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Everything posted by PWT

  1. First off, every single actor on both cast A and B in HR is awesome. I could name almost every actor on both casts and have a memory with them. Cast B Forsaken is awesome. 2nd scene you guys have amazing team work and got me every time. There's tons of great actors in Forsaken, both casts. Saws (don't know which cast) was great tonight as always. Plenty of VAAAULTS and such. Finally, Acid Assault was great tonight. Trying to run fellow actors over with a grocery cart was a awesome sight.
  2. I'm extremely sad I didn't get to see cast B but twice tonight. I wanted to B at closing to make it even with A but didn't get the chance to. This house is my favorite house this year and one of my favorite houses of all time. Two extremely great casts.
  3. I didn't see any actors that ussually try to scare not scaring. Certain casts are bad about looking "tired" though. Tonight was busier than yesterday and Friday, who woulda thought? The rain held out until right after the event closed too, perfect timing.
  4. It was a bit busier last night, but still light. I didn't see anything get over 45 minutes. It was quite chilly all night, which seems to have thinned out the crowd the later it got.
  5. Cast B at closing tonight is the craziest/funniest/overall best time I've ever had in a house at HHN. So, so many memories from tonight!
  6. From last night: HR: I love you guys, both casts. All 14 of my trips through last night were great! Poe A: This house has gotten much better! Red death and tell tale heart guy props to you! Forsaken B: There's too many of you to name that gave me shout outs! Some I remember are 2nd scene and courtyard scene Nightingales B: Awesome cast! Props to the nurse who'd always pop out and then point at me. Soldier who is ripped in half thanks for doing the effect after the third trip through, I happened to be in front of the water spray and my shirt was SOAKED. Saws B: Props to the guy in the aquarium scene! WN: As usual great job both casts!
  7. As of last night, this is competing for my favorite house of the year. It's already my favorite fun house. I really have a hard time finding one actor that looks bored on either cast, which is extremely easy to do in some other houses. I could shout out to almost every actor on both casts. Seriously, you guys are all great.
  8. I could be wrong but I don't think the snow machine is on constantly. Most snow machines I've seen are on for 5-10 minutes then off for 5 or so.
  9. PWT

    The Thing

    This house was intense opening weekend? When I took my trips through opening weekend the house didn't seem any more intense than your average house. I felt like a portion of the house's cast were bored, too.
  10. H.R Bloodengutz: Any others? Edit: (Apparently I can't read.) I never heard about them putting icon references in the houses, just overall HHN references like hands of cards that add up to 21 in Nightingales and The Thing. Number two is a musical definition from Oxford. So has it been decided that this week is hell week? I know when I asked a few weeks ago it was back and forth on this past week and this week being hell week. I won't be going this weekend, just curious.
  11. There's a upside down floor in Forsaken!?!
  12. I voted Bats and Nightingales. You put Weeping Angel when it's Sorrow Angel, btw. I really liked the Sorrow Angel but it's just not original so Nightingales won.
  13. Oh god, please don't start asking for chainsaws again. The last time people asked for chainsaws Lady Luck's minions got chainsaws.
  14. Do you guys think this past weekend and upcoming weekend being the biggest weekends of the event have to do with the whole picture problem? Would make sense, perhaps they just want to keep everything moving.
  15. Inconsistency is what plagues this zone.
  16. This past weekend and this upcoming weekend will be much busier than the final weekend.
  17. Just like cards were completely sold out and no more were coming? It was said before that store employees have no idea what they're talking about. It was proven Thursday when more cards came in stock. I don't think they'll be more hoodies, but just saying to not put your full faith in what store employees say.
  18. It's not just you. It is possible however, that I've only been through one of the casts this whole time. My next trip I'll make sure to try both casts again.
  19. Go through both casts, decide which you like best. Bam.
  20. By sources do you mean the text service? If so, my sources can back it up too!
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