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happy bunny rabbit

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Everything posted by happy bunny rabbit

  1. OK this is gonna sound insane, but hear me out. One of the rumored codenames is Zero, right? The thing that comes to mind when I hear Zero is Jack's dog from Nightmare Before Christmas. At the end of Poltergeist, there is a huge ghostly creature that kind of looks like a suped up version of that dog. It sounds insane, but I think Zero might be Poltergeist. I rest my case. https://www.google.com/search?q=zero+nightmare+before+christmas&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS727US727&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjt1e_52MbaAhVMxYMKHaUvBBQQ_AUICigB&biw=1276&bih=680 https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS727US727&biw=1276&bih=680&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=aLvYWqDtBKrIjwTf8L-wCQ&q=end+of+poltergeist+ghost&oq=end+of+poltergeist+ghost&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2417.5088.0.5634.
  2. DAMN IT, I was helping a kid out with his math homework when y'all figured out the clue in .5 seconds!!
  3. I actually enjoy jason's character and backstory. I just think the movies are shite
  4. Alright, another Thursday. I'll have my eye on the website at 10 Central time...
  5. Lost Boys, right? ??? what does this have to do with the quote you used, I'm confused. Remind me to look through your post history tomorrow, haha. Night everyone.
  6. That is not the correct way to spell "addition." currently looking for things 2008 and 2009 had in common, and still haven't checked for "patterns" yet. I'm also gonna agree with @Midnight Detective, "VS." has to have some significace. Obviously FvJ and AvP comes to mind. Both Alien and NoES were rumored at some point this year. Hm. I'd like to thank the users like @Legacy, @mystiquephreeq , and @Ringwraith for making this years spec fun when Universal decided they didn't have to put any effort into it anymore. Ifrit's nice too.
  7. hmmm, I'm gonna be looking for patterns in past years, brb I'm interested, what got Critical banned?
  8. I think @mystiquephreeq is using that post to try to encourage us to use tactics of the past hhn speculators to analyze posts.
  9. same. I REALLY hope we get The Thing, but any of those would make up for the loss personally. Also plug n' play = videogame house1!!!11 Bioshock confirmed11!!!
  10. Oh, okay. So those ARE the four. I'll be honest, REALLY didn't expect to see Halloween on there. Any thoughts as to why it's on there?
  11. at all? as in, has every hint you've gave out since 27 been referring to an IP? On IU, you said there can be compound words as codenames, would plugnplay count as a compound word?
  12. Unless MoM construction is underway....I think I heard from Disneyhead on IU that FF should be gone by October.
  13. Are we sure that King would have control on whether the WB IT movie comes to HHN? What if it's WB intervening, not King? Would we know? Where'd you hear this?
  14. The Lost Boys was added to Netflix JUST when the rumor started to go around, I feel maybe someone at A&D noticed it was added and decided to use it as misinformation. Not sure if codewords can be multiple words, but if so Lost Boys could be a codename for a Vamp 80s house as well. Also they could do tremors with puppets and people with guns, it has enough pull to be at the event imo. Also Also, Legacy just confirmed on IU that “snowed in” is just part of his vocabulary and wasn’t a reference to the thing.
  15. Trust me, as someone completely out of the "in the know" circle and as a first timer doing hhn spec, there's no need to apologize. Shit's complicated
  16. And when they finally pulled the driver's body from the twisted, burning wreck.....that house could be terrifying It Follows is my #1 "why the hell do people like this movie" movie right next to The Strangers and Friday the 13th. I feel a house would be boring if done wrong, but with the right cast could be decent.
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