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Everything posted by HambergurPimp

  1. She was holding a pair of scissors and screaming, "My hair! It's alive!" I think she did it herself.
  2. They were dudes covered in hay; it looked like they were trying to crouch down to look like inanimate hay bales then jumping up to scare guests. They were too clean looking and not scary enough. I asked Universal to have them replaced, and, of course, they do whatever I tell them to.
  3. The moving hay bales that were there the first weekend. They remind me of McDonald's fry guys.
  4. I went yesterday, Thursday, and all the fry guys were gone from this zone.
  5. Here are some opening night monochromatic images:
  6. Push the button, inhale, walk through house, repeat. I usually separate the cartridge and battery and put them in my bag or wallet just to make it easier at security. Smoking outside of the smoking sections is pretty rampant at HHN, and the pens don't make a lot of vapor, so you're pretty good hitting it anywhere (including the back corners of Monster Cafe; it's quite dark in there.)
  7. Hello, I've been reading this forum for a couple years; this is my first post. Here are some pictures of scare zones and the Academy of Villains show at Halloween Horror Nights:
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