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Everything posted by Cavalry

  1. before I forget this seems to be the first prop for Zombie gras
  2. you can all of what I took today on my photobucket http://s897.photobucket.com/albums/ac179/Cavalry_Const/?start=0
  3. nothing much, new paint and some lights (Shadow Creek)
  4. Spung tent 2 huh , close up the emblem reminds me of a boarding school kind like the one in chucky 3 ( not saying its a chucky house) .
  5. I tried to get one but by the time I rode jaws there was nothing to see. It also looked like they where adding interior design to the garage in disaster.
  6. Don't forget that SS 23 is going to hold 2 houses as usual so someone cast as a "ghost" doesn't necessary mean that they are in the Greek themed location and I hope there not I'd like to see and old fashion haunted house type theme.
  7. I think that settles the whole DT and HFTH Speculation. now we know what type of garage it is I wonder what the theme will be.
  8. I guess that settles the garage Speculation. now I wonder what the theme will be.....
  9. I know someone mentioned it before but I don't think it was given much thought by any of us, but Bed victim and Pitchfork tie straight into The Crazies and a Military Storage could be the scene in the movie where they had all the strapped people quarantined from the rest in a type of storage facility, I think the similarity's are way to big to be looked over and even though it's been said we aren't getting movie houses, its has been said before that a movie based house are a different beast. just a thought.
  10. Before I post my pictures I would like to remind everyone that ALL my pictures are from a guest stand point. Disaster had a lot of activity as you'll see in a pictures. there is some pretty interesting stuff there. Then we have the tents and this is where things get really interesting. this structure is huge and looks like the facade not a hallway mentioned before. there wasn't anything new at Jaws really, the walls I took a picture of before are painted I believe but I'm not taking any pictures there and posting them do to being a accused of trespassing.
  11. More Permit Power! Yet another scene released in review process Posted by Chad on 9-7-2010 12:48 pm Share | Permits get reviewed multiple times before they are perfected. During this review cycle only one scene name has made it out into the open. I have a feeling that next year the scene names will be coded and we will be out of luck. But until then, we can enjoy the leaks that slip through the cracks. Add this to the list of scene names. Sprung 2 Scene 6 - Military Storage Maybe we can get a couple more before the full site updates but I wouldn't count on it. Another tidbit from HHN rumors, Now we have a military Storage to go with are Observation deck any thoughts?
  12. Audition Success! Some roles have been revealed Posted by Chad on 7-7-2010 7:33 pm Share | Well that was fast, with auditions yesterday it was bound to happen sooner or later. Two roles and locations for scarezones have been outed to the public by some very brave scareactors. Typically scarezones are the last to leak since they can be changed somewhat easily. Did you get a part? Submit it to the Tip Line anonymously. Here is what has leaked so far: * Con Artist #13 - Mels * Queen Of Hearts - Hollywood * UPDATE: Chainsaw #1, Cast A - Hollywood Streets (source: modelmayhem) * UPDATE: Dead Cheerleader - Hollywood * UPDATE: Siren #7 - Shrek Street * More to come in the near future! Sumbit your part here! I'm currently mobile and received this tip via text message so I'm unsure of the original source From HHN rumors, some we know some I haven't seen yet. Im thinking the Greek theme will be bigger then we might expect. so far its looking pretty well rounded in hollywood.
  13. no man its there lol and its definitely interesting the way it looks. it really makes me wonder what its going to look like on the other side.
  14. I did through the lens but the shot wouldn't come out clear. it looked as if they where done painting it, it also looked as if it was quite narrow. next time I'm there I will see if I can get the shot.
  15. I know these are a bit shaky but this was the location of the burnt wood and basically the only change. everything else is the same. there used to be a lot of materials there plus the burnt wood and some table saws that have been taken away I was trying to get a shot of the jagged edge to the left of the top pf the wall but I couldn't get a clear shot. and finally someone was talking about the wood on the wall(in the garage) and weather it was wall paper or bamboo or something so hears a close up. Note: All my pictures are and will be from a guest stand point and not trespassing.
  16. Ive said this before, but now it makes more sense, if you ride jaws right as your leaving the loading docks to the right they have a big sliding door to the barn open where you can see the walls and a set of stairs, I wouldn't be surprised,they've had scare actors above you in jaws queue before and it made for a pretty awesome effect.
  17. I believe at one point is was supposed to be a prequel of sorts to saw, but the idea was scraped. I also believe it the same writers.
  18. Thanks guys. as soon as something new pops up I'll snap some more.
  19. There was a table saw to the right of the picture, but I really don't think thoughs are from a table saw.
  20. burnt Wood anyone ? go take a look see.

  21. SO I got sick of hearing about this burnt wood and got a picture of it. this was the only good shot I got, I'll take a nice side shot(of disaster which form the looks of it is pretty long) when I have my camera and not the crappy one I took this with.
  22. Seeing it there you can see it'd be pretty hard to back that van out, so I'd have to say it's a prop but I think its a strange choice of vehicle, it doesn't look old or have any wear and tear. There was another shot I didn't get of the whole side of the house more towards the entrance to disaster and from the looks of it, its seems to be a pretty decent size house. another thing about jaws queue is if you ride jaws, right as your leaving the loading dock they have had the doors open to the barn and you can see a set of stairs. Maybe well have a scare actor above us like in Dracula or FT13.
  23. We got are first website update on June 25 the same day MJ died, But I do agree with you it seems this year is particularly slow with the information being released or leaked but I sure wouldn't mind seeing some kind of update tomorrow.
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