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Everything posted by PWT

  1. PWT

    The Thing

    Late Saturday of opening weekend I recall the over head guy in thing missing too. If I recall correctly there was a guy working up there with a flash light.
  2. If you already have a daytime admission ticket you do not have to purchase a stay and scream ticket. You will be able to get into one of the two lock downs at Kidzone or Finnegans. The point of a stay and scream ticket is to get you into the park before HHN so you can experience daytime Universal and get into a lock down. The lock downs are not exclusive to people with Stay and Scream tickets.
  3. From what I hear there's two chainsaws per cast. From the actors I've seen they're average size and not anyone from the normal chainsaw gang. One small thing that bothers me, I wish they'd make the chainsaws dirty if they're going to put them in the zone. The actors that have them are all in worn clothing, yet they have a brand new chainsaw that looks like they just got it out of the box.
  4. I believe the first scene he is talking about is the Distant Cemetery. The second scene he is referring to is the
  5. Yet it's still my favorite house. Are you in the finale? I've gotten a lot of shout outs for my vault shirt in the finale room.
  6. Zkeep is right, the wheel has been there. Also, I really really hope GE was more aggressive last night. So much room for improvement in the zone.
  7. PWT

    The Thing

    I heard something about this house being down for a long period last night...
  8. I got double teamed twice in my first run of SnS. I'm sure one of the double teams was you. I remember one of the double teams explained to me I have pretty skin. Congrats on getting two specific shout outs.
  9. What do I expect? The scariest scare zone, as it has the best area without props for scares. The only negative effect of a scare zone in sting alley, I can think of, is that it's more off to the side, Universal may be inclined to spend less money on it.
  10. From what I understand, only a certain amount of hoodies are being put out, per day. That way they last.
  11. They added chainsaws in this zone? If so, I'm quite said to hear it.
  12. The mirror trick was used also in Mary Shaw, in case anyone didn't know. Also, I'm not quite sure if the finale costumes in this house are working as intended...
  13. Also, it's funny that you mention the finale needing to come out more. The only scare I've gotten on my run throughs is the actor on the right distracting me while the actor on the left scared me. Besides that this house seemed very lacking on scares.
  14. Friday and Saturday they were not pulsing the line, that I saw.
  15. Is 14/15 hell week or the following week?
  16. Forsaken isn't bad for fog at all. The fog at the end is low lying fog, or it's supposed to be. The only other place there is fog is at the beginning. As mentioned above, GE and Canyon is the only two SZs packed with fog. NM has a lot too, though.
  17. I really like this house. It's up in the top of my lists. Some of the Nightingales are awesome and super scary.
  18. On Friday and Saturday this was probably my lowest ranking zone. I got 0 scares, that I can remember. I'm assuming the actors are being told to not take photos too, so, you have a zone with no scares, no photos, no new concepts. Of course, things can change, and I hope they will. With all the fog it's a very nice area. However, walking in the middle of this zone gives you a pretty small chance of having an actor come after you. Even when I walked this zone on the ends, there wasn't much movement. This zone, however, does have cool costumes.
  19. This scare zone so far has the strongest scares, in my opinion, and some of the people on the casts are awesome and trying very hard. On Saturday, however, there was a minor issue with the red sin/stage. The sin had to get off her stage and was off it talking to security/back stage for 20 minutes or so. (Not that I called that there'd be problems or anything...)
  20. So far, this is my favorite zone of the year. Not because it's the scariest. (Although, this has gotten me the second most scares.) But because it's something new and as long as it keeps improving the walls and actors are quite fun.
  21. This, right now, is my favorite house of the year. Both casts are awesome and the sets in this house are amazing.
  22. This is probably my favorite fun house since 08. Both casts in president room is amazing and has got me. Overall, almost all the rooms are awesome. If I had one complaint, it'd be the ops on most of my trips through. For one, when I went to enter one of the runs I was being yelled at to get in a single file line when about to enter the house. For two, the ops in this house seemed to be very focused on making sure everyone was rushing through the house.
  23. You can't find your way through the yarn room and actors in there scared you? I thought the costumes didn't blend in well and the room was very easy to navigate.
  24. As far as houses, this is probably #4 on my list. It's one of the better houses for me.
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