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Everything posted by themazethinker

  1. that, was, awsome, can't wait for your new houses
  2. the tokyo yokai, y2k, and the conspiracy sound good, when i read the redacted conspiracy i thought it would be a scp house lol
  3. after two months on this forum i finally agree with critical that a house sucks,
  4. when you hear that blumhouse would have two repeats in one house
  5. that's pretty damn good wait a minute i don't know how to put my signuature
  6. okay i'll make it short and simple for you, you can remove the brain idea and just add the images and slap my name on it https://resizing.flixster.com/395BiRb1iLU_KY1_MLnNh4zwqMY=/300x300/v1.aDs2ODMyO2o7MTc0MTU7MTIwMDs0Mzk7NjUy http://nerdist.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/nosferatu-1-615x349.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bb/Charles_Ogle_In_Frankenstein_1910.jpg/170px-Charles_Ogle_In_Frankenstein_1910.jpg https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/123441/3293063-the-immortal-jason-voorhees-jason-voorhees-23112696-1600-1200.jpg http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/mp/G-sy7hAZ2nnl.jpg http://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Pinhead-Hellraiser.jpg
  7. since my names themazethinker how about a picture like this but inside the brain are sections of diffrent ips, like for example the frontal lobe will have classic monsters the occipital lobes modern the temproal lobe are remakes etc etc
  8. how about a signature with every ip hhn has ever done
  9. i just saw the commercial and the spot would have been so much better if in one room a deadite was rushing towards the victims but it was shot at by none other then ash, ash would just look at them and say [ thank me later ] and just walk off
  10. yeah i know, it will be neat to see it done similar to 7, by day there in there costumes, by night there in mid transformation with fangs, half of there skin peeling, and claws
  11. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/270/948/d33.jpg we need werewolf princess costumed gogo dancers
  12. i think the jigsaw trap is the bucket head trap since they showed it in the trailer also don't forget the bathroom trap from the trailer
  13. so based off the trailer there's traps from saw 1 and jigsaw in the maze, what traps does anyone want to see in the maze?
  14. before hhn vault was closed there were many ideas that people posted on there, sadly the vault is now closed, so does anyone have a archive of the fourms of the hhnvault
  15. critical analysis. i just want to see him complain
  16. yeah i saw some here and there. but the only wolfman walkthrough i can find was 40 seconds and dark. and the one title that says the wolfman eat the persons hair was the frankenstein maze based off of the description.
  17. im reviving a dead thread but if anyone knows about the queuetext adventures thing they did then please answer us please
  18. while not a halloween song it is a horror song counting bodies like sheep - as we enter into the room it will be in a slaughterhouse. you walk past a couple of hanging bodies and see a butcher chopping off someones leg. the butcher will have a sheep mask on [ somewhat like the you're next masks ] and swipe at the guests
  19. yeah i was just doing a meme. i understand what you mean [ probably get tons of love from furries though ]
  20. you can show tits in hollywood [ saw,halloween,and hostel ] IN A GOD DAMN 13 ADVISED EVENT, but dicks, OOOH boy we gotta censor that shit
  21. huh i guess this is the only thing most hhn fans don't know of lol also to anyone wondering what im talking about there talked about in this http://www.horrornightnightmares.com/downloads/guidemaps/HHN19_GUIDE_NON_PEAK-HNN.PDF it's in the second page below dining
  22. i think here will do puppet ash the way they did the bear in krampus
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