I Like Original houses like Nightingales, or Body Collectors, but the spoof houses dont do it for me, its like there isnt enough insanity
going on inside of them or something, I hated the bloodengutz house, it just seemed unorganized. I love b-movie horror thats just goofy.
I really want to see more creatures like Wolfman, Mummy, Dracula/Vampires, ETC... I feel like the zombie idea may be over used slightly, I mean
you can't do a HHN without Zombies That Would Just Be asking for trouble but, I think the whole zombie concept has become so big in the past couple
years that it is just getting old for me. Honestly I'd Really Love To See Something with Aliens, Kind of Fourth Kind-esque. Definitely a Robot Takeover would be cool,
like an obey the machine type scare zone, 1/2 robot half man creatures with saws for hands...lol I'd love to see a mummy house, and definitely a wolfman house. I
personally love vampires so anytime theres a vampire house count me in, but I wish there could be a medieval vampire house or gothic style kind of like vampyr when it was set in the castle.
the house with the blood rave was cool to but the whole Gothic industrial look just reminds me of hot topic lol.