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Posts posted by mystiquephreeq

  1. 23 minutes ago, Legacy said:

    Kinda obligated to bring this over...


    Let me try to share some information to feed speculation without giving away the goat.


    - I've heard about a new house location this year.

    - Including Dead Exposure, I've heard details on five potential originals. One is extremely likely (95%). One is very likely (85%). I have no reason to doubt the other two yet.

    - I can see one of the potential originals MAYBE actually being an IP.

    - I'm confident (90%) on two unannounced IPs.

    - I'm 75% confident on one other IP.

    - There are 2 IPs I'm 50/50 on.

    - Everything else, including some expected favorites, I'd chalk as longshots.


    Hmmmmm, curiouser and curiouser. 


    Edit: I'm trying to math that, btw. It's not working in my favor right now. I'm up to like 12 houses. I shouldn't try to spec and riddle solve after working. 

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  2. Dead-Exposure-PZ.thumb.jpg.61feb89fe295763255d9dcdc786b574c.jpg


    The original Dead Exposure house shook guests to their core. Easily one of the most terrifying houses we’ve ever had—you entered complete darkness with only bright flashes revealing the zombie horde surrounding you. 

    We’re bringing back that same terror. But this time, we’re dropping you in the middle of Paris in 1982. The city of lights has gone dark as chaos spreads, unchecked. Hordes of vicious, flesh-eating undead are swarming the streets. 


    The military is forcing those not affected into quarantine and a vaccination is being given. It’s the only chance to ward off the sickness but there are major side effects… blindness. 

    You’ll be lost in the darkness as the undead hunt you. An attack can come from anywhere. You don’t have to remember the original house, to understand this single truth: They will find you. 



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  3. 5 minutes ago, fvcking cvnt said:

    Just watched the trailer...gives me chills :wub:

    @mystiquephreeq, would you say the original DE was more intense than 26's and 27's houses?


    Missed 26 and 27. It is the most intense house I've ever gone through. I've been going since '98. I've missed 14, 15, 26, and 27. There's no guarantee I'll make it this year. 


    DE is the most intense house I have ever been through. It hit all of my buttons. 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, ToxicodendronHEDERA92 said:

    I'm guessing we're gonna see a lot of re used walking dead props not that I mind too much as long as it's done well infact I'll probably be looking for them to see if I notice any like little Easter eggs :lol: probably could have held off on the zombie thing a couple more years tho

    Having been through the original and if the blog isn't just hyping it...


    I don't think we will be seeing much. :D

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  5. 15 minutes ago, ToxicodendronHEDERA92 said:

    Could the French you're using be a reference to the catacombs under Paris...but if he's no as omnipotent as he'd like us to think could he have been given false information?!? Is he giving US false information is he a mole for universal :lol::lol:


    Catacombes? Oui. Paris? Non


    6 minutes ago, StupidStupidDan said:

    Image result for home alone les incompetent


    J'ai pris le latin à l'école et non le français. Pardonner les traductions de base. 



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  6. 12 hours ago, zombieman said:

    Jeez, I just re-read the Universal tweet:


    "Get Ready for a PLAGUE of DARKNESS".


    Ifrit made us latch onto the word Darkness for Dead Exposure.  What about the word PLAGUE?  Could you imagine if this was a mashup somehow of Dead Exposure and Catacombs???



    C'est un exemple de grande spéculation. 


    L'Ifrit n'est pas aussi omnipotent qu'il veut que nous pensions. 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, ToxicodendronHEDERA92 said:

    It seems to me that the trademark issues have to do with the specific look and make up used, and the exact back story tied in with her comics.  The urban legend of Bloody Mary can't be trademarked and since they've changed the looks of other icons to update them over the years I would think that giving her a clear backstory tied only to the urban legend with details that clearly separate her from the comic character and updating her look would mean she could show up any year they want...I don't know if they are interested in burning that bridge in case they wanna work with her in the future, or incase they use her make up products in any way at hhn.  I would think having her show up enough years later that she may not even notice and avoiding using the phrase "she's back" in anyway to draw attention would all be easy ways to prove they aren't ripping her off just going a different route... idk maybe there's other details that I'm missing but this seems to be a case with some huge loopholes if universal is interested, sensitivity seems to be the bigger issue and how they handle it than the rights!! 


    Oh and can can I just say I'm loving the fact that they're telling us when the announcements are coming this year even if it's only the day before!!!

    She trademarked the words Bloody Mary.


    "Standard Character Marks. The Standard Character Mark (also known as a word mark) is used to register words, letters, numbers or any combination thereof. However it does not lay claim to any particular font style, size, color or design element."


    Dr. Mary Agana was created by Mike Aiello. 

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  8. 19 minutes ago, zombieman said:


    I never say never when it comes to HHN.  Stranger Things have happened ^_^



    From a Nov 2017 interview:

    I write “The Tales Of Bloody Mary” Comic Books and I have licensed them to Universal Studios for Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando and Six Flags Theme Parks.

    She doesn't have to license anything. She's doing a CYA because Mary Agana never belonged to her!!!










    EDIT: @zombiemanThank you for reminding me to check the trademark status. I'm going to be over here dancing a fangirl jig!!

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  9. 15 minutes ago, Badge said:

    Didn't HHN do a maze years ago over in IoA where every couple of guests got a "hard hat" with a light on it that would flicker on and off based on where you were inside the house? While I think giving guest access to portable lights now is an awful idea with the current crowd the event draws in (those poor actors will be blind by the end of the first night!) I do think the concept is cool. 


    Terror Mines. PUTS in 06' used the hard hats, too. 

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  10. 5 hours ago, fvcking cvnt said:

    Do you know of any other currently operating haunts that do guest-handled props as well as DE? I would be interested in visiting one.


    DE didn't handout props. Terror Mines and PUTS 06' did, though. DE just had the sound effects for the camera. I was battling a migraine yesterday. Sorry if I didn't make that clear. DE's effectiveness was all it's elements put together. The sound effects being the ones I remember the best. 


    I'm not sure of other haunts. Another member who can travel more may be able to answer that question. 

    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Drummanmatt said:

    That’s exactly what I had in mind. Seeing things at a brief glance coming towards you, yet having to wait for the camera to reload to figure out where you need to go to get out safely. Would be quite tense!


    but yes, point taken on cameras as weapons. I’m not usually one for thinking up new (ish) ideas for originals but this has been on my mind for a while now, even before I knew it had pretty much been done before!


    It was quite intense. I sacrificed my sister to the zombies and ran out of the house in the finale. (She's never let me forget it it either). I'm not an easy scare, but the house hit on all points for me. 


    I wish they could go back to the days of props handed to the crowds. Unfortunately, certain occurrences at the event have shown that the crowds can't be trusted. 


    9 hours ago, OhHaiInternet95 said:

    Yeah, DE was a really cool concept, but for whatever reason it just didn't work on me.


    I've been there. Everyone is different when it comes to houses that trigger their true fears. DE did that for me. Other houses that everyone raved about were blasé for me. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, Drummanmatt said:

    Having read the maze synopsis this sounds incredibly similar to my basic idea for an original. No idea how’d they make it work, but you’re in groups of 4-6 in a pitch black maze, given a Polaroid camera with a flash. You have to use the flash of the camera to navigate the maze, and things constantly move but you only catch glimpses from the flash photography. Can only take a pic every 3-5 seconds and use that to orientate yourself. So kinda like the weeping angels in doctor who, but you control the timing of the flashes. Like I said no idea practically how’d that work, but would be pretty interesting. 


    If they wanted to give the crowds cameras, but control how often the camera flash works, you just give them old film cameras with external flashes. I don't think they want to give the crowds potential weapons, though. 


    DE was timed to a camera flash. An old camera flash. Besides a general low hum in the house, you had this:



    Then you'd have something like these two combined when the "flash" went off:




    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Midnight Detective said:

    Or, hear me out


    Baby Legs is nothing without his legs.

    Daddy legs points us to the fact that legs is the hint.

    Now everyone knows that Legacy's clues are clues you have to read though, but did anyone stop to read his name?


    Legacy. Leg-acy - the answer has been in front of us this whole time.

    Legacy without his legs is simply ACY. But what is ACY?


    Our next clue lies here



    The answer lies with you. Not in your guess, but you have a very important portion of the answer. 

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  14. 3 minutes ago, fvcking cvnt said:

    He’s not actually meaning what he said, it’s making fun of a part of the Rick and Morty fan base that treats non-viewers like that. It’s a shame he didn’t make it more clear, though. Dang teenagers with their may-mays.


    The clue is still simple. Don't look too deeply into it. 


    Remember to work with the assumption that false info is out there and most rumors leak out after a very long game of telephone. 



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  15. 10 minutes ago, OhHaiInternet95 said:

    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over the typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization--his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny--they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots--of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imaging one of these addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools...how I pity them. :lol:


    And yes, by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only--and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin' personal kid B)


    I don't watch Rick and Morty because I have a 6 and 12 year old. When the tv is on, it very rarely is on something I'd like to watch. 


    Also, his clue in this one is very simple. That's why his clues hurt my head. I tend to look past the simplistic. Apparently, you look past it as well. 


    Do I have to reiterate that I'm female?


    I, of course, feel no need to defend my IQ. 




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  16. 20 hours ago, Stairyo said:

    The description of the Festival zone last year mentioned blood and bone.


    Welcome to the boards! Blood and Bone is what I had heard. 


    The coloring of the marketing shows Blood and Bone were originally intended. The red fading to a silvery white. 


    Bone is a perfect example of why marketing and the resistant higher ups just need to give into icons. 


    We made him the icon anyway. We demanded his name. We call(ed) him the icon. We will elevate those we wish to that level. Especially, when it is/was quite obvious he was suppose to be the (or one of the) icons. Just give up and join us. Icons are all the rage. 


    You have the codenames. Welcome to 2008. That's where we started the spec game. The codenames were a little easier to figure out (Creatures was Creatures, Scary Tales was Scary Tales), but they were originals, so it was a little harder to determine what would be in the houses. 


    You just have to figure out how A&D links the names. So many possibilities. 


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