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Posts posted by Troiandan

  1. I guess at this stage it just isn't that important to me either way if it's an IP - moreso the execution. I've pretty much loved all the Universal Classic Monster houses, the All Night Die-Ins and Silver Screams, Alice Cooper (of course) - heck, I even enjoyed Saw. OTOH, I really didn't like some of our other IP houses last year, and I can think of several other IP's over the years that really didn't float my boat. And then I can say the same thing about the original houses - many I've loved to near-death; some gave me the meh's.

    I have faith in Orlando's creative team - just not so much faith in those that hold the purse strings, and therefore the whips. I understand the issues with presenting similar product to two different markets, so my concern I think comes more from Hollywood mis-judging marketing to Orlando (as Ryan has suggested before).

    As always, this is only one woman's opinion, and YMMV :)

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  2. I still haven't heard a practical way in which Universal can make the event scarier. Minus perhaps better scareactor training. But I give the scareactors more credit than that. Sure you have the new scareactors who may not do as good with the lack of training. But there are a lot of extremely talented veterans at the event. I cannot discount them nor do I think people stay static through the event. Training or no, you find your groove but I do agree casting strictly off body type is not the best method of casting.

    This. I have been aware that training for the performers has become virtually non-existent, but I am geniunely blown away each year by the talent, intensity and inventiveness these men and women bring, night after night. Even in my least happy moments, I can say I've very seldom been disappointed in their performance, especially based on outside limitations often imposed on them. I can only imagine how much they would bring if combining their abilities with an effective and enthusiastic director.

    This as well. I want to be scared, so I try to "let the scare happen." I can't describe my process, I just... do. And the weeks of interaction with the performers and fellow fans makes this a win for me each year. Do I wish for more? Heck, yeah, I'm a selfish little git. But Uni corporate knows full well they have me regardless, so when creative is allowed to give me/us a bit more - yes, I'm grateful.

  3. I could not agree with you more. Sound helps with the immersion factor. It puts me into the scene that much more.

    I also love when they use scents. I will never forget HHN 13 in Psycho Scareapy the overwhelming smell of feces in one of the rooms. As sick and disgusting as that smell was, that was the moment they had me hooked for good. Coming from Pa I had never experienced a "haunted house" with smells before. I have only once or twice smelled a scent at local haunts in the 10 years since then and don't notice them at HHN anymore.

    I don't need a bunch of blood and gore because honestly it fits in some houses and it doesn't in others. I don't want extreme amounts of gore just for the sake of gore. I would much rather the blood and gore that they do have is placed properly in a realistic fashion, with scent.

    As far as the e-proms go, I hate them. I'm not a scareactor and have never been one. Talking strictly from a guest standpoint they become predictable, especially when you go through a house multiple times. I have better experiences all around without them. I don't mind one here or there but last year they were just ridiculous.

    I think Mystique first brought up the sound aspect a couple of pages ago, and I'm so glad she did, because I agree too.

    And yes, scent. I can't say that PsychoScareapy was the first house with smells, but it's the first one I remember having smells. Although I also remember the smell of grass and gasoline in the Screamhouse (Revisited, I think) that same year. Still, a truck stop bathroom does have a more memorable scent.

    I also agree when she said it needs to incorporate all of our senses. However, I still think taste should be on the table too...

    Alice Cooper house? Tastes like chicken :P

    • Like 1
  4. Now that I think about it, some of my fondest memories of my early HHN visits include sound. In Pitch Black, I remember the sounds of a child whispering "Hey! Over here!" And in Superstition, where they had the dead hanging cats bleeding on you, they also had the cat hissing/howling sounds. Shoot, even in the original Doomsday (I think that's the one), there was the sound of the subway as you were walking through the car. Yes, it didn't have to be loud or startling, but I remember it being effective. Mostly because I actually remember it all this time later.

    Effective use of sound should be on the list - check.

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  5. Now, for those of you that are saying you want more "in your face", intense, innovative scares: I have to ask, what more do you want? I don't know how many of you follow the industry outside of Horror Nights, but Universal has been pushing the envelope in terms of scare tactics for a few years now. "In your face" scares cannot happen simply because of safety for the actors.

    Speaking strictly for myself, when I say I want "in your face," I'm not referring to the performers. I'm blessed and grateful to have experienced so much scareactor-in-face action that I can't slip a piece of paper between us (*cough* showmaninlap *cough*). I'm referring more to increasing the gore and blood, for one. Psychological shenanigans - mess with my head to the max.

    Geez, that sounds healthy...

    I'm not a creative type, so I don't have the ability to suggest how to achieve some of these things to the level that I would wish for. All I can do is to attempt to express my thoughts and feelings to the best of my ability. And hope someone can put together a really disgusting way to make me piddle my pants. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate the heck out of everything that creative continues to bring us every year, because I genuinely do. Just putting my feelings out there to muse over, or not.

    Speak for yourself ;):D

    • Like 2
  6. I think this came up earlier in the thread, but I don't want to review the last 25 pages, and I don't remember seeing a lot of detail on it, so...

    Since it seems very likely that SS parade will still be going strong come HHN 23, the issues with the streets vis a vis the parade route will still exist. Do you think they can come up with a more satisfactory solution than they did last year? Such as movable set pieces, but maybe not generic throughout the entire park? I can't envision them being able to set up something as elaborate as 20 years of fear or something like that, but I would hope they can come up with something more intricate this year.

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  7. You know what I'd love to see make a return? A set scarezone using the Nightmaze gate idea. It was such a great concept that was executed poorly if you ask me. I think a prisoners-style scarezone with swinging and moving chain link fences could be really intense. It also allows for the return of a female chainsaw group, which made me pee a little a few times last year.

    That makes me think of the original Run house. Pretty darned brightly lit, but lots of sounds effects and I thought it was a huge amount of fun. Put that in the streets like you suggest, and I think that would be a great use of the concept.

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  8. I sincerely hope that my response didn't cause offense to anyone. I was merely giving a perspective that was more from a business point of view, to help spur some debate and discussion. If I did at all, I of course apologize. :)

    Not at all Boogey, I appreciate a considered and nicely presented discussion. And I happen to feel the same way on most on your concepts. As above, it's all good, and I love the contribution. :)

    MOVING FORWARD ;) - I really like the ideas that have been presented by Mr. Black, JW and Boogey for potential shows. A Repo! concept for SZ might be kind of fun, too! Granted, somewhat similar to S&S in a few respects. But, as someone has said before - all the ideas have already been used. It's just the execution (lol) that might be different.

    If Uni lets Creative put their caps on, stuff like this could be great ideas for them to chew on.

  9. um... no. why don't we concentrate on having 8 houses again before even mentioning an extreme house or an asinine idea.

    I'm disappointed that I can't bring up a talking point without responders being subjected to attack. I realize that some folks don't know why anyone would think HHN would be affected by family friendly crap - but I didn't think the subject fell outside of bounds this early in the year.

    Just - disappointed.

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  10. What with Uni's current focus on attracting the family demographic, a random thought occurred to me on the drive home. Do you think they would apply any part of the "family friendly" scenario to this year's HHN? My thought and hope is a resounding NO, and with the fans clamoring for more blood and guts and Bloodengutz, I would think this is the response of most fans. Anyone have any opinions or insights to the contrary?

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