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Everything posted by Rikku

  1. Here here. And I am also glad to hear someone else love Krampus like I do, I love love that movie! Was so tickled when it got brought to HHN
  2. Upon further reflection I guess the originals really need to bring the intensely dark and horror elements to the event since the IPs overall aren't hard on the horror. But also looking at years past and reflecting on my favorites one of my all time favorites without a doubt is Asylum in Wonderland, top 5 material for me, which clearly wasn't the scariest but I just had fun in that house. Granted the whole event can't just be "fun" it needs to bring the fear but remembering what joy I had going through that house I need to keep an open mind especially with houses like Ghostbusters and Stranger Things. As it could surprise me and be a favorite and HHN has proven that it can make a stellar house with the most unusual concepts....we just need to trust the process. Not saying all of them with be knockouts but it will be a solid event for sure and after seeing it in reality this year it'll prove HHN can turn any concept into a house. It just is a different beat than what we've become accustomed to these past few years especially driving those properties like TWD, AHS, Purge, Insidious, Halloween and the like. So in it's own way it is exciting seeing it try a different rhythm.
  3. Tooth Fairy, Yeti and Nightingales are top of my list (no specific order) and out of the IPs Killer Klowns is my top and is probably 4th place for most anticipated right now.
  4. Well I guess that is one good question to keep speculation going is the scarezones are still surrounded in mystery, I am also highly curious as to what they are. Also surprised we have no real leads on that at the moment.
  5. Certainly have no problem with the Skoolhouse returning however after two years of Trick 'r Treat I don't need them that soon and that is kinda what worries me about the Graveyard Hide and Shriek is it just another kids in masks type deal? I just hope not since we have had a lot of that recently.
  6. Oh I agree I don't think it should be part of the Scary Tales brand, just curious if that is a possibility.
  7. Could Tooth Fairy be part of the Scary Tales franchise? But I hope that house is as dark as the one in Knott's was, I really liked that house over there. But reviewing the map again and if it is that line up, I'm not mad at the list this year (except for like I said maybe Ghostbusters, but will see I'll try to give it benefit of doubt), it is quiet the eclectic line up....very unusual or at least from what we have seen at the event recently. Not to many really striking fear or really pushing the horror in horror nights....will still be wonderful as always it just is interesting....not trying to totally stir up the debate again of gore vs no gore and all that from a few pages back just again it is an interesting line up
  8. Now that I can get on board with. I know Poltergeist being PG opened a lot of doors of lower rating horror/thrillers but Ghostbusters I am not feeling is a house....but a scarezone....yes I can have fun with that
  9. I am still not feeling Ghostbusters and still hoping that one doesn't happen....
  10. I wish I saw the mermaid scene in action, I came to the event late last year (as always) and it never was working when I was there so I have no idea what it looked like lol
  11. What a wonderful treat, I am so beyond excited for this house. It'll make waiting for my HHN trip that much harder. But after this and Dead Exposure last year it just makes me that much more optimistic that my favorites will one day get their sequel. (please Gothic!)
  12. I wonder if there will be any Lady Luck easter eggs in the house since she kinda was a nightingale? Lol! Just asking could be something to keep an eye out for
  13. I'm still hopeful for Alien, Predator, or AVP in some form (if not this year in the future, to hell with the Fox-Disney deal I want it at HHN again lol)
  14. Might as well get this discussion out of the way since we do it every year anyways lol and we are always questioning it until official lol. 1. Different ticket types and prices. FFP returning, express and all that good jazz 2. Alcohol throughout the park, Finns, bars through out the park and etc
  15. I know we have been discussing Us as a house possibility but what about the possibility of a scare zone? A la Purge style? A bunch of people running around in red with scissors? I mean I think it would probably be better as a house but for some reason the idea of it as a scare zone just came to me. Thoughts?
  16. Yea I want another Poltergeist moment of something totally unexpected
  17. I loved Killer Klowns last year, the best thing for me last year, and Chucky was the worst for me personally. So I am hoping more for Killer Klowns HOWEVER if one of them has to come back I hope it is only one and not both. I can handle one or the other but not both and also Stranger Things too? Way to much rehash and repeat.....I loved Trick 'r Treat as a scare zone but it def lost a lot this past year in house transition right after....felt cheap....and I would hate for that to happen to Killer Klowns....idk
  18. Idk I never want TWD in HHN again but it is great to have a year round haunt just to get that little bit of HHN style satisfaction and fix. So I guess a permanent TWD house/attraction wouldn't be that bad. But I think they should go for Stranger Things in Orlando, it isn't "as scary" and idk I feel that is more current.
  19. After the long walk just to Seeds of Extinction and Trick 'r Treat the dual park idea and all that walking can get the heck outta here haha stay in just Studios forever please .
  20. I am not picky between prequel/sequel/mashup but here is my top list of houses I want to see a return in some capacity: Gothic Dollhouse of the Damned Asylum in Wonderland Urban Legends: La Llorna Tomb of the Ancients
  21. I get so confused on here hahaha! Not trying to be mean but we have pages of discussion about how "Stranger Things ruined HHN and HHN is no longer scary or gory" or whatever. Then I see posts wanting HP tied into HHN and some kid friendly event at IOA, that would surely steal some of HHN's budget which we are always concerned about anyways. Like uh....what? lol! No no no to HP if you think the event is crowded now it will be impossible with HP and that would totally cramp the style of HHN anyways. I love HP but I want it no part in my HHN experience except for Diagon Alley eating people up during the event.
  22. A street? ....I really have no idea how on Earth that would work....
  23. I usually am clamoring for a Gothic sequel, that is usually my number one request, however a follow up to Dollhouse of the Damned is so deserved. That house totally rocked and was legit unsettling everytime I hit that house def ranks up there. And man they for sure got their money out of the props they used for that house, seen the dang big baby face (one at end of Carnival Graveyard) in a house like every year since lol! So it would be a great business decision just due to recyclable props they would get from it hahaha!
  24. I just hope scare actor staffing remains strong until the end of the event (when I show up lol) in particular Scary Tales and Slaughter Sinema was almost always empty for me when I went through last year
  25. I don't get this whole HHN is gonna become MNSSHP debate/question...I thought we kinda stomped it along with the gore vs no gore and Stranger Things discussion. Yes the Fox-Disney deal will make it tricky for HHN to acquire some properties I am sure but coming off of what many consider one of the best years ever of HHN why are we so concerned about a decline? Of course I don't want the same people who oversee Hollywood to ruin what Orlando has going for it but I feel that is a different argument. Unless we get anything concrete I feel HHN should continue to rise in popularity and as a premiere scary Halloween event. Universal has such a grasp on the young adult and party going group why ruin it trying to compete with Disney and what they do? I mean that is exactly why I go to Universal so much now on Orlando trips. I would be shocked if they tried to ruin a good thing especially if they are citing that HHN is a highlight of the year for them financially.
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