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Everything posted by LV-426

  1. Christine: as in The New Adventures of Old Christine... The main character was played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who was also the voice for a character on the Simpsons...which means... Treehouse of Horror There is also a newscaster on the show True Blood named Christine Van Heusen... True Blood house?
  2. If we are going to keep getting the crappy "street Experiences" then the least they could do is maybe do some kind of parade for HHN. That's one thing I didn't like about last year. It makes me wonder, Would running two parades a day be too much? would that be impossible to do? They would be doing the day time parade, but what if they added another at night?
  3. It would be an homage to Cabin in the Woods, but allow A&D the creative freedom do whatever the hell they wanted with each room with nothing but the character to be true to the movie (ok, so one of my examples related DIRECTLY to the movie). It would be a popular IP by name, but also an original house. The best of both worlds. The cue video of parts of the movie would be awesome to see the characters in the movie...then see the HHN take on them. I would love to see a Cabin in the woods house, IF they did it right, but the problem with Cabin in the woods is that
  4. those pictures of 08 remind me of something I was always curious about, why didn't they have a Cheshire cat present in the scarezone? I mean besides that silly projection they had.
  5. looks like someone made a movie of the Traditionals LOL http://youtu.be/aRq1SmwJnN0
  6. Still, I think people deserve a little better than some crappy magic shows. You could see those anywhere else. They should do something more creative. Something of better quality.
  7. I am glad someone said it. Sometimes I find Universal's lack of shows ridiculous. I did not know Knott's had 9 shows... The number of shows over here is pathetic.
  8. I love the first season of American Horror story, didn't really like the second one, but I wouldn't really care for a house based on it. Could be great or could be boring.
  9. the worst thing about Disney having its tentacles on everything Orlando is that, they don't even do a good job celebrating halloween. Yes, I know that they have the Mickey's not so scary thing in MK, but none of the other parks have anything else. When Christmas comes all the parks get decorations, lights etc. Something I wish was that they at least made Halloween fun at Disney, and made it a bigger event. I really don't know what I would do without halloween horror nights. October would be dreadful in here.
  10. there is nothing worst in this country than someone who feels "offended" by something in the parks. They will write letters and complain and make such a big deal about it that it could even make the news. Remember the "Mitt Romney" controversy with Bill and Ted? that got so big they even had to change the freaking show. I hate that Uni has to play safe sometimes, I Do want to see more, see more gore for example, but I really cannot blame them either. You could have a thousand HHN fans asking for more, but it takes that one person...
  11. Isn't it because FL is more religious or something as well?, I mean, isn't it the same reason Hollywood gets this: But we could never have something like that? I don't know, I think I even asked about the gogo dancers in the past, I think I remember reading somewhere about this, About how Orlando could not push the envelope like Hollywood did. I also recall someone mentioning the religious aspect or something like that before, besides the "Disney family friendly" look that Orlando already has. Sometimes I think we are lucky enough that we can have an event like Halloween Horror Nights as it is. I mean, look at how much complaining there was for the Walking Dead and the Bloody Mary Billboards.
  12. I love it. very sad film actually, I don't think about it as a horror movie, but as a deeply sad film. The end was a little too much for me. Aren't they remaking that in English now? I remember reading about that.
  13. some people not liking something does not mean a movie is a flop. You will have to count the movie rentals and Blu ray purchases.
  14. the duck mini car that I saw in a scarezone in 2007. (They had it for the 2010 scarezone as well)
  15. for me the only thing that comes to mind when I hear "Kevin" is...
  16. Cabin in the Woods also had a Pennywise type clown...(balloons)
  17. it would be kind of cool if they made a scarezone similar to the one in 2009 with a screen playing clipts but with only the classic monsters roaming the streets.
  18. wow.....yeah..... yeah we will probably never see this kind of gory prop at HHN. I really doubt it. I could already hear the complains of people.
  19. The concept for the Purge sounds like a really great idea. Not the movie itself, but the concept they came up with. The movie to me looks like it is going to be another "The Strangers" or another "The Collector" type of movie. The trailer made me interested in watching the movie. It might be good, but I kind of wish/hope they focus on people committing other crimes in the city. The trailer made me feel like the movie will only focus on this one family and the attackers. Now, in the Subject of HHN, I really would wish that they made a scarezone or house even based on the idea of the Purge itself. What I mean is, it would be really cool if they made a house based on the concept of the Purge and not try to recreate any scenes from the movie. the possibilities are endless.
  20. I think they could totally do an Evil Dead house and just tone the gore down. Why not? Besides what you see on screen doesn't have to look exactly the same in the house. some of the gore stuff in the movie might not look so bad with props in real life, I mean, does gore really translate that well when it is done in houses? Look at the SAW house. the house was not really as gory as the movies are. It couldn't be. ( I Know Evil Dead might be more Gory than SAW and I am not comparing the two!) I am just saying, I don't see why they couldn't do an Evil Dead house. The gore in the house will never be like it was in the movie, Even if they copy the gory scenes to make them into rooms.
  21. I said before I really wish we got some Clowns with Chainsaws for Orlando. I really really wish to see that over here. I don't even care if we don't have real scarezones this year as well. I just want to see some clowns with chainsaws in the streets of Universal. Now, it is true that clowns have been used before in the past and that Jack pretty much made everyone hate clowns all together. but how many times has HHN used vampires? or ghosts? Or Zombies even..... I mean, yeah maybe they have used clowns in the past, and maybe they shouldn't be used again, but the same could be said for Vampires Ghosts or Zombies. Yet they have been used so much already. (some of them used year after year, like ghosts) I still want to see clowns used again. Maybe not in a house but I really want to see a scarezone.
  22. exactly. You guys are right, it is all about execution. I don't know what happened last year behind doors, but having to cancel American Werewolf, getting the Chupacabra house canceled as well and getting all these Hollywood IPs dumped on us kind of sounds chaotic.
  23. See that's the thing, That's what I meant. When you see walkthrough videos of Walking Dead and then Alice Cooper houses over there. They look better. Walking Dead for Hollywood looked so much superior. some of the rooms were a lot better, and they even had a room with trees and grass (plus the bicycle walker on the ground) one of their rooms looked like a camp in the forest. It was small, but compared to the house here that house at least on the video looked amazing. I know some people didn't like their house in Hollywood, but at least they got more things right over there. it just looked a lot better. Now I know there might be a difference with budgets, but they could have easily made a forest room for the end of the house in Orlando. Or little things like that. Same thing with Silent Hill and even their first Alice Cooper house last year. Silent hill over there looked a little better and had more details. Alice Cooper house looked better. Is like every house we shared was better over there. Like I said earlier, if we are going to share houses I just wish they are as good in here as they were over there. and then you mention Gothic, which was my favorite house as well, Plus Dead End, both original houses and they were the most amazing houses of the event for me. Dead End was just one of the best houses I visited. Now for the topic H.R. Bloodengutz I would love him as an Icon. I don't really think it matters if he is goofy or funny. Look at FEAR, Look at Lady Luck both of them scary icons, yet they were a little disappointing. Fear didn't even connect to the houses or anything, to me Fear's costume was kind of dumb. I didn't really understand why give him a human chest. They could have done so much with his look, Fear didn't look awesome, didn't have to do much with the event, and being scary didn't matter. H.R. Bloodengutz Could even be like the Cryptkeeper, or JACK. They could have an event based on movies and tv shows and he could be the host. I really don't see the problem with having Bloodengutz being the Icon. He would at least be cool and funny but in a twisted way.
  24. I agree, My issue with sharing ideas and IPs is not even the sharing itself. at first I had no problem with both events having some of the same houses (I was looking forward to them actually) my problem was that even though they were sharing IPs the houses in Hollywood were much better. Things just worked better over there, and their houses looked a little more scary. If they are going to share IPs I wish they at least make an effort to have good houses on both events. Some things seemed like they worked better over there.
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