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Everything posted by ferox

  1. If you don't get the concept of science fiction in horror, you're just not going to get it. There's a block there, and if it's going to be there it is going to be there. And it was an honest question. If I was being sarcastic I would say "Oh I see you totally understand how fiction works." You seem to be missing very key concepts in horror, which is why I was honestly wondering if you just didn't know much about horror outside of HHN.
  2. Characters in TWD attempting to explain the unexplained doesn't mean that they are expecting it to stand up to the scientific method on Earth. If they had the same laws of science, that element wouldn't be fictional. Having scenes in the movie where people try to understand what they don't know doesn't mean that it's being suggested to be scientifically sound. If it was scientifically sound, it would be another genre of horror. The uknown (why the world fell victim to the Wa1lker virus) is a very common thing in horror. All horror that has a supernatural element to it has that world being 100% accurate within the rules of that world, no matter how fantastic. And all of that horror has a grounding in reality. TWD is using a very basic trope, which is a virus that alters the nature of the human body in some horrifying way. Honest question...do you just not watch horror movies very often? These are pretty basic concepts.
  3. I guess "washed up" does have a sense of permanence to it. Lords of Salem bombed haaaard though.
  4. Yeah, better to keep originals original I think. --- I'm trying to think of a good example of somebody who actually is washed up. I think it's safe to say that as a director Rob Zombie is washed up, right?
  5. Alright, some guy expected an "all blunts blazing" return with 13 and didn't get it. Doesn't change that they are selling out stadiums across the planet and a metal album hit the top of the charts, which is very rare these days. I'm not crazy about 13 either, but I'm not going to pretend that Black Sabbath is washed up, or make the false claim that it's been 35 years since Ozzy fronted the band. 1997 wasn't 35 years ago.
  6. The album debuted at number one across the world and they played sold out stadiums across aforementioned world, that's not really washed up. If you don't like mazes based on rockers that's fine and I honestly get it, but saying Black Sabbath is "washed up" is dishonest.
  7. How does Freddy kill people in dreams? Dreams aren't actually a place you "go to" in any sense so he wouldn't be able to enter your dreams nor would his attacks cause you any physical harm. I don't get it! If I was in that situation I would just lucid dream I mean you saw it happen in part four it can be done I don't get it. It is a work of fiction. Meaning that one or more elements of the real world may not apply. That's why fiction exists. Horror is often out there.
  8. Kinda related, there's some really amazing special fx videos for TWD on youtube.
  9. There might be something bigger than TWD someday, but there hasn't been anything horror related that was big as TWD for a while time. Maybe Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street at the very peak of their popularity before too many sequels killed the series. By the time Fright Nights started n 1991 started both of those franchises were suffering from the poor box office and critical response to Freddy's Dead and Jason Takes Manhattan. So at the very least, TWD has been the most popular horror property since HHN has been an event. But if the current pattern holds, you'll have to wait another 22 years or so.
  10. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Theatre/HalloweenHorrorNights A good start.
  11. I never said clowns weren't scary, just that the idea of a scary clown isn't exactly innovative.
  12. Is "scary clown" that much more original than zombies?
  13. HHNO is pretty mainstream. It's a widely promoted event held at one of the most popular theme parks in the world.
  14. You'll probably get a room with Blue Moon playing and then a half transformed David charger. Or David on the floor with the sound of bones cracking. I just hope the theater has a chorus of freshly undead people telling you to commit suicide. That scene was a crowning moment in dark humor. The transformation scene, as brutal as it was, was played for laughs with the soundtrack. Playing it as straight horror would be silly, not to mention insulting to John Landis. He took great pride in how humorous yet brutal the movie was.
  15. You don't get to decide what situation you are in all the time, do you? What if the situation that you thought was safe suddenly gets overrun by zombies? Sure you can take down one or two, but eventually you're going to be overwhelmed. It's also kinda silly to assume that you wouldn't face any mental stress while facing down death in a couple of senses.
  16. Eh, dark Alice in Wonderland mazes have been done to death. It's better to have originals that are something original.
  17. Zombies have to be slow. Or at least not fast. They are symbols of death! You avoid for a while and then it creeps up on you. You fight it off for a while...but it consumes you.
  18. Along with that King said about body horror and the fear of death... Putting candy inside of a piece of paper isn't hard. Killing a zombie isn't hard. However, due to the nature of the virus spreading rapidly and the often sheer amounts of zombies you end up like Lucy. You get overwhelmed. You run out of bullets. You get exhausted from mowing them down. You can only do so much. There's the pressure. The pressure. The pressure. You make one mistake and...well now you are being eaten alive. You are staring your death in the face as death stares you in the face. Zombies also only exist in areas of unrest. They carry the unspoken vibe of social decay, while representing the decay of the human body.
  19. Well, that's the last of the likely to be shared IPs.
  20. Or they could be telling PS to stick to the roads and beware the moon.
  21. ferox

    Evil Dead

    Pretty gory if you ask me.
  22. ferox

    Evil Dead

    Movies use a lot of implied gore. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre had very little blood in it, but because of the theme it is remembered as a gory movie. The same might be happening with Saws and Steam.
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