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Everything posted by timbo8

  1. i would like then tackle japaanse urban legend like hachishakusama or other urban legends in either house or a scarezone
  2. i kind of want to see killer klowns form outer space i mean it one of mike favorite movies that he want to do
  3. how about icon a snake icon or a lamia snakewoman as a icon since next year and 26 has the numer two and six which are number with snake plues the jungle book is next year so why now snake like icon then
  4. loved to see chance say pop goes the weseal end but this was well done
  5. for chance i hope they have this actor for chance for james keaton jack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CoVJ2hxKTU
  6. dont you mean dark fairy tales like evil tinkerbell from never never land and other tales
  7. scream has been scrapped purge being annouced was that scream is no longer and the fith ip will awil
  8. right now it look the teme is going the purge the first movie
  9. can anybody tell me why the scream tv show was even made in the first place?
  10. there isn't rhps there no way they getting rid of bill and tedd show in favor rhps and the only show they are going to replace is jack show which not going to happen
  11. yeah you right there isn't rhps this year it just bill and ted and the jack show
  12. you got to be joking screams fas are going to pisssed if this true
  13. it going intresing to see what in store for the jack show
  14. the tv show mask is laugable and the whole tv series is not even a horror seres it a drama show with tiny glimpes of horror
  15. again that tv show should never been made in the first place and scream would been annouced by now
  16. you know that proablly mtv contact the scream ip holders and said hey what are you doing don't use the scream ip movies at hhn istead market our tv show
  17. if the stupid tv show causes scream to be scapped at hhn i going to be piss nobody wanted a tv show that has abouslyy noting to do with the movie god no wander and roger never wanted to be part of the tv show
  18. if this happen if i'm mike aiello say hell no to marktel the tv show and walk away and change it to something to something else
  19. this definitely screams body collectors
  20. it movies becuase i dont think the tv show will square people
  21. i think they changed it to match what jack wearing it now just like dc did with joker and harley costume changes
  22. yeah this has to do with jack you hear his iconic jack in the box music on the phone
  23. watch this house be the worst ever this year and the only people will go to the house are diehard walking dead fans
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