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Posts posted by Tich0las

  1. Hoping the returning IP is Halloween. Although we all know how well that worked out with AWiL.  Perhaps it could be The Thing? Purge or Insidious again would be disappointing. 


    A HP house would be fun. This is something I thought they should have done when I first started attending in 2012. Now that I'm a few years in, I'm leaning towards "hope this doesn't happen". The event will always be fun, but dammit I want it to be scarier! 



  2. Hollywood is starting to sound incredible this year! (Possibly) No 3D maze, all original terror tram, and no WD.  Makes me very happy because I will be attending Hollywood for the first time this year!


    Speaking of which-and sorry to do this here-can anyone point me in the direction on HHN Hollywood vs. Orlando info as well as tips/tour plans? 

  3. On April 27, 2016 at 7:10 PM, Mels Oughta Be In Pictures said:

    I fully agree that a compilation Hitchcok house could be fantastic. There's enough iconic scary scenes in his filmography to make a really interesting house, if and only if they abandon some house tropes. It couldn't be tremendously dark and it couldn't be tremendously loud. It would have to be heavy on atmosphere and light on in your face scares, which leads me to believe they won't go for it. 


    Still, it could be really cool if they were careful. 


    I would love to see the ending from Marnie. Red lights flashing every where while a girl murders a gentleman caller with a fireplace poker.

  4. 1 hour ago, hunnylvr said:



    Ah god, I didn't even think of that.  The baby shit/baby powder smell from Giggles & Gore is still in my brain.  That's a smell I will NEVER forget. Of course, I'm sure that's the idea.  



    That was in Dollhouse of the Damned. 


    Based on our two IP's, here's my wishful thinking:


    We get the Usher back as an icon.


    All of the houses are based on movie IP's: TCM, Excorist, Killer Klowns, Alfred Hitchcock, Purge, Classic Universal Monsters, Krampus, This Is The End, and...


    2014's Halloween is brought back. 


    Scarezones are based on TV...Walking Dead, American Horror Story, and Twin Peaks (super wishful thinking there). 

  5. 10 hours ago, foREVer56 said:

    It's been 9 years, so a solid 80% of the attendees this year have never seen a TCM maze. It's based off the original, so technically never done. And it's being done by a largely different creative team from 9 years ago.


    I can't fathom why someone would think this IP is a tired out one at Universal, especially during a year that may end up having 2 IPs from just last year. If the complaint it chainsaw overload, especially after last year, then I could understand. But this should turn out as well as Halloween and FvJ. I'm very excited. 


    Let's hope it's as good as Halloween, and better than FvJ.


    I would like to see the house quality return to 24's status. Thinking back on that year...Halloween, AvP, Dollhouse, and Giggles were top notch.  Would like to see at least 50% of the houses be that good.

  6. saw this before... was this a nod on the Simpsons? could this mean some Simpsons related HHN stuff next year? 
    Or just a random joke? just very interesting 


    Well the entire episode's plot revolved around Lisa being too frightened after visiting Krusty Land Halloween Horror Nights. Homer had a good bit about paying too much money.

    It was definetly a nod to Universal. The entrance of the park was the same as the Simpsons ride, but with Ktusty themed to Dracula.

    With all the money Comcast is throwing into the park, I really wish they'd make that Treehouse of Horror overlay happen. Would be a great people eater on busy nights.


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  7. from what I am reading on other places, it is mostly teens doing this. (And some drunks of course)
    also, I don't remember if it was here, or somewhere else but someone mentioned the worst nights were when guests were from out of town. I can't really remember where that was said but even if you take out the discounts, as long as alcohol and young kids are allowed not much might change even by taking out the discounts. but who knows. 

    Good point. They also need to implement an age ban unless accompanied by an adult; much like R rated movies. 

  8. If the ops want them too, that's fair game. If ops are being told to find them and trash them, that's lame.

    I disagree with Legacy. Universal should be doing this officially, rather than a fan. To say hiding HHN coins is a liability issue would be like saying GATs in houses are too.

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  9. This is a comment regarding the Purge as a concept, which I thought was pretty original...until now.

    Just finished watching Alfred Hitchock's Rope.  The philosophy of the elite being allowed to kill during a specified amount of time and the resulting benefits to society is a major focus of the film.  Makes this franchise even lamer IMO.

  10. I disagree with the statement "more IPs = more attendees".  TWD is the most watched show on television. Now that TWD fans have experienced HHN, they're hooked. Doesn't matter if TWD returns. People who attended for TWD spread the word about the event and now more people want the experience. The IPs aren't creating the stir; it's how well the event is executed. If all the IPs sucked, the general consensus would be "don't go to HHN, it's nothing like the source material". 

    Also, I'm not trying to rehash the IP argument.  All I'm saying is it's gotta let up at some point. Otherwise, the quality of the source content will suffer and the event will get a bad reputation. This year almost feels like the start of that trend with 1 IP house a repeat, 1 IP house pretty good, 1 IP house alright, 1 IP house not so good, and 1 IP house god awful.

    Edit: forgot an IP.

  11. I think we'll get a 4 IP/5 Original split next year because I don't know if they can fill five IPs 

    I agree. And if they have 5 IPs, only 1 or 2 will be high quality. The others will be filler A&D were forced to do. I just want quality horror films for IPs and not marketing bullshit. Cabin in the Woods, AWiL and Halloween are excellent examples of IP houses done with passion. I didn't feel any of that this year, although Insidious came the closest. If A&D have been dying to tackle Killer Clowns From Outer Space or Hellraiser, I want those IPs first and foremost. 

    I'd also like to see more original content and not mash up/sequels next year.  If we have 5 originals, I'm happy with 1 being a sequel. 

    Side note here: I think this event has passed the point of needing big IPs to pull in crowds. Everyone wants to attend this event regardless of its content. I wish Universal would realize this and get creative again.

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