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Everything posted by foREVer56

  1. I agree about tempering expectations, because over hyping something can make it seem worse than it is due to impossible expectations (Gringotts is a perfect example. Amazing ride, but not the best at the resort, and the way it was hyped made me expect something better, honestly). But my understanding is that there's a reason Scary Tales specifically is being used again. However, it doesn't mean the rest of the scenes from Hallow'd Past will show up. If anything, definitely not Treaks, because that would be the most bone headed move ever. But I don't expect any 08 scenes outside of Scary Tales. The amount of Scary Tales stuff this year is pretty alarming, I'll agree.
  2. Well that puts a damper on expectations. Lol I don't expect those 3 at all. To dedicate scenes to those houses/zones, after already doing it (badly) in 2010, would be absolutely stupid. I'm expecting the most popular scenes from each house. The soldier rip from Nightingales. The catwalk of the church in Gothic. The tilted ship in Forsaken. This house will be big enough to hold a LOT of different houses, even if a bunch of classic monsters show up.
  3. Now that everything's revealed, my list is a bit different. 1. Freddy vs Jason (didn't change) 2. Monsters and Mayhem (up 3 spots) 3. Insidious 4. Asylum in Wonderland (down 2 spots) 5. RUN (up 2 spots) 6. Body Collectors (down 2 spots, but 3-6 are completely interchangeable) 7. Purge (down a spot) 8. AWiL (same) 9. TWD (same) Zones: 1. HHN: Icons (TERRIBLE name, awesome potential) 2. Psychoscareapy 3. All Nite Die-In 4. Scary Stales: ScreamPunk 5. Evil's Roots Honestly excited for everything this year.
  4. I'm super cautious about this house. Alice is PERFECT for a haunted house, and lends itself very easily to chromadepth 3D. However, out of FIVE 3D houses that I've been through (Jack's Funhouse 07, In Between 11, P&T 12, Circus of Superstition Howl O Scream 12, Afterlife 13), only ONE has been great (P&T and Circus were fun tho), and that was In-Between. Afterlife is bottom 5 of all time for me, Jack's wasn't memorable, but In-Between is the only house to actually use 3D in a creative sense, and actually add to the experience. IT was just a gimmick in all the others. My fear is that this house falls trap to that same problem, and the fact that it changed locations makes me even more uneasy. I'm hoping for the best, and I'm still very excited for this one.
  5. Since this shares SS24 with FvJ, I have to wonder how the max A/C will work. Snow can be controlled to the one side, but idk If they'll want FvJ to be super cold as well. I skipped Body Collectors in 05 cuz it had a 120 min wait. Little did I know how big it would become. Didn't think much of 08's, but this one sounds stellar. The sets are going to be unforgettable in this one, I just know it. All 4 SSs this year are going to be legendary. AWiL already is, the juggernaut that is M&M will be an all timer, FvJ will be epic, and then this. Man this is gonna be a good year.
  6. And that just scratches the surface... I'm wondering how this house will be setup. Hallow'd Past had the warehouse setting, and a room or 2 with a hodgepodge of old characters before the past scenes began. My best guess for a facade is a circus tent, maybe with a marquee labeling some of the houses featured on the inside. Being presented by Jack, I'm sure he's in here a lot. Transitions could be something like a very small hallway with the poster of the year the house was from, kinda like Hallow'd Past. Now this is house is in SS21, which is significantly bigger than TWD's SS25 from last year. If they use the whole thing, this is going to be freaking MASSIVE. I'm guessing this is gonna be a 50-60+ per cast kinda house. I'm hoping for Catacombs, Hades, ScreamHouse, Ghost Town, Dracula 09 (Cuz it's one of only 6 houses I've missed in 10 years), Vampyr, and some 90's goodness. Hell, they should make the finale the scene from Dark Torment with a slide and goddamn ball pit.
  7. Um, A lot. LOL Sept: 18, 19, 25, 26, 27 Oct: 2, 9, 14, 16, 21, 25, 29, 30, 31 Nov. 1
  8. I said the same thing, but this house is twice the size of Hallow'd Past, so there's a little more room for other year's scenes. Feels like they went for a lot of scenes from the fan favorite year at the time in 2010, then again this year, and 2011 is my favorite, so I could be ok with it. Houses I'd like represented: Winter's Night Gothic Catacombs Nightingales Ghost Town Something from the 90's Icons represented in a new light
  9. 2 more HHN properties confirmed to be featured in Monsters and Mayhem :
  10. Man, all the original content sounds SO GOOD. A few notes from Mike on Twitter: -"Jack Presents; 25 Years of Monsters an Mayhem" will be the largest HHN house to date, mimicking TWD's size lat year, maybe even surpassing it. - all confirmed to be featured. -"Asylum in Wonderland 3D" is the name of the Alice maze. All that was really given about this one. -"RUN: Blood, Sweat and FEAR"- Calls back to the original maze's feel and style. -WILL TAKE PLACE IN HELLGATE PRISON! - "The Reapers" are skilled assassins trying to kill you within the maze. -"Body Collectors: Recollections" takes place at Shadybrook during a blizzard in the 1800's, as we know. -"The Carnage Returns" is confirmed to take the large stage across from Mel's.
  11. Yeah..I've got nothing on that one. Run For Your Life, Eh? PsychoScarepy: The Light Snow Storm Alice in Canada's Wonderland 3D
  12. Nah, definitely the Drive In scarezone by San Francisco. The "Please turn off your headlights" sign looks to be a large screen prop, HOPEFULLY playing movie clips, most likely placed right in front of Disaster's wait time sign, where the float for 2010's Zombie Gras was. HYPE
  13. But the thing is...RtU is the weekend before HHN starts. Which, as stated a few posts above me, would mean they have 5 days to set it up for HHN. I doubt the arches will be heavily themed, as that hasn't happened in like 7 years, so setting that up overnight won't be hard. There's reason to believe they can change this stage over in 5 days as well, but I wouldn't count on it, honestly. To have a recurring show in the middle of that plaza with the crowds nowadays would cause a major blockage in traffic flow, and on the 40k+ attendance nights, that's not gonna blow over well.
  14. I've been told the Beetlejuice stage will be used for HHN, and the fact that Beetlejuice is not closing on the same day as Disaster (9/8) is a good indication that the info was correct. We know RHPS isn't coming back, and there's only 2 shows (not counting whatever the costume party thing end ups being in NY), so there's a chance this stage is NOT for HHN, but only for RtU (And this isn't the first time that's happened. They've used this same stage in the same spot many times for RtU), and Jack will have an actual stage show for once in BJ. Now, I'd figure this would warrant Beetlejuice to go down for a bit to change up the stage, but if the show doesn't require a lot of cosmetic additions/changes, maybe not. Could be wrong about this, but that's my speculation based off the info I was given. Also, that dining experience is the definition of ripoff. The price has been quoted as $50+ tax, and all you get is a buffet and pics with scareactors. You're gonna get WAY better photo op opportunities in the Icon zone, and Howl O Scream offers an upcharge event that gets you into Busch Gardens an hour before it closes, a buffet, a private showing of the worst show of all time (Fiends), and 2 hours of unlimited express. And the price is HALF of this event. No way in hell I'd pay for this, but to each his own.
  15. Rumor is wood was already starting to be put up, but it was early June so I don't believe it was finished just yet. But yeah, they got the green light for Transformers and started construction REALLY quickly. There was less than a month between the time we found out SS44 was being demolished, and when the building was actually leveled. What's great is that SO many people were convinced the permits meant they were doing minor demolition for the house, and not actually taking down the building.LOL
  16. He's not the most reliable of sources. He also said there's a Body Collector's scene in the Anniversary house, which would make literally no sense with Blizzard right next door. Earlier this year he said we were getting an AHS house too, and he's been wrong a lot in the past, so some of it might actually happen, but I don't put a lot of stock into his "sources". I LOVE the decorations in the street so far. NY looks like a city during Halloween when something goes wrong, which is what's happening. The Carnival-ish banners down Hollywood Blvd. look great and would make a lot of sense. CP is your standard traditional decor for that area, and I'm so happy it's back. Good chance the reveal is in 6 days, but if not, there is at most 9 days until our full reveal!
  17. The bacon and cheese sweet potato fries or the candied ones with cinnamon that they sell right by the NY library facade are LIFE. Screw the event, just put that in the street and I'll gladly pay admission to eat them again (kidding, of course) I can understand why many are not super excited by this year's event. Yeah, it's not the anniversary event that we would've hoped for, but honestly...outside of the IPs, how is it not? We've got the 2 most successful HHN franchises in the SAME house for the first time ever, A classic original who's sequel in 06 was not as great coming back for redemption, a house based on a fairy tale that's been done successfully as scenes in 2 houses and as a zone, and a house celebrating and honoring the past 25 years of the event. And even then, look at some of the IPs. You've got the 2 biggest names in horror who's last time at the event was HUGELY successful, back again for the first time in 8 years battling each other. You've also got one of the highest rated houses of all time returning, albeit very soon. TWD is the biggest thing to ever happen to HHN good or bad, no matter what your opinion on the property is you can't deny that, so in a way, it's appropriate to be a part of the anniversary, as it's been a major part of the more "commercialized" years of the event. Not saying it's good, and obviously that's not why it's back, but if you look at it from that perspective, it becomes a little more acceptable. Insidious and Purge make zero sense for this year, but Insidious is a property that's perfect for a house, is popular, and is one A&D wanted to do, so it made sense. Nothing they can do about the fallout from Scream, but Purge has potential to be a lot of fun. The streets are all returning characters and concepts from the past 25 years. We have an icon show for the first time in 8 years, we have an icon again for the first time in 4 years, albeit the most used one, more houses than ever, DOUBLE the actors in the streets (just in case anyone forgot that bit of info), more zones than last year, and even a new location for a house, which hasn't happened since 2008 if you don't count the plethora of different SS's used the past few years. You've got the modern HHN feel with the 5 IPs, but there's also a LOT of original content this year, and plenty showcasing the event. With Comcast running the show now, they're pushing for IPs for more money etc., but with what they were given, I think A&D still managed to put together a wonderful lineup for the anniversary. I haven't been this excited for the event since the last anniversary in 2010, and I have a feeling this is gonna be one for the ages. /endrant
  18. I would say I doubt it, as it wont be relevant anymore, but it's not relevant already this year and they're still doing it, so who knows. I wouldn't expect it honestly. Actually wish we did it this year. I'm so curious as to how it turns out lol. That chainlink extending outside of the actual house makes me happy. I feel this house has the strongest chance of flopping, but it could also be really great.
  19. 1. Freddy vs Jason (I've wanted this house for 8 years. NoES 07 terrified the 11 year old me to my core. I've NEVER been that scared at the event since, nor will that ever happen again. That being said, that has put Freddy at a very high pedestal for me concerning the event, so being able to have him battle Jason in a house excites the hell out of me. I'm keeping my expectations low so I don't ruin it for myself, but I just really hope this doesn't turn out disappointing like AvP.) 2. Alice 3D (Alice is PERFECT for a house and in 3D. I'm afraid it will be Afterlife quality, but trust them to handle this one more carefully, as it seems they all really love Alice.) 3. Insidious (I've wanted this since the first one came out in 2011. Perfect HHN property. Hollywood's looked outstanding, so hoping our's will follow the same level of quality.) 4. Blizzard (Everything they've teased so far looks wonderful. This could turn out to be an all timer.) 5. Anniversary (Sounds like this one is gonna be another legendary original. Hoping more than anything it's better than Hollow'd Past. Warehouse scenes were amazing, homages to past events were not, save the Alice room.) 6. The Purge (I think it's better for HHN than Scream. I kinda wish this was planned to see where A&D took it. This should be a lot of fun.) 7. RUN (Cautiously excited for this one. If it's in tune with the original I'll be very happy, but I just can't see how they pull it off with the crowds nowadays. I feel this has the biggest chance of flopping, but am going in optimistic.) 8. American Werewolf in London (If I didn't have the experience I did with NoES, this would be my #1 house of all time. It was god damn perfect, and I've no problem with it coming back. It's too soon, I'll agree, but once I walk into the Slaughtered Lamb again, I won't care it's back so soon. Only reason it's so low is because I know what's in it, so nothing to anticipate.) 9. The Walking Dead (I've yet to look forward to a TWD house. That being said, I've yet to not like one. 2012's wasn't great but passable, 2013's was fun, and last year's was a lot of fun, but none of them have been more than average, so I'm still not going in expecting something outstanding. That also helps with being a lot more happy with what's there, when you have no expectations anything will seem good lol.)
  20. The UtH tour is the biggest reason I want a full reveal soon, so I know which houses are apart of which tour so I can book the one I want before they sell out. My guess is basically the same as everyone else's. AWiL, Anniv., Blizzard, FvJ, Insidious, TWD. Only one I'm iffy on is Purge in place of AWiL, only because they've done the exact same house on the tour before. But considering how many people will want a picture with the wolves (including me) and how great it is scenic wise, I can see it coming back.
  21. Agree with AiW, Run and 25 Years of Horror, but I'm really hoping they don't call Blizzard that, if not because it sounds lame, but because the entrance will literally be 30ft away from Freddy VS Jason. I was thinking about Asylum in Wonderland, but I feel like they'll just call it Alice so more will recognize it. RUN For Your Life's pretty cool, YDKJ. I feel like Carnival of Carnage helps setup the carnival theme, and is a callback to 07's event, which featured Jack, Freddy, Jason, and PS.
  22. Just cuz we've gotten crappy 30 second videos and bad marketing doesn't mean the event will be a letdown. Just because there's more IPs than originals doesn't it will be a letdown. Just because it's not the way it used to be in it's "golden years" doesn't mean it's bad, nor doesn't mean it will be a letdown. Things change. The event has evolved to a more commercial state and I'm not saying you have to like it, you're very much entitled to your own opinion, but assuming the event's gonna be a letdown when over half of it hasn't been officially revealed, nor has it even started, is ludicrous, imo. But yeah, these videos are pretty damn bad. Back to speculation, anyone have any guesses on names for the originals? I'd say Alice in Wonderland 3D would be the easiest for that house, RUN: Jack's Carnival of Carnage or something like that, Psychoscarepy: Origins (can't think of any good ones for Blizzard), HHN: 25 Years of Horror or something along those lines.
  23. I suppose there's a chance, but it's likely just some extra hype for Jack to help introduce him to the GP who've only been going the last 3 years or so. My guess is next week's video will show the demise of the 2 idiots running around the Soundstages, show Jack, and then we have our full reveal either that day or by Thursday. I'm curious to see if they give AWiL it's own announcement, which I do see happening, repeat or not. If so, I'm guessing it'll be on Thursday, just like TWD and Insidious.
  24. "Domestic Canine in England" "The Trotting Deceased" "Surreptitious Possession" "Claws vs. Machete" "The Cleanse"
  25. On Twitter Mike mentioned going through the training facilities and other locations that wouldn't be a part of a suburban home, so there's a chance they're doing a little more than repainting some walls for at least one or a few rooms. Honestly excited to see it. The scarezone was awesome and highly rated, and if you were excited about Scream, you're getting basically the same house with different masks, so this has plenty of potential.
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