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Everything posted by hunnylvr

  1. I just love this pic! This is my partner getting the living crap scared out of her.. so much so, you can see her gum flying from her mouth! LOL
  2. I realize I wasn't nearly as obsessed with the game as some of you (ahem, Jeramy) - mainly because I don't have the kind of time I need to play. However, I did have a spot in the top 100 before it ended and that's with not getting a lot of points for actually being there since I was only able to attend 2 weekends. However, I did manage to piss away over 10,000 life force (of my measly 75k) just trying to beat that stupid balance game. GOD! What a pain in the ass! So, now that I beat that.. will other games reappear?
  3. Any thoughts on why they took the site down so bloody fast?
  4. What the holy hell? The only game that comes up for me is the only one I didn't beat.. the last game we got. How about all of you?
  5. Not to sound stupid, but can someone explain to me how the hell you're supposed to play that last online game?
  6. The first step is recognizing you have a problem, baby.. LOL
  7. And we all know that Faux News jumps on crap like this. Gimme a break
  8. I realize this was done by Uni.. but the pic just cracks me up to no end.. AND, we have our HNN shirts on!
  9. I emailed them as well. I should've gotten the "visited 5 times" on ALL the houses, but, as you've all noticed, Dead End and Gothic never seem to work. I didn't get a response to my email or my badges. And JW, you need a support group, my friend. LOL
  10. Ah, the Iniquitis.. my favorite group of the whole event.. they are just.. well, beautiful. I never get tired of watching the ones on stilts walk down the streets, capes flowing behind them, and that odd, gliding way they have of moving.. <shaking head.. sorry - I miss them already, and I can't get back down there to see them again) As for wait times - I thought it was funny that TWD had such high wait times when Gothic and Dead End are supremely better houses. A few nights we were there, it was almost like the staff was trying to herd people toward P&T and Alice Cooper - the wait times were like 10 minutes for those. If you are going to plan your route, and especially if you don't have express.. hit TWD and Silent Hill before the wait times blow up.
  11. When we left at 1:00am on Saturday, the wait time for TWD was 120 minutes! If you really want to see that, I would definitely hit that first. I'd do Gothic and Dead End after that - I believe those are the best houses of the entire event, so if you can figure a way to hit them twice (once with Express, once without), you'll be glad you did. Yes, you might miss good stuff if you don't hit Gothic twice. The scareactors are on the streets until close from what I saw. My favorite place to hang was on one of the benches on the street behind Mel's Diner (heading toward the exit). Forgive me for never getting the correct "area name", but I think you know where I mean.. We sat there for an hour Saturday night just watching various beasts/Iniquitus/Vampires - scare the crap out of everyone. It was great.
  12. Ya know, it's the little things that make me happy. You gave us the nod two weeks prior then as well. God, I just love this forum..
  13. According to TJ (at the Arcane Insights Tour we went on), they have added over 85 more actors for the streets since the first few weeks of the event. We originally went to the event the 2nd weekend it was open. Then we flew back down there for this past weekend, and we DEFINITELY noticed a difference. Buy the extra ticket and go. If I could justify flying down one more time, I would.. It was a BLAST
  14. If B&T continues to be this stupid, I may skip it going forward. Sorry to those who liked it, but I thought the funniest part was the actor who came out at the beginning as "Sweet Brown" from that viral video - I Got Bronchitis.. which is hilarious to me for many personal reasons. Other than that, I just didn't like most of it. FYI - if I heard Mormon jokes about Romney, I would've loved it.. then again, I'm from a "blue" state, and hardly a conservative.. so there ya go. Can't please all the people, etc, etc..
  15. King K! I know you recognized fellow HHN members - my partner and I both wore our shirts to the Arcane Insights Tour on Friday.. and I remember telling her after we got out of the house "Elvis must be on HHN.. cuz he pointed at the shirts" We got so lucky with this on Saturday.. we were JUST getting up to the entrance around 8:00ish.. and we see all these cameras going off and bright lights.. and then Penn and Teller were standing right there. We got our pics taken with them, and they actually handed us our 3D glasses to go in. Penn loved our makeup (which we just had done by the AWESOME makeup artists). That guy is HUGE though.. I look like a midget standing next to him. I will post our pic later.. I have to pull all my pics off my camera.
  16. YAY!! I'm glad I finally commented on someone who reads here. Helzo, you ROCK!! Cody, I might have a few pics of you, too. I've got 444 pics we took over the two weekends we were down there.. I'm hoping to post some soon.. I mean, I got some REALLY good pics of a LOT of scareactors. I plan on taking the best of them - along with some video we got and making a YouTube video. I'll post that here when I get it done, and if anyone recognizes themselves and wants me to email the pic, I would be happy to do so.
  17. Cody, this kind of story just makes me sad. I, for one, so appreciate the wonderful job you guys do, and I can't imagine how anyone would ever want to harm any of you. WTF?? I hope the guy gets into serious trouble for this bullshit, and I hope you and your friend are ok.
  18. I have to give huge thanks to the scare actor who is in the Alice Cooper house and hangs from the ceiling after the "stripper" pole. He got me every time I've been thru that house, but last night (10/13) around 8pm, he got me GOOD.. so good, that my partner behind me cracked up and gave him thumbs up and he gave it back. Jeez. Also, in Gothic, the scareactor who hangs from the ceiling and reaches down got me around 11:40pm.. best scare of the night. To the actors playing beasts and Iniquitus who were wandering around the section behind Mel's Drive-In toward the exit.. we sat on a bench last night around midnight and just watched you guys for almost an hour.. had SO MUCH fun just watching. Also, many of you came up to us because we had our faces painted really well this time (good enough that random strangers wanted pictures with us! LOL).. there was one Iniqutus actor who played along with me for a pic and we did a face to face staredown. My favorite picture of all 5 nights of the event I attended. Thank you!!
  19. We were on the Arcane Insights Tour last night with TJ (who is a WONDERFUL human being), and we had stopped at the prop near Central Park where King Kong's hand is because our guide, Jesse (love him, too) was pointing out the homage to King Kong. We were listening to Jesse tell us about it around 7:45pm, and TJ was standing just to my left. I wasn't paying attention to anything going on around us as I was listening to what Jesse had to say, when a vampire girl came up behind my right shoulder and growled right into my ear. I let out a LOUD "OH SHIT" and jumped. TJ cracked up and said, "Now that's how it's supposed to work" or something like that. The whole group broke up over that. Good one vampire, good one.
  20. Is anybody else having trouble seeing properly? It's almost like you have to play this game in crappy light or the glare is too much and I can't see anything coming until they are too close. Ugh..
  21. Holy shit, Stumpy.. if you've got that many points, you have too much time on your hands. LOL! Love the new game! It's fun.. and kinda scary! Sucks on a laptop though.. I do better with a mouse. Hoping to score big later
  22. WOW! Cool pic! Is there going to be a separate thread for the pictures everyone has been taking at the event? I got some really good ones I'd like to post, but I don't want to be a pain in the ass to the Moderators by putting them here only to have them moved.
  23. What the hell?? How come I didn't get that email?? Not that I could be there this weekend.. would be a long flight.. but I still wanna know what's going on. Did you ALL get that email? It's ironic to me that after I finally got the badge for that infuriating Beast game, if I choose to play it for the hell of it, I win more than I lose now. Go figure
  24. What a great thread! I'm sure I'll be adding to it later.. but I've got stuff to say now.. Last Thursday, 9/27, outside of Walking Dead where the zombies roam, my two friends and I were taking a break on one of the benches (we were also eating and waiting on lagoon show and entertaining ourselves by watching the zombies scare "everyone else"). Of course, we got comfortable, and we stopped paying attention, and the next thing I know, I've got a zombie right up against my ear with a growl. I literally lifted off the bench by about a foot, and both my legs shot out straight. I swear to god my hair was standing on end. Well played, Zombie Man! Same night in Dead End - three actors in a row got me for the perfect scare trifecta. It was pretty damn impressive. In fact, that whole house was pretty damn impressive. Last Saturday, 9/29, we were on RIP Tour and standing around in the arcade waiting for the rest of our group to gather so we could move on. Female vampire comes strolling in with a few others.. she walks up to me and gets right in my face and then puckers her lips and kisses at me. About 15 minutes later as we FINALLY were just about to TWD, I see the same vampire girl, and she comes up to me again, kissing at me. Yep, yep, yep.. made my night.. Love me some female vampires. I'll be back 10/12 and 10/3, honey.. come find me. I cannot say enough about the Iniqitus.. your moves are so graceful and the costumes are just gorgeous.. and I love, love, love watching you... it's scary in that jaw-dropping kind of way. I will pay more attention on our next visit to give proper praise to all those who make this event so awesome. I know I'm forgetting too many.. Oh wait! GOTHIC!! Best house of the event!! Every one in that house is just friggin AWESOME! The flyng gargoyle who comes out of the black near the end damn near had me peeing down my leg.. nice work!
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