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Everything posted by Grimp0nd

  1. I've only ever once asked for a photo in a scarezone which was last year in the Coven. I wasn't sure if it was frowned upon or not before that but when I saw the scareactor pose for a photo with a couple I figured it must be ok. I gave her a few minutes after that then approached her to ask for a photo. She quite nastily said no when left me feeling stupid and a little perplexed. I didn't ask again after that and have little photographic reminders I was ever there. For this reason I like Aarons idea of a set area for photo opportunities with rotating characters. They could also have a changing background to match the zone or house the character is from like the photo studios have to have your photo taken in front of. This way we know it's cool to get our photo without being made to feel dumb for asking. I wouldn't ban taking photos in the scarezones of the scenery or scareactors scaring but I think doing it this way doesn't stop the scareactors scaring. It's pretty much the perfect solution.
  2. Oh I agree I think the hair covering one side of the face is no coincidence. I'm thinking it's grotesque, kinda like the two face character out of Batman. I wonder if this is Lady Hawthorn, I so hope so. Her visible eye is very noticeable and looks green to me. Maybe associated with greed? I wonder if Universal will bring their website reveal forward now that her image is out in the open.
  3. I hate that cannon game i just can't do it. It doesn't help when you have a weak internet connection and a split second pause can mean the cannon explodes. Grrrrrr. I wanna know how some people have suddenly got above 30000 tokens after they fixed the refresh option. Nobody is that lucky surely?
  4. There is no right or wrong way to run the scarezones because everyone has their own opinions. You can never please everyone all of the time but your opinion is as valid as everyone elses. I'm sure I'm right in saying that you're not wasting your time here Aaron and that many people will agree with your point of view. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree.
  5. Why bother doing an elaborate backstory for the 5 or 10 percent that do care about it having an icon? Maybe because a lot of them are doing multiple nights at the event, spending money on merchandise, food, drink and who knows what else. I mean some of you guys do every night of the event and thats just the members of this forum. These are the people who talk and promote the event for Universal, who probably introduce new people to it with their enthusiasm. I don't think it hurts to have this background especially seeing as all it requires is a bit of thought on Universals part. Doesn't really cost them any more than if it's just an advertising mascot and they have a whole year to come up with an idea. I think the real question is that if the general public don't care either way whether there is an icon or not then what's the harm in appeasing the die hard fans and making everyone happy? Makes good business sense to me. Everybody wins that way and Universal don't get negative comments. I guess I'm saying it's better to have icon/backstory that some people ignore than not having one that some people will miss. Personally I was dissapointed in Fear last year and I don't want a repeat of that this year.
  6. Legacy could be right about no icon this year but I really hope he's wrong on this one. Last year I liked the idea of Fear but was massively dissapointed in how underused he was. All the build up only to have him appear outside Mels Diner for a photo op. What a let down. I hope they make more of the face this year.
  7. I think (or hope) it was a Tongue in cheek comment by Dr Jimmy lol.
  8. Hmmm Wuthering Heights was written by one of the Bronte sisters wasn't it? Charlotte or Emily i think. It's one of my moms favorites.
  9. I thought I'd read all the Dark Tower stories but I missed that one. Is it a short story in one of his other books or what? Can you tell me where to find it? Concerning the Dr, the Sisters of Plenitude and the weeping angels I can almost positively say they won't be present at the hospital house. An angel house would be brilliant especially with strobe lighting symbolising blinking wouldn't it? I have it on good authority that there is currently no activity with either race although he does admit he's been quite busy with the Silence lately. Maybe another time. He quite likes early 20th century doctors, they wear bow ties. Bow ties are cool.
  10. Hmmm I'm not sure I've ever been in a Universal house with crappy sets. I've always been highly impressed with the interiors of the houses. Unless of course you mean the outside sets for scarezones which on occasion have been sparingly decorated. Saying that even the worst scarezone theyve done is better than anything we get in England. Were still using pop up heads painted with fluorescent paint lol.
  11. Fallen angels descend on the dead and dying in a hospital for the souls of those fallen in battle. Kinda like grim reapers maybe? Whatever the details I definately think this is our war hospital. Legacy nailed it with the Lady with the lamp.
  12. Ok let's all calm down a second, were all friends here right? Fallow I understand where you are coming from on your point and I have felt the same frustrations as you by feeling I don't know what others know from time to time. I've raised similar concerns in the past and got a little paranoid but as I'm sure Legacy will confirm he's explained the situation to me in the past and I accept that. Just hang in there and be patient and I'm sure we'll both get the info we want. I just want to take a second to say that I understand the position that Lizz, Legacy and JWFearman are in too, not wanting to sink ships with loose lips. I respect that and would not want you to betray a trust or do anything illegal. I've watched and listened to pretty much everything that been posted on here the last few weeks and from comments you start to learn who's opinions to trust. I believe that you are not being elitist but doing what you think is best for everyone involved. Just spare a thought to the little guy though. You know where the info comes from but when others not so informed don't it's easy for them to get a little paranoid. Finally I'd just like to say that this is a great forum, with good people and a fun place to spend some time. Let's spend that time enjoying the event and getting to know each other not bickering ok? In the words of Jack Nicholson in Mars Attacks "Can't we all just get along?" lol.
  13. Almost anything is possible at this point but I'm definately following the line of thought that Legacy has. I've seen little or nothing on the website to suggest a casino at all. When the first teaser trailer was put up most of us immediately thought casino as we had nothing else to go on but since then there has been nothing to strengthen that idea. Personally I'm hoping for a Bloody Mary style Lady Luck as I thought she was the scariest character Universal have used in recent years. I think you are absolutely right with that. I fully expect the new pic to answer the sound puzzle. It's a tease then reveal tactic. Works very well and gets everyone involved and thinking about the event.
  14. I can't say whether Lady Hawthorn will be an icon, face or a general themed idea but I think she is Lady Luck. I'm pretty sure someone in the know mentioned they'd seen the planned tv advert for the event and that a lady called luck was in it. I don't know how reliable that info was but if it's true it also ties into my theory. It's also hard to ignore the similarities between the name Lady Elizabeth Hawthorn and the term Lady Luck. I cannot shake the feeling that the story of a lucky in life Lady Hawthorn who builds up money and power before meeting a grisly end, comes back from the dead in her Lady Luck form exacting revenge on the living would make a great back story for the event. That by entering her "house" you are accepting the terms of her contract. Be careful what you wager (your life) because the house always wins (her domain). You don't seek out luck, luck (Lady Luck/Hawthorn), luck seeks out you (hunts you?). Those quotes (excuse me if I got them slightly wrong I'm using them from memory) would seem to fit the idea wouldn't they?
  15. The more I think about it the more I am convinced the house of cards were building is the icon/main house. All the games add to it's construction so there has to be a big point to it. It's also starting to look more and more like an English church with each game completed. We've already had a graveyard clue and game which gave us the name of Lady Elizabeth Hawthorne (again Lords and Ladies a very English thing) so I think she is the icon. Looks to me like she died but possibly came back as the hand of fate possibly to exact revenge on the living. Like I've said before there are so many things connecting together like the silver tray the cards are offered to us on (again that is so typical of what an English butler would serve tea to to the Lord and Lady he serves) that is blood splattered. I really cannot see all these things as a coincidence. I really don't think that there is a casino but that were going to be entering the domain of the Lady of luck and fate. Either the church and cemetery that she is buried or the house she lived in when alive. The gambling that is implied is not such things as Roulette or Poker etc but us gambling our lives upon entering. I may be wrong but thats what the website is saying to me. Thoughts anyone?
  16. Is it me or has our mutual friend gone quiet? Aren't we overdue another clue? Oh the anticipation is killing me lol.
  17. Ok as one of the players who used the refresh to great success I'll say this. It was my impression most people were using refresh and seeing as it was a game of luck not skill I didn't see the problem. Like others at the top that score wasn't done in 5 minutes it took hours of repetitive play to reach. It still took dedication. Now I took pride in that effort and when I saw others on here doing well too I thought it was kinda cool that the genuine committed fans were getting the reward of seeing their name top of the leaderboard. If universal didn't want people doing the refresh thing then they dropped a huge basic error. Unforgivable even. It was such an obvious thing to try in the circumstance that even if it hadn't been brought up on the forums I'm sure it would have occured to most of us to try. It's as obvious as if you switch the light on and it doesn't come on try changing the bulb. Fallow don't be so hard on yourself what you and I did we didn't do out of malice but friendly competition. That's my thoughts on the situation anyway.
  18. Woo hoo I just retook top of the leaderboard with just over 20000 tokens. The one confusing thing is yesterday a guy called Danny was well clear with over 30000 tokens but now he's nowhere to be seen. Can you be kicked off the site I wonder?
  19. I dont know much about the back story of Saws And Steam other than the water extraction from bodies but based on the linked game on site it made me think they are using children for this extraction. Has this been mentioned before?
  20. Personally I wish you guys wouldn't hold back what you know unless of course you work for the event and have been sworn to secrecy. Sure it's fun to speculate but we do that in the absence of real info right? I think it's quite cool that forums like this, who are full of passionate fans are ahead of the info curve. Its kind of a reward for supporting the event like we do. I mean that's what we are right, a sharing community? If you know something and you know it legally then share it I say.
  21. To be fair he did say if you don't want any spoilers not to read any further. Personally after reading through his explanation it's not exactly game breaking but it's still like reading Klingon to me lol. Maybe people should make their own mind up whether they need help or not but personally I like to solve challenges like this on my own. Regardless of whether people think it's right or wrong welcome to the forum Danny.
  22. Looks like it was a cleaver after all. Poor rabbit. Isn't it strange how I got more sympathy for the rabbit than a human lol.
  23. Like you this will be the first time I meet up with people but from what I've been told they meet opposite where the Blues Brothers perform. I was told to go there at the end of regular hours when they start to clean up and not to leave the park. If I have any of this wrong will someone please correct me. I'm buying an express pass this year just in case others have them.
  24. Like I've said in another thread it's a cleaver being sharpened then brought down upon something. Think a butcher cutting through meat on a chopping block. I think the memento is what is cut off like a hand. This info comes from the keywords information page after you play it on you tube. The whooshing sound isn't something being thrown but the sound of the cleaver being brought down probably from head height to table height.
  25. According to the you tube info the sound was a cleaver being sharper and then being brought down on something. Possibly the severed hand on the teaser trailer? I would imagine what is chopped off is the memento lol
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