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Everything posted by HomemadeHaunt

  1. That sounds interesting. It would have to be executed perfectly though. It's something that could either be really good or really bad. Not to mention, it could potentially be poorly recieved by guests who are expecting an adaptation from the show. I do like the idea though.
  2. It's still TWD and we have still seen the characters and environments many times before.
  3. It's simple. More houses. More houses means more space for IPs. I assure you that the increase in attendance over the past few years hasn't been solely from TWD. Yes, it has played a huge role in drawing in more guests. 2013 was a HUGE year for TWD with the "TWD takeover". I wasn't a fan of seeing zombies everywhere that I went in the park, but to the fans of the show it's a dream come true. However, we have also seen a plethora of other large IPs during this time. Take a look at CITW, AWIL, Evil Dead, AvP, and Halloween. These are just the bigger IPs in the past few years, but they have all heavily contributed to the increase of guests attending the event. The lines for these houses were just as long, or longer, than the lines for TWD in the past couple years. I would be lying if I said that TWD doesn't draw the crowd, but In my opinion it isn't needed anymore. In my eyes, TWD was more a catalyst for the IP "movement" so to speak. It's done its job and brought in loads of new guests and even more money. If they were to drop TWD, I strongly believe that they could still draw in huge crowds and make the profits that they want as long as they continue to bring in large IPs like Halloween and AWIL.
  4. Why not? It's still a big deal, even though our small group of hardcore fans doesn't want it back.
  5. I wouldn't mind another House of Horrors type house. I love all the classic monsters.
  6. The chainsaw scene, the greenhouse, the attic, the cages, the morgue, Marie's hair salon, and the conference room with the witch hunters. These could all be translated into killer scenes in a house. I think freak show is the most likely candidate though. It's the most popular and the most recent. Regardless, AHS doesn't have anywhere close to the fan base or audience that TWD has...
  7. Potentially, but wouldn't they start with the earlier seasons for a house and not the most recent? That way they would set it ul more easily for houses down the line. I still want my AHS Coven house.
  8. It would be a weird setup. The only place that I could see the queue working would be the street where stay and scream quests are held. So they would have to find another place for that which wouldn't be the end of the world I suppose, but it would work better to have another house in B79 or soundstages.
  9. Mummy extended queue was used in the 90's as well if my memory serves me right. Nazerman's was also used early on in the event.
  10. Yes! ROBOSAURUS!!! Mystique, I believe he was spotted in downtown Orlando a couple months back by Tim Tracker. I think it was there for a show or something.
  11. Most of the costumes and masks are made by universal. There are a lot that are reused with original houses/streets and such, and if possible with IPs as well. Same with a lot of the props. They have loads of them in storage that they have collected over the years and they have a group of people who go around to antique shops, thrift stores, etc. and get anything else that they don't currently have in storage. There really isn't time to wait until construction begins to start preparing props, set pieces, costumes, etc.
  12. It's a real shame that sting alley hasnt been utilized in the past few years. It's such an easy area to make pop. Saws and steam was truly awesome. I really hope that we see some more zones in sting alley in the near future.
  13. I enjoyed both houses. Silent Hill was totally killer in terms of scenic, but it wasn't a great house overall. RE was poorly recieved due in part to the fact it had somewhat of comedic twist that the general public wasn't expecting.
  14. I wouldn't mind an upcharge experience tying into LT. Maybe even an age restricted experience. Just depends on how much the cost.
  15. If we were to get an AHS house, what season would it be based on? They could start from the first season, therefor allowing for future AHS houses. I personally would want coven or freak show more than anything. When I was watching coven last season, I noticed a lot of scenes that could be easily converted into scenes in a house. Freak show is also very good with scenes and characters.
  16. Roanoke had my favorite finale this year, followed by Halloween. The actor playing Loomis actually looked like him!
  17. El Cucuy. It's really simple. Have a Boogyman house with a typical Boogyman backstory and give it a Hispanic twist. But, as we mentioned earlier on, IPs are what really matter to draw the attention of the general public. The average guest really doesn't care or even notice original houses. I'll take Blood N' Gutz and Nightingales both.
  18. Nightingales was definitly set up to be able to facilitate a sequel or sequels. Not only can nightingales be associated with wars, but possibly ship wrecks, plane crashes, natural disasters, and the list goes on and on. As long as there is some sort of chaos where people are left vulnerable, the nightmares will be there to feed on them. That's what's so cool about the idea of another nightingales house. There is simply so much that can be done with the concept and really no limitations other than budget.
  19. I'm in too! I'm a sucker for ghosts and odd things like that. And this looks totally wicked. A house has potential to be absolutely beautiful m
  20. 1. Dollhouse 2. Giggles N Gore 3. Dracula 4. Roanoke 5. TWD 6. AvP 7. FDTD 8. Halloween
  21. Woops. Sorry for my mistake. I was in class and must have over looked that small detail.
  22. Indeed there is: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=ring%20film%202015&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CCoQtwIwAw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuykBLPej8ZU&ei=xqPcVLiSJuO0sAT6gIKoDA&usg=AFQjCNFN8xcCNUdA2WJFMh2xHDqIe3ZLqA&bvm=bv.85761416,d.cWc And welcome to Nightmares! I hope you enjoy it.
  23. Reduce moron levels? Ha. I like the sound of this. I would like an adult only area/house/experience. I think they could do a lot with it.
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