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Everything posted by cwoolboy

  1. I'm talking about the scene where the Thing is on the ceiling and the black dude is shooting at it. That SHOULD be it's "pure" form because at that moment it had just popped out of the ice.
  2. I must say having no stilts really hurts this zone.
  3. Here's a Lights On Tour of Winter's Night bro. Hopefully this will hold u over till u get to experience it in person And Saturday was one of the worst weather days I can remember in Orlando. I don't think we got 5 secs of no rain. Terrible.
  4. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by this maze/scarezone. I really dig it. Even though you may not get a lot of scares (really depends on when you walk through it) it still manages to put you on edge as you walk thrugh it. Nothing is certain, and it can be pretty hard to see the scareactors here. As I was nearing the exit a (female?) scareactor ran up behind me and screamed in my ear, very good scare since I felt like I was just about safe when it happened...great job! This one is dangerously close to becoming my favorite scarezone of the event. 9/10
  5. Got to hit this one again Friday. I feel like I got to see just about every effect, so that was pretty cool. I still love the chill felt in this house, and the scareactors were on their A game (as usual). I must say I'm beginning to really like this house. It's another one that's overlooked by most, but really shouldn't be. It's quite good! I also must say even though Friday I had gone to the event incognito (no Nightmare T-shirt, no areosmith cap) it felt like some the scareactors recognized me in here. (I was wearing a black Hurley Shirt and blue jeans). 7/10
  6. Really good house. great facade, great theming, and some pretty dmn good scares. Love how and it seemed to strike a good balance between live actors and AAs . I must say that . Didn't really feel like I was in the film, but it was still a good house nontheless. I'm putting this one on my DO NOT MISS list. 8/10
  7. Fun house, but I was somewhat disappointed with it. It felt like the line was moving way too fast and I feel like I didn't get enough time in each room to fully appreciate them for what they were. That said, It was pretty cool and funny so I'll definitely be hitting this one again (given the line is under 45 mins, idk y, but when the wait time says 45 mins it actually is more like an hour. What up with that?) For now it gets a 5/10
  8. Well, I saw the 11:30 show on Friday, and I must say...I'm somewhat impressed. Definitely better than last year's show (which was terrible). This year's BnT starts out strong, and then kinda slumps a bit before ending on an amazing high note. PROS: CONS: So, overall the show was one of the weaker ones I've seen but at least it was better than last years. I think of this year's show as good, campy fun which is why I was able to have a flippin blast with it despite it's shortcomings. I'm definitely going to see it several times. It may not be the best BnT show, but it's still pretty damn fun and succeeds at showing audience members a good time. I'd reccommend it. 7/10
  9. I will likely be there on Saturday, wearing a Nightmares T-Shirt and possibly my Aerosmith cap.
  10. Really?! cool! Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to look up now.
  11. I'm probably going to be there again this Sat, Oct. 8.
  12. I tend to scream or yelp when someone gets me, sometimes I'll say Jesus when I'm starting to anticipate a scare.
  13. BEAUTIFUL pics Nick, keep up the good work everyone!
  14. Thats funny, that room you're hinting at was the one that stands out the most clearly in my memory and was my favorite room in the house, i just don't remember that effect in there...interesting. Thanks for clarifying though, I'll be sure to look down from now on when i'm in that room!!!
  15. I went on opening night and I agree, the fog was thick and all-encompassing but I LOVED IT!!! Definitely one of the top zones
  16. I had a problem finding the no floor room as well. I'll be sure to look extra hard the next time i go.
  17. I remember the house having ALOT of scareactors in there. Maybe you went in during a cast change?
  18. I MUST hit this house next time I go.
  19. Lovin the pics in this thread, great job guys!
  20. Just got back, so I'm pretty tired. Don't expect a whole lot here, just my general thoughts on what I got to do. HOUSES Winter's Night: some parts were pretty wow, other parts not so much. Some of the characters reminded me of some seen in the previous Frankenstein house. I don't really know the whole backstory, so maybe that clarifies things a bit. To me it seemed like a cemetary where experiments had been performed. Interesting house overall. Will definitely give it a 2nd try. RATING: 6/10 Nightingales: Blood Prey: WOW. just....WOW. What a perfect house (and I don't throw the word perfect around lightly). From opening scene/facade you are thrust deep into the heart of battle. Guns blaze overhead, people can be heard screaming, and a nightingale bends down from above and reaches out for passersby as we enter the trenches. It makes for quite the first impression. My first reaction was to step back a bit and take it all in. Beautiful. The Nightingales are fantastic and terrifying (especially as they become more and more grotesque as you make your way deeper into the trenches). There are constant flashes of light and the sound of gunfire, it really feels like there is a war going on above and around you...it's a fantastic effect that works really well. I thought the portrayal of war was realistic enough (I've never been through warfare so I wouldn't really know how it truly is). Overall one of the best houses of the night. Rating: 10/10 Nevermore: The Madness of Poe: Another fantastic house. I was worried I wouldn't recognize all of Poe's works but I knew just about every one we walked through. The first scene was fantastic, seeing Poe furiously scribbling on paper and clutching at his heart. My favorite scenes were The Cask...(It was either this or The Black Cat), Masque of The Red Death, and one that appeared to take place in a mansion. The best parts of the house were when Poe actually began to appear in his stories, almost acting like our guide on this journey, It was really cool to see him in these parts and that just about made my night. I don't know about you guys, but I wanted to hug Poe...he was so cool. Overall a very different, fantastic house that any Poe fan should see. Rating: 10/10 The In-Between: I had high hopes for this one. As it was it was a good house, but didn't really blow me away. Every room was pretty warped and twisted (in a good way, LOVE how it starts out in a college dorm). The spinning tunnel combined with the 3D glasses was quite the nauseating effect (and I don't get sick easily...I just about fell over in this area). There was a never ending hallway effect (best way I could describe it...felt like the hallway was almost growing). The laser room was pretty cool. One of my personal favorite rooms was the yarn room...so confusing but so colorful and awesome! The In-Between is a memorable house that I will definitely be hitting several more times. Rating: 7/10 The Forsaken: I hit this baby right at the end of the night. For the first half of the house I was the only one there (with friends trailing behind me). It was nice to get the scareactors full attention. The sets, details, and character designs are phenomenal, but I felt like I didn't get a clear understanding of what each room was. Right when it felt like the house was getting to the good part it ends. so dissappointed. I could tell the scareactors are dedicated to their craft in here, and that's a very good thing and is one of the reasons I love this house so. I was also impressed by the hurricane effects (wind gusts and water splashes...love it). I'm definitely going to hit The Forsaken several more times. Overall a great house that is just too short ( I felt like it should have been 10x longer). Rating: 8/10 ZONES Acid Assualt: I didn't get to walk all the way through this one, but was impressed from what I saw, the scares I received in the small area I walked through, and the character designs. Not gonna rate this one until I walk all the way through it, but color me hopeful. Grown Evil: A beautiful use of the Central Park area. Really succeeded in makng the whole place feel like an overgrown garden/park. Loved the blue lighting and the fog to be found within. Pleasantly surprised by the amount of female screactors here (and whats more...most were good lookng). Good scares throughout and good character diversity (stilt-walkers, groundwalkers, raven types, etc). Overall a zone I will definitely be spending more time in. Rating: 7/10 Canyon of Dark Souls: Nothing jaw dropping here. Lots of fog that enshrouded my vision (loved it), tons of guardians (very cool), and occasional fire effects. Definitely succeeds at creating claustophobia (I was afraid I'd run right into a scareactor). For such a small zone they did a lot with it, and the scareactors do a pretty good job at creating scares and tension. definitely a fun zone to walk through. Rating: 7/10 7- Walked through at the end of the night when the scareactors had left. It looks good, and I LOVE the music choice found within. Definitely has soe good potential. Color me hopeful. MERCHANDISE Hoodie: I was thinking about buying one, but it's just an all black hoodie with Halloween Horror Nights 21 and a small symbol on the top left. I wish it had a cooler design to it. I decided not to buy it. Blood Bag: Worth a purchase if you've never had one before. Very weak, lacks an appealing taste, but fun to suck on (almost makes ya feel like a vamp). I had to buy a coke to help wash down the taste of the thing. Probly won't be purchasing one again (I don't need alcohol to make HHN fun), but it was worth a try. OVERALL Not the best year by any means, but it definitely has some potential. It had both it's up and downs. I didn't feel Luck's presence in the areas I was in and the whole event seemed to lack a consistant theme (not really a bad thing, but definitely noticeble). That said, it does feel good to have pretty much all original material this year (minus The Thing). I understand that this is opening night and thus the scareactors are still finding their sweet spots, I know that as the event progresses they will get better and so will the event (one of the reasons I try to go multiple times). I have high hopes that this year will eventually grow into something truly beautiful, but as it is right now it's still a fun experience that definitley left me wanting more. Rating: 7/10
  21. I never got to walk all the way through the zone but I did stop in the beginning part for a little while. GREAT costume design, some pretty good quality scares here and there. I'll definitely give it the full walk through it so richly deserves next time I go.
  22. I decided to throw caution to the wind and buy one of the blood bags. Well, mistake on my part. They aren't very strong, and they don't taste all that great (I bought a coke shortly after my first few sips so I could wash down that taste). I probably won't be buying one again (I don't need alcohol to make the event fun) but it's definitely worth a try if you've never had one before.
  23. After walking through this house I can easily see how the nature of this house MAY send some over the edge. While I've never been in combat, it seemed more than real enough for me. While the main focus is on the nightingales (there is one soldier that fires a machine gun across our path, but I'm pretty sure he was trying to get rid of a nightingale on the opposite side of the line), the constant sound of gunfire and screams combined with the realistic trench setting is enough to (I imagine) potentially trigger some memories or such. So...yah, y'all have been warned. (great house though)
  24. A really good use of the central park area. Succeeds beautifully in making the whole thing feel like an overgrown garden/park. I was surprised by the abundance of female scareactors in here (They FAR outnumber the male scareactors here) and what's more...most seemed pretty good looking. Liking the blue lighting, and (as I suspected) copious amounts of fog. Some pretty good scare potential in here (I was pretty creeped out in here, few good scares). Overall I think I'll definitely be spending more time in this zone over the course of this event.
  25. Pretty interesting house. I enjoyed it for what it was, but I wasn't crazy about it. Some characters didn't really make a lot of sense to me (maybe I need to read the backstry or something). By far the best things about it are the facade, the snow effect, and the cool temperature (you can feel the difference, definitely made me shiver a little bit). Not a bad house by any means, and I'll likely be hitting it up a few more times. Can't get enough of that cemetery atmosphere in here.
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