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Everything posted by AaronPaHHNFan

  1. Nevermind with some searching I found it. The link is Emeric Belasco Twitter Hope that helps everyone follow him. Follow me while your at it at My Twitter Not that I tweet alot but I figured I may be able to get more than 5 measly followers this way.
  2. Yea I too would like a link to his twitter page please.
  3. I would love to see an arrival show of some sort. As far as the spooky rides goes it would be cool to see but I can't see them stretching scareactors that thin. I do hope they open ET and HRRR though. I also think that decorating Jaws for Halloween would be a cool touch.
  4. I like RHPS but having said that I don't care either way if it comes back or not. As for the 2 park idea I like it. I didn't get to experience it the year it was done. I have gotten to experience IOA and obviously the studios though. The year I saw it at IOA was 13 and is the year that got me hooked. I also think they need to switch up where the scarezones are a bit. It just seems to familiar year after year even though it is a different event.
  5. I was at 13 which was at IOA and that is the event that got me hooked. I wouldn't mind another year being there but what I really want to see is both parks used. I didn't get to go the year they used parts of both and really want to experience it. To me it seems like it would be the best of both worlds so to speak.
  6. How could they customize a house to what scares each individual person coming through the house? Good idea but no way it could ever be done. You would have to fill out some kind of survey before the event. Then they would have to switch sets and scaractors when each person comes through. It would logistically not be possible.
  7. I didn't know Cindy was supposed to be the Icon either. I think they would have made fans a lot happier if they would have stuck to that plan.
  8. I agree I expected him to be literally lurking in the shadows of every house and scarezone. If not all at least one or 2 of the houses. They could have done so much more with him. His torso should have looked like his face. They should have had a better back story. I feel Uni really dropped the ball when it came to Fear as the icon. It almost felt like they changed ideas at the last minute for some reason and just threw Fear in as a replacement icon.
  9. An IT house would be great but I don't see it happening. Rose red was a good movie and I could see something being done with that. I honestly like the original ideas that UNI comes up with though. Sometimes when they do a house based on a movie they seem too tied into a certain idea or theme.
  10. Yea if you didn't know Fear was the icon and where he was you would have never felt his presence. His costume really did feel incomplete.
  11. I forgot about the cloth wings that makes all the difference
  12. Why would your boyfriend care? It's your body and you can do what you want with it. I would never tell my wife she couldn't get a tattoo. I want to see the Mary one too.
  13. If I'm not mistaken Fate was one of the unused icons that were discussed in the VIP lounge at last years event.
  14. Just about anything is more terrifying than Fear on stilts. Even Jack Offspring would be scarier than Fear.
  15. I just saw that rumor on another site. It's interesting to say the least.
  16. You guys crack me up sometimes. This is why I keep coming back here. Not only are you all like minded people you make me laugh too. Thanks Dr. Jimmy.
  17. Why are you very worried about this years event? When it comes to your speculation I think that is a good idea honestly. When they said the icons were going away for awhile I never heard anything about Dr Agana. I don't think they could really do the whole Bloody Mary thing though because of the licensing issues that surround that name, unless a deal is worked out of course. All speculation right now is a shot in the dark but it is still worth talking about.
  18. I wish I was able to go all the time. My wife and I are actually looking at moving to the Orlando area so we can go to the parks all the time. I have had Horror Night dreams too. I honestly can't say if they were good dreams or nightmares. I guess I would have to say they were good nightmares I like the MIB ride and the Mummy but I could care less about the Simpsons and Jaws. The Simpsons and Jaws are rides I will do only if I have plenty of time and there is no wait. I can honestly say that I don't get scared very often. I am not one of the guys who walks around with my chest puffed out acting like I can't ever be scared. I am quite the opposite actually, I love to be scared it is the reason I go but it don't happen all the time. Last year in the 3 nights I went I only got about 6 good scares. I think that is because my wife walks around holding onto my back so they go after her though.
  19. Last year I bought a Frequent Fear Pass with Express for only 3 nights. I was going to go 3 nights and get express for one and it worked out to be cheaper for me to get the FFP + Express. I got to go 3 nights and have Express pass for all 3 so I am glad I checked into that option and did the math. Before you do Stay & Scream I would check out the other options you might be able to get more nights the same price.
  20. Your right it would apply to you. I wouldn't be surprised if they do an Express option on that pass. If your going multiple nights to me that pass if they do indeed have it would be the perfect option for you.
  21. Your so right when you say we should be happy the event even exists. It really is the class of all of the Halloween events I have ever been to and that is over 20 different venues. It is why year after year I fly to Orlando for this one event rather than going to a new one every year. I know when I buy my tickets to HHN and book my flight/hotel that I am in for one of the best in the world hands down. I wouldn't even know what to do in October if it wasn't for HHN.
  22. What about the link at the top of the page don't that take you to it? I haven't tried the link because I got it in an email yesterday.
  23. I took the survey last night and most questions were about FFP which was fine with me. I wouldn't get the Rush of Fear pass considering I will be down towards the end of the month this year but it is a decent idea.
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