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Black Void

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Everything posted by Black Void

  1. Meh... It was great having you on cast the other night! Hope you can join us again.
  2. ^ Correct. It's the same effect as the moving dolls in '07 Dead Silence.
  3. Do I even want to know how you came across that?
  4. Not sure if it was you but I heard Ops swarm someone the other night for taking a picture. Really kind of surprised by it.
  5. We've been called just about everything else multiple times, so alittle variety is welcomed! The house also tried to kill me on the first walkthrough during rehearsals.
  6. Construction, yes. Cast, of corse! Ambiance, sure. But costumes?..... meh.
  7. I didn't know he was talking about our house specifically (I thought he was talking about the event as a whole).
  8. Now that it's begun: Catacombs, Plague Doctor, Cast B
  9. ^ I'm curious as well. Sure, while the sun is still up it will be bright because the house is in a tent (which could easily be fixed if they really wanted to) but once it gets dark out, the house has very little of it's own lighting.
  10. What I'd like to see is the lantern mark grow/spread as the month progresses.
  11. Correctamundo! The only auditioning they do for specific roles is in B&T.
  12. If it makes you feel better, I didn't get my call last year until Sept and I was not ABU.
  13. Hope to hear about lots of broken legs tonight!
  14. I don't know. I saw you once and called to you but I guess you couldn't hear me. Never saw you again though. Oh and at the Harry Potter Opening, someone lied to me, that totally wasn't the line for the restrooms!
  15. Driving back and forth from Tampa is not that big of a deal if you really want this job. Trust me.
  16. Just to add to this, a good rule of thumb is that if you question whether you should post something (either on this site or another) you probably shouldn't.
  17. I got there right at 1300 but I had a friend that got there as early as 1045.
  18. The haunt season has officially begun for me.

  19. Thank you everyone! We look forward to giving you Nightmares very soon. We were asked what has been our favorite role at Horror Nights.
  20. Got cast! I knew I would, was #13 in line and of course 13 is my lucky number! BTW, we got some great info today. This year Uni decided to switch it up and give us veterans all the info about the event tonight! We were told that "the event will take place during October... maybe. There will be one house... probably and we will have at least one street." It was a good day but now comes the wait.
  21. Man, wouldn't It be great if we'D get a clue aNd/or somethInG for tHis years evenT.
  22. They need all shapes, sizes and colors of people for roles. Like what was said above, just be outgoing, well spoken and act like you want to be there. Be honest and a few 'sirs' and 'ma'am' don't hurt either.
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