would that contribute to brand confusion. Maybe they don't wanna over-clown it. Maybe they are done with icons. I expect them back for 30, but last year there was a weird void that went pointlessly unfilled. Indeed, we got Boned. Thanks and I'll likely mostly shut up and read stuff.
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