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Everything posted by AaronPaHHNFan

  1. Hints and clues for me. I like to know the names of the icon, houses and scarezones and just a small hint of what each house or scarezone is based on. I don't want to know spoilers and every little detail of the event.
  2. Is there enough room between where they have the facade and the actual building to have a room? Basically what I'm wondering is it possible we're getting one more room in the houses with the extended facade. If there is could they put a roof on that one room? Almost tricking us into thinking there is a roof throughout the whole house by having one in the initial "room"
  3. I wouldn't mind a new Scary Tales but I don't think it will happen. If they stick to what was said last year about the whole new era then we won't get one. The Scary Tales houses are some of my favorite, not so much for scare factor but because they are fun to go through. We'll see though, only time will tell. 500th post.
  4. No, I know I'm not the first but it's not my first rodeo so to speak. I knew that it's always there but I guess I just had a brain fart. This no clue/hint thing is getting to me. I need info. A hint, code name, anything at this point.
  5. Ok well it was a thought. I feel dumb but oh well. Good pics nonetheless.
  6. Hmm so something to do with a plane or plane crash in Disaster? Not much to go on but at least it's something.
  7. Hollywood has been dropping hints on their twitter for awhile now.
  8. I'm guessing it's just them reusing a prop since we know the old icons won't be appearing. Of course it could hint towards something with Cindy. Either way it's an interesting development.
  9. Your right I totally forgot the EP videos.
  10. Emeric appeared last yea on this forum, twitter and facebook. Everyone was very skeptical of him until the things he said all began to fall into place. People on here will find out somehow when a new source comes up but everyone will most likely be skeptical of him again until things he says become reality. On a personal note the other day I said I might not be down this year and I'm glad to report that things have fallen into place and I will be down for sure sometime between the middle and end of October for a week or 2. I wouldn't mind meeting up with a few of you and having drinks some night before the event.
  11. Hersheypark in the Dark is actually meant for children. There isn't anything for people like us. Shocktoberfest is good but it's no HHN. The one I am interested in going to is Dorney Park Haunt it is done by the same people who do Knott's scary farm but once again it's no HHN. I will find a way to get down there even if I have to drive the 16 hours down. Congrats on your 3000th post.
  12. I for one would love to see a house or a few houses based on books but like the guy above me don't know if it would grab the GP. Then again another part of me thinks the GP would flock to a year based on books they have most likely read. Really that could go either way. As for the people thinking about IT, as much as I would love to see it I doubt it will happen. The thing people recognize from the book/movie is Pennywise the clown. That's way too close to jack. Yes Pennywise is just the personification of the evil entity that is IT but the clown is what people recognize. I can't wait for this year with all of the speculation finally ramping up, it's just making me more and more excited. Too bad I don't know if I will make it down this year or not.
  13. Ha Ha my wife has those pants. There sexy but I don't want to see a guy in them. Although it would be funny. Seriously though if your a fan you can wear whatever shirt you want. Look at it like your promoting an event that you love to attend. Even if you didn't attend those years you seem to know about the event so wear them proudly.
  14. Your over thinking it. As soon as you pay for the shirt you earn the right to wear it. Your obviously a fan of HHN so why not show that your a fan of HHN? Stop over thinking it and wear your shirt proudly.
  15. I am reminded of HHN by my computer everyday because my screen saver is random HHN photos I have taken over the year. Also every time I hear Rooftops by LostProphets because somehow walking out last year that song was playing on the way to the escalators all 3 nights I was there.
  16. A movie based on the icons would be cool. I would really like to see one with The Caretaker and Cindy. I wouldn't mind a Jack/Eddie one either. Since they put the icons away for awhile it really wouldn't matter if the movie was bad and turned people off of the individual icon. Your always going to have people who don't like a movie for some reason or another. As for nobody outside of Florida and California (even though I do and I live in Pa) knowing about the icons that could work in Universal's favor. They don't need to base the movie on the event but just the backstory of the icon. If people in the audience in say Michigan like what they saw and searched for Jack or The Caretaker online they would then find HHN. It could work in Universal's favor. If the movie is good enough then the movie will sell itself. If the movie is good enough it is going to draw people into wanting to experience HHN. I think it is an interesting idea and honestly have thought about it before myself. I for one hope it happens some day but sure won't be holding my breath.
  17. Cool, I'm glad construction has started. Maybe we will get some solid hints here soon.
  18. I discovered HHN in 2003 through a poster in my hotel when I was in Orlando. As soon as I saw it we went and got our tickets. I had been a fan of all of the halloween events in Pennsylvania where I live so I figured I would give it a shot. From the moment I walked into the port of evil I was hooked. I went through my first house which was Ship of Screams and was even more hooked. By the time we left I was an HHN junkie so to speak.
  19. ^ I feel like to do a solo/upcharge house the way to go would be times printed on your advance ticket. If you miss your time then you wait in line and get in when someone else misses their time or they could have a break in the times on the tickets specifically for people who walk up to purchase or miss their time.
  20. After Horrorlando explained to me how much stuff you had I felt like a dick for even thinking that you were shilling. I got the posters yesterday and just wanted to thank you publicly. I'm headed out to get frames for them today. Thanks again.
  21. I bet it was that Kyle guy. I am also looking for the large posters so if he puts them on ebay you better be fast in the last minute of the auction because I sure will be this time Hopefully my stuff gets here soon I already bought the frames for the 2 posters I bought from him.
  22. Ok I will trust you, I was just so skeptical because of the immediate second chance offer and how it got bid up so quickly at the last second. I worked for an ebay company who did the whole shill bidding thing (shut down now) and my awareness is just super high when it comes to that kind of stuff. Do you know if he has any bar signs like the one you have in the picture back on the first page? The one you have is from 2008 and shows all of the liquor available. I am looking for something like that for my collection. Please let me know if he does and I will message him about it. Thanks ahead of time.
  23. Well they may be a shill bidder as far as I can see. If not then they are good because they have a ton of stuff but the events surrounding my auction were just weird. Just search for halloween horror nights and you will find them. Just watch for your auctions to get bid up to where you lose at the last minute and then get a second chance offer. I don't know for sure if he is a shill bidder it is just very suspect that I got second chance offers on 2 items that were bid up in the last minute to above my limit. It's like they were trying to see just how much I would pay and then get that much out of me. I wouldn't have taken the offer if my wife didn't check out the ebay for things she was bidding on and see the offer. She thought I would be happy which in a way I am considering I am getting the item's I wanted but I am just very suspicious over the circumstances surrounding it.
  24. Does anyone know who hhn-collective is on ebay? Are they a member of this forum? I only wonder because I believe I was the victim of shill bidding last night by him/her. I was run up from 2.25 for a poster to 10 which was my high bid in the last 30 seconds of the auction. Someone outbid me at 10.50 then I immediately got a second chance offer from the person saying I could buy it for 10. The same exact thing happened for another poster at the price of 17 originally and up to 20 (high bid) I was outbid for that item too at 20.50. Then get an immediate second chance offer from the person. The kicker is I didn't know I got the offer and my wife called me happy saying I got you those posters from that guy for 30 dollars plus 8 dollars shipping. She had already paid the person so there really isn't anything I can do but warn other people that he/she may try to shill bid you. Anyone else have this problem with this seller? Also I am in the market for some event posters or bar signs. If anyone wants to help me out PM me and let me know.
  25. Don't feel bad your not the only one. While reading the posts I kept thinking where do I know this name from? Then Dr.Jimmy wrote what he did and I felt like an idiot ha ha. Good catch Dr.Jimmy.
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