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Everything posted by Circ

  1. Thank god, finally! The best part of the year is slowly coming into place. I guess they realized too that they were off schedule with that "You've been waiting for so long...".
  2. There's a fifty percent chance on that.
  3. Honestly this secret thing is pissing me off. I mean, I know it's selfish and all to want them to be all like "HERE, HAVE A TEASER RIGHT WHEN YOU WANT", but... the teaser for me basically represents the start of one of the best parts of the year. And I doubt that IoA is going to ever happen again, not only for the reasons stated... but for the fact that it costs a lot to have that many scareactors spread out across both IoA and Uni, both money-wise and house wise. On a side note, what is up with your avatar? It's all blurry and artifacted and stuff. Edit: What is up with mine? What happened to the avatars? o.o
  4. Sorry, but hell no. Game houses will never, ever happen.
  5. So I'm assuming this thread just went up now because the website for HHN is down? Because that website is totes down, just saying. They're probably moving to the generic setup, archives or otherwise.
  6. Definitely liking that idea for a mafia-stylized ghost casino house. I had something similar to your second idea with "betting", Nightcrawler. Except either with organ thieves. After all, there is the old thing about selling off kidneys to pay off Vegas debts... Just something to think about. Pretty sure it wouldn't happen, but it would be different.
  7. BAD IDEA. Very bad idea. Anyhow, I feel that the fact that buttons are getting integrated is a very good sign. I also have to think that one of the houses from this time around (Maybe Zombiegeddon or HAVOC) are going to get carried over to this year. HHN has had the entire slate cleaned at the moment. It can't stay that way, and I figure they want to get a new house franchise up as soon as possible.
  8. Dude has a picture of the gatdam Grim Reaper as his avatar, if that's not a clue I dunno what is :V fake edit: Also, check it out, Maine!
  9. Dude, I LOVE In the Air Tonight! Could you play that drum solo for us in your next video? I did notice that pretty soon after you said hint chainsaws went off. Does anybody else think this is a hint that we're going to get more of those this year? Or am I just stupid as hell?
  10. Gonna have to confirm this as well, I could hear her in Hallow'd Past at the beginning as well.
  11. Steerington's dead? Yeah, that's not suspicious at all...
  12. Man, I just had the weirdest goddamn dream. I was walking along with one of Fear's minions, this Mr. Crepsly looking fucker, sharp teeth, orange hair, all that. And I was watching him kill all the icons and characters from the past. All of them (except for Mary, of course. The Queen Bitch of the Mirror never dies.). Portents of signs to come, I wonder? The reigning theory out there is that at the end of this year "everyone dies", basically.
  13. Really only twelve (eleven, now, I think?) nights left? Wow... Well, while people may have said this year was disappointing, I can literally never have a bad time at these things. Though... what exactly was this year supposed to say about the future?
  14. Question. I went through this house, loved it a whole fucking lot! That scrim ghost was really neat! Though... I don't get it. Could someone please put whoever this myster character is in spoiler tags, maybe, instead of being all freaking vague and stuff? Maybe where I can find her too?
  15. Holy shit, that was so very fun. Fear may fucking blow goats, but every house I went to (except for maybe Hades...) was really awesome! Soooooooooooooooooooooooo glad that I'm gonna be able to go again on the 30th! And I saw someone from HNN on the boat ride back to the Royal Pacific!
  16. Classic rock and techno would be pretty good, yeah. Maybe some Alice Cooper, if you need something to look into. While I like Foo Fighters, I think I'd have to agree.
  17. Just got to listen to this today! Just as good as the last one! I suppose, if I have to be constructive, you could've varied up the band genres a bit. But what you have now is still really awesome!
  18. Holy goddamn, it's only a day away. Does anyone else here ever get a mixture of emotions when it comes to HHN? Like... excited about going, and yet dreading it at the same time? I'm a gigantic pussy, so... yeah.
  19. Holy shit, you! I thought we'd lost you when the Vault imploded, but, there you are! Last year's CD was fucking awesome, and it made the drive up to Orlando so freaking cool. I'll take a look at this tomorrow, can't really download it right now. Welcome back, man!
  20. "We have such sights to show you..." *opens trenchcoat*
  21. Man, all this talk of bearing marks and being his and stuff reminds me a lot of BDSM. This Halloween, Adaru Is Going to Make You His Bitch.
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