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Status Updates posted by ferox

  1. You'll all end up going and having a great time. What good has worrying and whining about the IPs ever done?

    1. IheartNARWHALS


      Couldn't have said it better myself.

    2. JDW


      Didn't get the value last year. Was very unhappy with the event. Still on the fence if I'm going. IP's are irrelevant though. The issue lies far deeper than IPs

    3. ferox
  2. I'm going to ask you one question, and all I want is a yes or no answer. Do you want to live through this?

    1. Ridesandstuff
    2. duh1011


      *sighs* there's always that one guy

    3. Freak


      Nope. BRING ON THE AXE!!! :D

  3. You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.

  4. Game over man. Game over.

  5. You know, the director's cut of Alien vs. Predator is pretty good.

  6. If you are planning to go to KSF this year out of protest, I hate to tell you but they don't have American Horror Story either.

    1. splitsoul


      I legit laughed aloud.

  7. Honored to join the ranks of HHN scareactors.

    1. splitsoul


      Congratulations!! 'v'

    2. JDW



    3. Zero56
  8. Yes. It is the devil's envoy, Gamera.

  9. There is something in the trees.

  10. Finally got to ride Minion Mayhem. Pretty fun!

  11. If the Alien spec turns out to be real, I will gladly eat all the crow on the planet.

  12. I am just shocked, SHOCKED, that a major theme park has money on the mind.

  13. Met John Carpenter tonight and I'm still pumped up from it.

    1. AsylumSB


      Hitchcock and Carpenter are my favorite directors. Glad to hear it went well!

    2. ferox


      He's a very down to Earth guy who still appreciates his fans who are keeping the legacy of his movies alive some 36 years later.

  14. You gave up your right to rest in peace when you signed this contract.

  15. We're all going to burn for what we did to you.

  16. Not Everyone Who Comes to This Lover's Lane Has the Same Thing on Their Mind.

  17. Went to a public restroom today and it smelled like HHN brand canned corpse stink. It was nostalgic and disgusting at the same time.

  18. Sometimes I come up with jokes, but I can't think of a punchline.

    1. AsylumSB


      I once had a packet of instant water, but I did not know what to add to it.

  19. VHS 2 would make a great maze. Too bad it lacks any awareness.

    1. AbnormalVitality


      The Safe Haven bit would sure be quite disturbing to see in person.

  20. Sinister Point is next on the chopping block.

    1. Freak


      Eh, I'm going to wait to go until the Christmas event. It's always the same.

    2. ferox


      I've never gone, so I didn't have that problem. I was talking to somebody who had gone the years before and he said he noticed some cool new stuff.

    3. ferox


      That being said, if I had gone last year I would have been alright with skipping it.

  21. Great American Nightmare soon.

  22. Haunted hayride was a LOT of fun.

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