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Everything posted by FairyCorpse

  1. Jason and I might have the same issue if he doesn't renew his. We could probably carpool either way?
  2. When I see the van, I think of a van, a means for transportation, an automobile, a prop for a haunted house, ice cream truck, my great aunt's car... But mostly that it's just a van and a prop. Wait until there's more stuff, sheesh.
  3. I don't understand your question. Are you asking if you can get into HHN with an AP? If so, no. If you have an AP, you go in the park before it closes and do stay and scream and the team members will let you in with everyone else with park tickets for that day. There is an AP party usually the first three weekends though, and they let you in a house or two a bit earlier then usual, but when you get out you're still stuck in stay and scream. You do not have to pay for an HHN ticket if you're upgrading you're regular park ticket to be able to do stay and scream, because once you get in stay and scream, you're in HHN.
  4. The first weekend, "opening weekend," is not that busy. Actually, express is not a necessity on any night of HHN, I can always do everything in one night if I really want to (and usually do). For the next weekend, I'm not sure because I only go on FFP nights, but I know that Thurs/Sun would not be as busy as later in the event. Basically, the earlier you go, the less busier it will be.
  5. I know that the FFP with the AP discount last year was like, $58.72 or something like that.
  6. There have been rumors before of them not using MS anymore, but they're in the copyright so that means they're using 'em this year. Didn't the site not update after the generic one goes up until like, mid July? I don't think it'd be in a few days or a week.
  7. Hollywood's site has updated.. or am I just really far behind? I don't EVER look at Hollywood's site. When does theirs normally have the following year up like it does now? (Though it just says to check back for more information)
  8. This is today at Jaws, not behind the big white double doors but in the even more extended queue area to the right of it, like the side of the building next to where the house queue would be. When looking through the windows of the double doors, it was all just empty except for a decent sized light on the ground.
  9. Wait I'm confused, is LT coming back this year? Did I miss something?
  10. Usually my dad would pay for HHN, but this year it would be me if all goes well. We usually spend $50 on the FFP and just food, usually once a night. $50 + $5-$15 on food + however many nights (I don't even remember how many nights I went last year. Like, 18?)
  11. I think my answer is more deep. I think I've had a mental attachment to HHN because I first went to HHN right before my parents divorce, my grandparents died, and I had to move. I went there when everything was perfect, so when I get to go back to HHN I get to pretend like everything is still perfect. (Also I had a blast the first time I went and never have a dull moment at HHN.) My escape from reality. Sigh.
  12. You're welcome. I think I have the last show recorded too. Or at least another recording of the show, I didn't feel like going through all my stuff, heh. They're on CDs with other random crap.
  13. This is Bill and Ted 2008 in Orlando on the employee preview, so it's not exact, but it's close enough. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M7LCGU13 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SVCOHUA0 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6COLUUS5 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VTJM2VQ1
  14. I think I have Bill and Ted 2008. I know I have last year's. Give me a little bit to look.
  15. Sorry again about that.

  16. Hey, I'm okay for the time being. How are you? Feeling better about your friend?

  17. I voted yes because I don't care what people do, but I'm most likely not looking at the pictures. If you have a problem with it, don't look at it.
  18. But now in your signature, it says you first went in 2000. XD Do you remember if Jack was the icon or not when you went?
  19. Got pictures from your first trip to HHN, ever? Post them here, let's take a trip down memory lane. I only have three pictures, from what was heaven to a 9 year old. Hah 2002, My sister is in the orange shirt, and I am in the black. Treaks and Foons.
  20. I'd like a Fear Factor sequel. What? It was my first "haunted" house ever. ....Okay, yeah, I'm totally kidding about wanting a sequel to that. I haven't thought of which house I want a sequel to, and it seems that not many other people have either. Like mz said, there was a lot of talk about wanting Scary Tales and Body Collectors last year, but there's not really any talk this year. I guess there's nothing imparticular people want sequels to at the moment.
  21. My first year was 2002 and I was 9 years old. I didn't know what HHN was, and when my dad asked me if I wanted go one day I was like sure, why not. I really didn't have a clue what it was going to be like, but I thought it was the coolest thing ever. My first house ever was Fear Factor.. which did completely suck, but a good warming up house for a 9 year old. XD We only did Fear Factor, Scary Tales, Screamhouse, and saw Bill and Ted. I remember being confused as to why there were people looking up the Power Puff Girls' skirts. haha. I also thought they were actually killing people in the front of the park, so I was so scared to go watch the sacrifices cause I didn't want them to pick me.. my dad never said it was fake. He never said it was real, but he never said it was fake either. Also, Treaks and Foons = Heaven for a 9 year old. Yay foam! I then cried the next year that I couldn't go to due to financial issues, but I've been from 14 on.
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