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Everything posted by PWT

  1. Last year you chilled in a room with other tour goers until the tour began, they then took you out to the streets and talked about a few of the scare zones, after this they took you to the sound stages. In 2009 they had the room where you waited this past year set up with a model of the Palace Theater as a cool treat. They also had books for each houses with concept work and such, they then took you to one or two of the streets and then the houses. Hope this helps!
  2. That's because it is two different actresses.
  3. Normally it comes up with the reveal. It didn't this year for some reason.
  4. They're was a victim or two in Catacombs too.
  5. Don't forgot the spine girl in Hallow'd Past!
  6. This was the same group that roamed. They were not 3 different chainsaw groups. Also, from what I hear this group was last minute.
  7. Calm down guys, perhaps they'll just put a big inflatable tunnel over sting alley like they did with Containment. What a great scare zone that was.
  8. I cleared by Cache and cookies and I now have 480 tokens. (I had 0) I tried doing the new pirate game 3-4 times and got loose cannon every time. (I won it 2 times, for the record.) I also tried the H.R. game. My guess is they either took down the new games or you can't play them when no one else is playing them.
  9. They'll use water splashing against windows again. It won't be much trouble, considering they used it for a room in Hallow'd last year. If you stared at the window with the water splashing it did make you rather sick with the background of a rough ocean. I could also see them putting little squirts of mist to simulate water coming through the windows or over the railing or whatever.
  10. This happened VERY rarely. Most of the time this smell wasn't on. Maybe 2 out of the 50+ trips I took through the house.
  11. You can put 'coke' for the coke discount.
  12. So, I clicked yellow, something popped up and RIGHT after it told me no cheating the house always wins and took away tokens. Again same with blue. I tried Green and it took me to the old rune game. Also, the banishment time is still an hour for me.
  13. Both the chainsaw scare in Havoc and Hallow'd Past both used audio effects. So yes, it more than likely will be.
  14. They're not getting their hopes up.
  15. Universal can screw up people with a bunch of blood on them or "acid"?
  16. I think there's a pretty high chance this house will get the best scares this year for obvious reasons. Since it hasn't been brought up in here yet. For those of you excited for this house, do you not think the audio saws instead of real saws will not effect the house? For those of you who don't know, due to the fumes real chainsaws probably can't be used in Jaws due to it being so closed up.
  17. It won't just be "ghosts", expect demons and such and things. Also, if you didn't know already they'll be many stilts. Edit: Fallow done beat me to it.
  18. Apologies, I read it as you saying there was only one in the past tweets. That's what I get for reading too fast.
  19. I see a few words that are for scare zones...
  20. Twitter update! http://twitpic.com/6a54gu "Interesting how a simple sketch could determine the terrors that await you at #HHN 21. Enjoy this sneak peek. http://t.co/QTAa5qQ"
  21. To an extent. Do not expect to see full houses with only 50% actors and tons of buttons. Just a very small amount.
  22. So now we know we have a poe house we should re-look at our known Code names! Sprung Tent 2 Blackjack Dealer Bug Eye Seagull Wing Cards Interrogator Aristo Dead Writer Found at HHNRumor's Cast page, of course! Hmmmmmmm.
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