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About Cavalry

  • Birthday 04/28/1989

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  1. I agree on it being to early, I wish i could have just gotten a picture of it. Its just with the bolts along the wall it very along the lines of what you where thinking i believe. I assumer the cargo net is what your talking about ? I think with the idea it would on be the most awesome set piece in jaws queue if done right .
  2. http://s897.photobucket.com/albums/ac179/Cavalry_Const/ all that is new is here, which is not much. there where some interesting things going on at the jaws queu today. I think Legacy has a good idea as to what may be the theme. and the man in the boat was actually in the lagoon not jaws and has nothing to do with hhn.
  3. No lol its all good. With construction moving as fast as it is, i have a feeling there might be a break period were not much will change then scenic will come in and we'll get some better clues for house themes.
  4. yea there is speakers, but that's about it, its surprising no one has speculated on the sprung tent 2 with it having the S.I.F. put up in the entrance way.
  5. http://s897.photobucket.com/albums/ac179/Cavalry_Const/ everything from the last 2 days , which are with the open gate.
  6. I hear you on that one, its starting to get old really quick . but at least construction seems to be moving along quite nicely, things will surely pick up in the next couple of weeks.
  7. No need to feel dumb im sure your not the first to think it is used for houses, (: thanks.
  8. you wont see much from Jaws Queue, its waaaaay to dark and the only other option would be trespassing which you wont get from me. usually when Uni gets busier the line will actually go to the front and someone gets a pic of the facade.
  9. that plane has always been there, is a prop for the ride queue and rarely used for the house.
  10. So now we know! and the rest from today, which is more of Disaster. http://s897.photobucket.com/albums/ac179/Cavalry_Const/?action=view&current=fac.jpg
  11. disaster is moving along quite nicely you can veiw the rest here. http://s897.photobucket.com/albums/ac179/Cavalry_Const/
  12. there was nothing in that shot worth looking at, it was just for reference, literally right next to that door but i didnt get it in the shot.
  13. its to the right of this door , which is the usual exit for the house.
  14. Oh its definitely the facade, but i dont see it being for two houses, its placed almost directly in the middle of the building.
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