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Everything posted by unnatural1

  1. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this. I've been busy. I do see your points, Legacy. I still think that the horror movie fan base would still support these movies even if they've never been to HHN before, but most of your other points seem valid. It WOULD be a lot of money and effort on a gamble that may not pan out. It's also true that, given how businesses tend to think, a movie series would almost guarantee that almost every HHN would be chained to the movie and it's cast. So, yeah, maybe a movie is a bit much to hope for, but it would still be nice to see them work it out somehow.
  2. Count me in as well. The Hallow was my favorite House that year. I'd LOVE to see them do more with more traditional Halloween themes, and the Hallow was a RELENTLESS scarefest for me as I went through it. As an eight-year veteran of this event, it's sometimes hard for the scareactors to genuinely scare me, but the Hallow had me scared to death by the time I got out of it. I think a big part of that was the fact that it had the weight of history and tradition behind it. That house was a true celebration of why Halloween was once a dreaded event, and I'm all for more of that awesome action.
  3. I was thinking the other day. Universal is a movie studio, and they own the rights to all these amazing characters that they've created for Horror Nights over the years. Wouldn't it be cool if they started making actual horror movies with these characters? I don't see what would really stop them. They own the characters, They have access to film writers, directors, and set designers. They certainly can't have any doubts about the market for such movies. Just look at how popular HHN is, after all. Personally, I was thinking it'd be a great idea if they got into the habit of producing a movie to introduce each icon and timed it's release with the beginning of Horror Night. Hell, they could even sell DVDs and Blu-Rays of the movie at the event itself. I know I'd buy one. It would just be one more way to help people get into the back story of these icons. The movies wouldn't even have to be particularly large-budget. It'd be great if they COULD use big-name directors and/or actors and use cutting edge special effects, but this isn't strictly necessary. Done right, each movie could just be a one-hour short film in much the same style as the "Masters of Horror" series. What do you all think?
  4. I'm inclined to agree. This quote from Mr. Belasco could mean anything. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of a Casino of Death concept, but I wouldn't get too invested just yet in a statement that may very well be deliberately misleading in order to engender wild speculation. Now, I could be wrong, I'm a newcomer to this site, after all. I guess I'm wondering, does Mr. Belasco make a habit of dropping subtle hints about the upcoming event? Or does he tend to throw a lot of red herrings, designed to fake people out so we're all surprised when we finally get what the theme really is? Nonetheless, speculation is always fun and it's great to see the first rumblings beginning to take shape. I can't wait to find out more.
  5. Ah, I see. So, going on the last night is still a valid idea, given the "go out with a bang" mentality, but looking for a special change isn't likely. Thanks for the advice. So, how does participating in Legendary Truth and this site change things? Since there are people here who work within the event, is it just the fact that they may have some tips on what to look for, or is there something else about participating in these sites?
  6. I see. So we'll definitely try to make it for the last night this year. Thanks for the video too! That was really cool. I wish I'd been there to see it live. And I definitely think I may just take you up on the T-shirt idea. They do look cool, afterall. Are you saying that the scareactors tend to give special attention to people wearing these shirts? If so, then I'm definitely scoring one!
  7. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions about how to get the most bang for your buck at Horror Night? I was looking through the Icon summaries page on this site and I noticed that at HHN XV, apparently, they did a special thing in which the evil queen was sacrificed at midnight on the last night. Are there any other times when the experience may be different than other nights? Are there any tendencies for certain dates/times to have special, unique events? Are there any dates/times one should be looking out for? My friends and I have been going to Horror Night for eight years now (nine this year) and we're always looking for ways to better maximize our experiences. Any suggestions?
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