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Everything posted by IheartNARWHALS

  1. Although Orlando hasn't done many music based houses, the only one I can think of being Alice Cooper. Maybe they are trying something new and sharing a music IP like that. But if we are going by patterns, I doubt it. The one that they did try to tackle was not up to par with what Hollywood was doing. Though I personally enjoyed the house, it was sub par based on the rest of the year's houses. Though if they were to do a music house that was up there with what Hollywood produces, I would enjoy it.
  2. @HorrorNightsORL is Orlando not @HorrorNights which is Hollywood. Also Murphy's Law was the name of another band The Misfits played with.
  3. I must say, those 2 stories do sound very Hitchcock-esque and sound amazing! I did also figure they would go the Poe route but I fear if they do that again, that will become the standard for any horror icon that HHN wants to do. Maybe it's just me overthinking but yeah Wishful thinking/ Interesting thought: H.R. 2 will be making an Author's or Director's work that isn't scary like Dr. Seuss (but not him specifically because I know the story on Boo-ville, just an example). And turn it into horror like he did the holidays. Just a thought if they truly wanted to do another H.R. house. But I doubt it.
  4. Sorry, when you said your original statement, I thought you meant an actor of Hitchcock in every single room. That might be a bit tricky. Lol
  5. As much as I would love that, I'm not sure they can find that many people that look like him. But they do have 2 options. They could do what H.R. Bloodengutz did by having him in the first scene or they could use the TV's and played Hitchcock's intro to each story. Both would make me happy
  6. Just picked up the Alien Quadrilogy at work on Blu-Ray for 20 bucks. Super excited to watch these again! :P

  7. It was a joke guys, hold your horses. Personal preferences is all. I like my horror games linear to an extent. In Silent Hill, I spend half the time finding where I need to go then I am more pissed then scared. Also, have you seen the last game Norman Reedus was in? *shivers*
  8. If they make a house that has the same atmosphere and tone as P.T., that would be the best house ever. I was on edge just watching that. Too bad the game it's teasing won't be that good, but I digress.
  9. I'd love to watch it, but all I see is a sad face file. Just send me a link to your channel and I'll subscribe to ya EDIT: When I quote it, it works O.o
  10. I love mirrors in haunted houses for just the reason JDW said. I think of Nevermore and Dollhouse. They both used mirrors pretty effectively and I enjoyed the scares that came out of them. I wasn't there to experience this house, but did the Bloody Mary house have a lot of mirror effects? I would imagine so since they legend is based on mirrors. But yet again, I know how Universal likes to tweak things for better or worse.
  11. Okay, let me clarify. When I think of the glowing eyes, I think of the straight bridge that was tilted and the monsters were on both sides. Their eyes glowed through the nets and ruined it. The other scenes weren't too bad. I may have overplayed the eye things, but that was the only bad part I can remember of HHN 21.
  12. But The Forsaken was ruined with the costume choices. With those glowing eyes, I saw every single scare coming.
  13. Guys stahp. It was a joke Back on Topic: What are some REALISTIC horror franchises that you would like to see at HHN in the next couple of years? I would want to see Insidious, Alien (just Alien, Predators can go kick rocks), Z Nation (recently started watching it and I think it would translate well), H.P. Lovecraft house, something superhero that isn't tacky like zombie heroes. I'll think of more later.
  14. *sighs* Just because a movie comes out, does not mean it will be a house. A new Care Bear movie is coming out, lets make it a house!
  15. The animatronic idea could work. They could use puppets for the animatronics, people stuffed in animatronic suits, dead employees. I could see it. The only problem would be that the scenery would get boring and dull.
  16. Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm liking this wishful thinking/spec thread. People can say what they want, then people can swoop in and shit on there hopes and dreams
  17. Okay guys, time to drop some knowledge on you kiddos. Horror video games are a very niche group. You have your big ones, Silent Hill and Resident Evil. Both have been done, both have flopped (RE more than SH). The rest is just Indie games. Indie games don't have enough following to bring in a crowd. If they truly wanted to make a horror game into a maze, the only one I can think of is Slender. I honestly don't want to see this...ever.
  18. Omg. Why did Hot Tub Time Machine get a sequel? It better not drag on like The Hangover did.

  19. Its not that I don't mind clowns. They do give off a genuine creepiness. But just like the walking dead, if it's done too much, it will lose the spark.
  20. I just want to see them do another true comedy house. Like Blood n' Gutz was. That was amazing and I enjoy them a lot. Maybe something with a little bit of color
  21. I like the atmosphere of the house, it was macabre and gruesome and I enjoyed that. There just aren't many ways to make clowns not cookie cutter. You either gt the silent type or the outlandish type like The Joker or Jack. There isn't much character wise you can do with a clown. Though the concept of The Discarded was cool, the costumes were just bad (from what you could see).
  22. Nice, watercolors would look great on that. If it's in a notebook, I would have used colored pencils or pastel pencils but if it can manage it, all power to you
  23. Amen to that good sir. Amen to that. Anything dark humor makes me happy. Giggles was not dark humor. That was a fever dream if anything.
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