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Everything posted by Hollis

  1. I was about...ten when I first heard about HHN, I believe. Big fan of Halloween, grew up with Halloween fans, had goth parents for a while (until they became 'normal' per say), grew up loving Halloween attractions. I think I heard about it through website and random Google searches. I looked up Halloween Attractions, because I was bored, and came up with Wikipedia. They had the HHN article, I became intrigued, long story short, big HHN fan now.
  2. This IS quite odd. Perhaps their server has bugs in it, and they're simply attempting to fix it? I hope it doesn't turn into another Vault affair...*Speaking of which, does anyone have an archive for the Vault? <.<*
  3. Perhaps Bloody Mary is simply an entity, and both Mary Agana and Grandmother Mary are combined to turn into her? Now, physically, Bloody Mary would take the form of Mary Agana's body, but it was both Grandmother!Mary's spirit and Mary Agana's skewed wants and desires that are Bloody Mary. Grandmother!Mary helped Mary Agana to go that extra mile, to take the final leap and become such an evil entity. When mixing both Grandmother's spirit and Mary's wants, they would become Bloody Mary. So I believe that they are both Mary, in a way.
  4. What annoys me the most is the generally rude people I've come across in my years of attending Halloween attractions. I can't vouch for anything at HHN, but I have my share of annoying/rude/drunks up where I live. For example, last year, I went to a local place called Slash Moraine. I was with my father, and right behind us was this positively irritating group of teenagers who were being a bunch of rude snobs. Yelling out "Not scary!", trying to scare me, attempting to scare everyone else...It was quite annoying, to say the least. When I was eight years old, I went to a haunted hayride. There was a couple of drunks on the tractor ahead of us, and everyone could hear them loud and clear. I vaguely remember them trying to shove each other off of the ride, too. Ugh. x_x My other complaint is when (this is going to get a bit hypocritical, here) parents bring their young'uns to the attraction. I, personally, have always been intrigued by HOS, HHN, and the like; I have never screamed too loudly, hopefully haven't been a bother, or been an a-hole. But when you bring your seven-year-old brat who screams at a pumpkin with a smiley face carved into it, who pushes everyone else around, and acts like a girl from My Super Sweet 16, that's when I get cranky. I've had my experiences with this, especially at Halloween Haunt and Slash Moraine. Seriously? Even though these places take place at Kings Island and Splash Moraine doesn't mean that it's going to be a kid friendly event.
  5. Should there be an icon for HHN XXI?

    1. Stumpy


      I would like to see one. It's fun having a character that you can meet at the event. But I'm sure the event will be fine if they decide to do without this year.

    2. Legacy


      I'm still expecting to see some variation of Death/Grim Reaper. Although it's quite possible we will simply get Fear back.

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