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Everything posted by LostAlice

  1. I wanted to add that there are scareactors at the end of this zone that scared me EVERYTIME I went through. They blend into the blackness so well that I can't see them at all!
  2. One of Vanity's minions was awesome tonight (See my post in the appreciation thread). All you guys manage to be both scary and hilarious. I loved interacting with all of the scareactors in this zone. Gonna miss it.
  3. There was one of Vanity's minions tonight that MADE MY NIGHT! haha He was both scary and hilarious. He followed me through half the zone saying how he liked my face and wanted to cut it off and put it in a file cabinet under "F for favorite". You sir, were awesome! My boyfriend asked after "Did he know you?? Cause it seemed like he knew you." Did you know me? haha WHO ARE YOU??
  4. The decor in this house is AMAZING. This was my venture through the house last night: 50% of the time: "Oh my gosh.. look at this carpet draping on the wall! Man this is so authentic! Is that Queen Isabella in that painting?" I'm an art/history dork. 50% of the time: "AHHHH!!..hahaha" I tend to laugh when I'm scared.
  5. I gotta say this scarezone is so much better at night. Went through when it was still light out and didn't get the full effect. At night, the lights messed with my perception and I got a few good scares.
  6. Its just ridiculous. The funny thing is I was really cooperative. The guy asked if I had medicine and I dug it out for him. I should just say I dont. My boyfriend was so mad cause he was afraid I might get a migraine during the night and have no medicine to take to feel better.
  7. I'm not really sure what the medicine policy for HHN is. I'm on prescriptions and have to carry a pill case with me daily (I take medicine three times a day, morning and night). So I had to take it into the park with me. My regular pill container was empty since I'd finished the medicine for the week before I got into the park. However I am prone to bad migraines and carry Execedrine Migraine with me at all times in a smaller case. I was pulled aside and I calmly explained that I suffer from migraines and the pills clearly had "E"s marked on them for excerdrine. I also kept a tums (clearly marked) and an imodium (in a plastic square, also clearly marked). They even examined my EMPTY case. They proceeded to tell me my medicine had to be trashed or put in a locker outside. Where does the park warn you outside that medicine must be thrown away or put in lockers before you go through the metal detectors??? I had to dump everything and Excedrine Migraine isnt cheap. God forbid I get a migraine during the night, all hell would have broken loose. Help please?? I don't want this happening to me again nor do I want to have to dump all my prescriptions out next time my container is full for the week (EXPENSIVE MEDICINE mind you).
  8. ...lol. Well most of the time its more active at night, so just keep checking in. Its hard to schedule chat meetings.
  9. I had a very interesting experience in line opening night. We were waiting for The Thing and a kid, must have been 16, looked funny. I turned away and when I looked back he had some vomit on his mouth. Yes, ladies n' gents, he had vomited. He then proceeded to vomit, and by vomit I mean projectile puke EVERYWHERE on the side of the line (where mind you, if the line got longer, people would later be standing in the dark, unaware). I noticed that he was not leaving the line and he had a wristband. A ALCOHOL WRISTBAND! There was NOOOO way he was 21. Nor were his friends, all of whom had wristbands and did nothing as their friend vomitted everywhere. Though one girl nonchalantly rubbed vomit off her shoe and ankle like it was nothing. So annoyed, my boyfriend tells the kid to get out of line. We dont want projectile vomitting in the house! People need to do better checking of IDs... seriously.
  10. I usually scream in surprise and then giggle. And usually if the scareactor gets me really good, I compliment them. Haha
  11. Do they play music from silent hill in this scare zone? I could have sworn that was where the music was from but I'm not sure.
  12. I love the music/sound effects going through this zone
  13. I really want a ladies tank top but couldn't find one on friday. Anyone know where they are being sold? I didn't see any on the carts.
  14. See? It seems to always be drunk people ruining everyone elses time... I ALWAYS encounter annoying drunk people in line at hhn. I beg the HNN community to control your liquior at the event. Please. Sincerely, LostAlice
  15. That could have been interesting though..I know that was my biggest disappointment last year. I'm BIG on greek mythology and seeing that throne empty night after night was really frustrating.
  16. I'm really intrigued by 7. Not sure why..
  17. Its all part of that lovely little thing called inflation...and well... GREED. It was only $13 for a single night admission ticket for HHN II but then again there were only 2 houses. Now we have high quality scare-entertainment. Prices are gonna be high.
  18. I kinda want a mummy house. we had one in 1999 and 2001. We could throw a new twist on it. I'd really like to see that
  19. I speculate people will be disappointed about Thing..oh wait.. I do believe its slightly contradicting with the whole 'New Era' phase, but then again, the movie is a prequel. Is that truly different/new enough though?
  20. I'd love a Japanese horror inspired house.. ooooohhhh the possiblities
  21. I always dress up. This year I'm most likely doing something I swore I'd never do...dress for a couple. Yes that's right, a cheesy couple's outfit haha Just can't decide what yet. Police woman and an inmate, a greek and a sexy teacher or... I dont know. Any suggestions????
  22. You definitely needed an option for line cutters. That's my BIGGEST pet peeve.
  23. That sounds spot on to me. I think a duo would really bring life to the event. Sort of like the Grim Reaper and Death itself. One does the killing, the other takes the soul.
  24. Universal Hollywood did have that musical for a short while...what ever happened to that?
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