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Everything posted by Drummanmatt

  1. So the ifrit has tweeted this which sounds like IT will be at HHN28: It’s in the city But not the town. It lies in spite But not in fear The beginning iteration At the end of the circuit Dances around.
  2. Maybe that’s pointing to a Japanese influence then? Only thing that immediately comes to my mind that could fit the clue is “The Ring”. Could be referring to the video which shows the well and the “shimmering” moonlight (it was also believed that the full moon turned people mad), along with the rippling of the water in the well. Also the spirits movement could be described as “writhing” along the floor I suppose (and she is definitely dead). Grab hold and don’t slip could refer to the way the spirit was stopped at the end of the first (US version) film, but it’s a tenuous link. Not sure how great a house it would make. Rings was awful, and not many people (myself included) would have seen the original Japanese version. Still early days though so who really knows?
  3. The Ifrit is back. Got absolutely no idea what this could mean (probably anything at this stage!): Shimmering, mad light Rippling, foreign, writhing, dead Grab hold and don't slip
  4. Wouldn't be hillarious if the harry potter ministry of magic announcement we’ve been waiting for as the replacement for the fear factor show turns out to be something to do with stranger things? That would be pretty cool and I guess work well with the MIB/aliens section next door? Maybe as a walk through attraction akin to walking dead in Hollywood? I just think HHN28 announcements now is ridiculously early, and a little odd. Yes they have done it this early in the past but only to announce Jack was returning right? This would be the perfect announcement to prove the parks can stand on their two feet and don’t need the crutch of Harry Potter to do well.
  5. I agree with this completely. The show is fantastic, but as a maze I don’t think it would work that well. Having said that, a scarezone of the upside down would be cool, if difficult to pull off. Other things I’d like to see include: - Annabelle creation - IT - the conjuring 2/the nun - Blumhouse Halloween (assuming they do the original two films justice) - drag me to hell or Chuckie or Sean of the dead (as the comic house) - more originals than IPs! - bigger badder scarezones - comedy show to replace bill and ted
  6. I got a cold while on holiday too. I had to rearrange my RIP tour for the following weekend (for and extra £50. But worth it as I would’ve ended up just hating life and everyone there if I went with my cold). Hoping to go next year. Just one slight wrinkle. I just got a finance job with Disney, and they have a September year end. Only found out a few days before my holiday I got the job, and I couldn’t be happier. And if I’m being honest I could never turn it down for anything. It’s my dream job. I grew up with Disney and it’s a huge part of my family. My parents still have their Christmas tree which is 99% Disney! I am hoping they get year end done early but means I’d probably only make the last week next year if I can make it at all. If I could go again this year I would in a heartbeat. I loved it! And surprised myself in just smiling in a goofy way all round all mazes. I just loved the attention to detail and just how much everyone else screamed and ran and I was proud I only jumped a couple times but never reacted more than that (except scarecrow - I spent the whole time saying “oh f**k” under my breath the whole way, until the end. Then I just said it out loud haha). I’m glad I waited to do this for my 30th but I just want to do it every year now. I think I’ve convinced a few victims/sacrificial lambs/ willing volunteers to join me when I can with promises of free Disney passes which is going to be fun. One of them jumped watching a low light video of scarecrow! I don’t hold out much hope for her (and she’s my old boss!) hunnylvr - next time you’re in London let me know! Happy to hang out and play tour guide. I told you before do the London Bridge experience, but they do extreme versions for Easter and Halloween where the actors can touch you. Apparently they’ve done live shotgun weddings with the guests as the betrothed, and a real rabbit run with mutated human sized rabbits chasing you in the dark trying to lock you up into hutches. Never done it before (my friends are too scared) but up for trying it at least once! Also did the six house unmasking the horror tour and loved it. Dave the tour guide was brilliant. Got so many pics of all the houses we went through except the shining. If anyone wants pics let me know will share mine. They’ve been on Facebook a while now so presume they’re ok to share
  7. I already have withdrawal from HHN. London sucks. Been listening to a podcast on the tube with live recordings of the hosts doing the houses, and everyone giving me weird looks as I’m smiling listening to people screaming and monsters howling haha. Really hope I can go next year. It was everything I hoped for and more!
  8. That explains everything. Alcohol as a kick to do HHN is purely a state of mind
  9. Anyone got the exact recipe for midnight madness (got ingredients not measures). Wanting to make some for a Halloween party
  10. Think I already said this elsewhere, but the very end of Dead Waters. Saw the exit and daylight, went striding confidently towards it when out of nowhere the swamp monster/voodoo thing came from nowhere and screamed right in my face. I nearly fell over in shock, and when I looked back it was gone. Was shaking for a good minute afterwards. I believe that bit is called the “get out!” Room. Aptly named!
  11. Oops sorry! didnt see him or ashy slashy. Oh well, just need to do the house again I guess
  12. Did the RIP tour last night and so glad I did. Had a great time! loved all the houses except Saw which was poor in my opinion. Saw the barbed wire guy, reverse bear trap and rib thing go off, but everything else nada. Plus pressing the red buttons did nothing. Maybe it was s bad run but was disappointed. Other than that loved loved the rest. Ash vs evil dead was great and a good representation of the show, but didn’t see Paulo anywhere (other than altars of horror). AHS again great representation of the show. Shining was brilliant and very true to the film. Blumhouse got me good - strobe lights just disorientated me though so cheap scares, but loved seeing insidious (purge and sinister bit boring). The originals though were fantastic. Missed most of the scares in scarecrow but could tell it was pretty intense. Hive was interesting but in a good way. The fallen was gorgeous and the flying scares were incredible. However my house if the year is dead waters. This house was beautiful, and the scare actors kept making me jump all the time. Loved it. Rankings are: 1 - dead waters 2 - the shining 3 - scarecrow 4 - the fallen 5 - Ash vs Evil Dead 6 - AHS 7 - Hive 8 - blumhouse 9 - Saw will say that 4-8 are all too close to call and probably interchangeable for me.
  13. So had a taster of HHN Thursday night (been sick after so how’s my first chance to post!). Only did the shining and dead waters as i dont I don’t want to spoil my rip tour now on Friday. I think as I did stay and scream and it was still bright outside the houses seemed really dark. I was struggling to see where I was going at some points. However loved the shining. Great take on the film, and really made you feel like you were descending into madness. Especially the end in the maze with multiple jacks coming at you from every which way. Dead waters was great too, if a little short. The houseboat section was fun and totally threw me. However the best scare for me was right at the end. I saw the exit, headed confidently towards the light outside when all of a sudden this swamp monster thing came from nowhere screaming in my face. I nearly fell over! Was so not expecting it. So hats off to that scareactor job well done. Scarezones were fun. Feel like invasion was wasted in such a small space though which is a shame. Purge was everything I hoped it would be (never been before), but why no siren after the purge announcement? Seems odd. Trick r treat is gorgeous. Can’t wait to see it in the dark! not looking forward to the scarecrow house. I think it’ll be a one time deal, and the rest of the RIP tour group should pay extra to laugh at how terrified I’m going to be!
  14. For anyone at HHN tomorrow I’ll be doing the stay and scream at finnegans and wearing black shorts, and black tshirt with lots of different “stitch” mockups on, including Freddy Krueger stitch, deadpool stitch, and Ash stitch (complete with chainsaw hand!). Say hi as I really don’t wanna do many houses on my own lol
  15. Hey sorry to be a pain. Got my ticket upgraded to rush of fear with express so now plans are: thursday 21 sept - S/D/E sunday 24 sept - 7:30 RIP tour Saturday 30 sept - D/E Sunday 1 October - S/D/E Hopefully see some of you guys next week!
  16. Personally I think it's going to be the dark universe. It wouldn't take too long to sort the building out for a live action show, so why such a long delay? Maybe to allow the dark universe franchise time to really take off and get more films out?
  17. Think pretty much everything is coming for me! Even started getting creepy tweets from a scarecrow on twitter haha. But yes, let's do a few houses and get some twisted taters . Anyone else welcome to join me too, more the merrier. Can't wait to get there and experience it first hand (2 weeks tomorrow for me). Just hoping Irma buggers off sooner rather than later, and everyone affected is safe and not too badly impacted. Oh and José can just do one. One hurricane is one too many!
  18. Yeah I thought that too haha, but I really enjoyed that game! The wendigos were great.
  19. New trailer released for insidious 4. Looks really good. New evil spirit looks particularly terrifying too
  20. I nailed it! Feral is exactly what I was guessing a week or so ago on this. After watching all all four videos I now have no idea which one is going to be the scariest they all look awesome. Pretty intrigued by the squishy floor and slanted boathouse in dead waters though. Sounds like they have really pulled out all the stops this year in making these super immersive.
  21. They all sound and look amazing. I think I picked a pretty good year to go for the first time
  22. Actually someone confirmed on IU that it's two scenes sinister, two scenes Purge, one scene each from insidious 1-3 and two scenes from insidious 4.
  23. Oh ok my bad. I just assumed they were. Oh well, there's always next year!
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