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Everything posted by Pandry

  1. Daaaaaamn son, that's crazy! It typically feels like an hour's walk for me just getting over to all 9 houses. On a separate note: How was it for those who went this past Saturday and/or Sunday night? With Miami Thug Night on Sat. and UCF Night on Sunday I heard it was pretty awful, especially for the scareactors.
  2. Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr
  3. On last Thursday, we were walking through Springfield and all the clowns with saws were huddled in a big circle having a pow-wow. Then they broke all at once with chainsaws a blazin' and it was awesome!
  4. From the official HHN Instagram account, they have her picture (the one with the hat and scars across her face - if this is the one we're talking about) and the official copy mentions her as a "sinister" Jane But then, comments ensue (from what seems like scareactors in the zone) correcting them that it's Belle.
  5. Ever get any looks from the actors when taking the coins?
  6. ^ The ops seem to be a central theme for this year regarding their over aggressiveness. I understand they're trying to help speed up wait times, but it's making zero impact. It's a battle they won't win. And as you mentioned, it's extremely annoying for them to keep waving you along especially when you have zero gap and there's only one direction to go. At that point they're taking away from the ambiance of the house. They ruin any chance for a visceral experience. At worst, they should only direct flow when it's a noticeable gap. At best, they should be cloaked and stand in a corner. That reminds me, they also seem to be choosing key areas to camp out at which disrupt and block scares and effects. Great review.
  7. Did you press it? I know we've totally overhyped the thing and it's probably lame, but now I'm curious. Otherwise I'll check this Wednesday. However, there's a chance I may skip the house. I don't know what it is but these Disaster houses don't do it for me. I'm not saying I don't like Run, but it's not enough to keep drawing me in. Same feeling for most houses in this location. If anything, go through to check for this GAT.
  8. Ding Ding Ding :o) Personally, that was the best thing I got out of that whole show, period.
  9. That's a head scratcher. Maybe because it's so synonymous with mental wards that they just said to hell with it? Like the little person in the finale who looks like some spectator hanging out having nothing to do with the house theme, imo.
  10. You know, I've seen those particular spots since the start and it had puzzled me why they weren't being utilized. Good to know they now are.
  11. I'll admit, I'm intrigued by this. Was it random, was the coin placed there on purpose for the taking, left behind during an UMTH tour? Doc Cog: you should post the pic of the coin on the HHN Orl Twitter feed and see if Aiello and Co. comment on it. But don't say where you got it from...just in case.
  12. I have to keep checking on this one in Run. Averixx first mentioned it and I read a post on OU from one of them doing UMTH tour and they corroborated Averixx's mention of a GAT in Run and the specific location. When you're leaving the Canadian room, just as you're walking out, on the left there is a yellow chainsaw on a bench or table. Supposedly, on it is a red button. It either blows air or makes a noise when pressed. Again, I haven't seen it myself yet but have only gone through the house twice. The 2nd time I knew it was in that room, but I had no idea where to look. Next time I'll specifically check. Maybe someone else has spotted it? Not like these GATs are the most exciting thing anyway. But, there you have it.
  13. Testing: Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr Untitled by Mike Buchawiecki, on Flickr
  14. Pandry


    There was an awesome late scare added that I saw last night which wasn't there Sunday night. Totally caught us by surprise. It's a good addition.
  15. Why can't Ops at least wear hooded cloaks like HHNH? Do something to at least try to keep the general ambiance of the house. Surely there's a way to combine safety along with preserving the house integrity. And separately, as a Disney AP holder, I got that email about the price hike and shit a brick. Disney has never been a local friendly park. They do the absolute bare minimum for locals, and that's not much anyway. Unfortunately Disney is its own separate economy and can do this type of stuff simply because they can, and get away with it.
  16. It doesn't. But I said I saw "him" on Saturday. Which is technically right.
  17. Crypt Keeper is now out here, as of Saturday. Saw him on Sunday. But it's actually a girl playing him.
  18. It looks more to the 2001 theme that got scrapped. The trailer picture with Jack was the opening scaremonies concept art. Not saying they don't have plans to make next year the year they actually do this - which would be great. But it would make the supposed versus theme difficult. You can see more on it here: http://hhnmemories.tumblr.com/
  19. Pandry

    The Purge

    Had the plant right behind our small group of 3 last night. It's pretty cool.
  20. I didn't see any last night. Though I wasn't looking too hard, either. I will say that my time in this zone last night was 10x better. Total mayhem.
  21. You'll love it, my friend. But bring your walking shoes. Universal Orlando is much larger than Universal Hollywood. I haven't been to HHN out there but I've been to the park itself.
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