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Everything posted by IheartNARWHALS

  1. That pictures seem like something out of an HHN 16 promo with the cake and whatnot. Anyone else getting that vibe or just me?
  2. So here are your choices. A) Conga Line 3 pushing 4 hour waits for houses EDIT: ^^^ Fuck emojis 0.o The choice is yours..
  3. So I listened to the audio. At normal speed it seems inaudible. A bunch of background noise and I'm pretty sure more than one person talking. If someone slows it down, they could probably detect what is being said. This is me in my living room and no headphones so take that for what you will.
  4. Lol I went to go look up what the Phobia Legacy was talking about and it mentioned Dead Exposure in the article
  5. My list. 1. AvP. This is totally biased because I love the Alien movies and Aliens in general. But an Alien attack while being crouched really caught me off guard, loved it. 2. FDTD. I loved the atmosphere and it felt the assault was from all sides, also I love how Richie would block your way for a brief moment, in an attempt to split off parties. I wish they would do that more honestly. 3. Giggles. The aggression of the actors in this room was amazing, getting right up in your face is what I like most. Also the room gave of a very creepy and eerie vibe which was great. 4. Dollhouse. I'm always a sucker for living statue scares, add strobes and you have one hell of a room. 5. Halloween. I enjoyed it but it didn't really scare me or catch me off guard, it just sort of happened. The actor who played Loomis was spot on with the way he portrayed himself, Michael was being....Michael. 6. Roanoke. I did enjoy the atmosphere but having a wall made of sticks was probably not the best design choice. I saw the scare coming every time, but the Wendingo spirits were awesome and so was the guy on the catwalk. 7. twd. I would have this last but what can I do? I was more disoriented than scared in this maze. I was concentrating on where I was going and didn't have time for the actors trying to scare me. 8. Dracula. I put this last because this house really didn't have an ending. You just turn a corner and all you see is the black cloth walls and the line of people entering the house. Left me wanting more so I think it did it's job.
  6. 1. Dollhouse 2. FDTD 3. Halloween (mostly for the projection mapping) 4. AvP 5. Giggles 6. Dracula 7. TWD 8. Roanoke
  7. Would I like to see it? You bet your sweet buns I would. Would they be able to do it? No doubt about it. Will they actually do it? That I am not so sure of. Getting the licensing would be no issue for them, but I'm not sure how Corporate would feel about it. Maybe when they get their grubby mitts on the sales figures for MKX coming out, they might consider it.
  8. I do like this idea, but the problem I see with this is that the lines are bad enough, now hold the house hostage to a single group would be ridiculous. I would say for this to work, it should be a room at the end of a house with a separate exit.
  9. I think that everyone would agree (if not everyone, let me know) but if Universal can get AHS, I think it would replace the walking dead. the walking dead again would be beating the skeleton of a horse. Maybe a scarezone to give it a good send-off, that's being generous. AHS has enough of a variety to become a house that comes back every year. Instead of half assed zombies (quantity is no quality Universal) and brown color schemes. I will give the house some credit, I did enjoy the environments that it had to offer. Though Universal didn't have any control over that so that's like going to the drive thru and saying you cooked dinner... But I digress. I believe the walking dead era of HHN is over if not this year, next year for sure... *knocks on wood*
  10. I still say lets make the walking dead a 3d house. xD But seriously, they could do a duel run house. That's about the only thing they can do. If they make it different in each path, that will convince people to go through the house twice, freeing up other lines. Just a thought. They make 2 paths following different storylines. (idk what's going on in the show nor do I care, but what I remember, there is always multiple storylines) That I think would be a good draw for die hards and the casual fans alike. I might even do it if they do that.
  11. Everyone needs to remember that this is a business. the walking dead, as much as I don't like it, it brings in a crowd. It brings in money, which is the whole point to this event in Universal's eyes. If huge names are going to bring in a huge crowd, then they will do it. I agree that the best houses are usually the original content, but it doesn't bring the GP in. Big names like the walking dead, AvP, and Halloween will. I don't want to sound like I'm bitching, its just thinking about this from a business perspective. If you were running Universal, would you want to appease a small group and lose money, or appeal to the general masses and make loads of money?
  12. I don't disagree, I wouldn't mind it. But I am also keeping an open mind to what Universal wants to do with their event. People want new things, but when Universal tries to make changes, everyone is so quick to judge and stick to what they know.
  13. I love how people complain about not having a story to the event and a storyline as simple as "throwing a party" appeases them...
  14. Where are you guys getting these? I signed up for the HHN email stuff and haven't gotten any of the surveys. :/
  15. So essentially, if they add a 3rd line, it will become The Purge?
  16. They really need a cap on Express as well. At the rate they are being sold, there are going to add a 3rd express+ line.
  17. What's killing HHN is that the ratio of people to things to do is completely out of control. Too many guests per attractions. I'm no expert, by any means, but I think in time this problem will fix itself in one of two ways. One way is that the lines will become so long that people stop coming to the event, leaving the hardcore fans. Or it will expand to the point where Universal needs to put an end to it. Either way it will hurt them in the long run. The only way to fix I can see this getting fixed is turning people away. Limit the tickets sold on each night.
  18. The Misfits? That was due to the hint Murdy gave out and somehow made its way to the Orlando thread.
  19. That was a rumor for HHN in Hollywood, not Orlando. It could be possible but it's mostly for Hollywood at this time.
  20. Okay, as much as that made me giggle. With the HAVOC storyline, there is somewhere to go with it. College kids opening a portal to hell in a dorm room on the other hand, not so much. The only viable option is to have the demons spill out of the portal. The In-Between was a one hit wonder. HAVOC could have been another Psychoscareapy in terms of diversity. But that was derailed (i'm sorry but the puns are real) by making the house more of an action sequence than a horror inspired event.
  21. Yeah, I'm not too concerned about the price change, it was just a topic that hasn't been brought up yet. I mean, it could be what it means. But I don't see any rhyme or reason on why they should bring back the In Between. It was a good house but making a sequel wouldn't make much sense. The story wasn't that riveting in the first place so I don't see where they could take it.
  22. If I have sources, I wouldn't trust them. xD Also a quick question. If they do end up adding a ninth house, will this raise ticket prices or do you think they would just slash the budget somewhere? Knowing Universal, it might be bothh. But basically my question is what are they most likely to do?
  23. Knowing Dr. Jimmy, there is a twist to all of this. Most of the actors in the walking dead are English so this could be a hint to the walking dead. Nothing will surprise me at this point.
  24. Thats a fair statement. When I say a music based house, I mean the music portion is what's the pull guests into the line. The story I know is completely separate
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