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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2016 in Posts

  1. 1. That's straight up denial, dude. The fact that houses like FvJ, Insidious, Halloween etc. broke 120-180min waits every night, when none of the originals last year broke 90 min on the busiest of nights is clue enough (I know wait time doesn't usually refer to popularity, but in this case it does). A LOT of people started coming to the event when they saw TWD, and Silent Hill, and Cabin, AvP, Insidious, etc. on the billboards. The amount of merch sold due to the IPs is insane. And so on and so forth. To say there's no evidence proving IPs are making the event more popular is bullshit. 2. That's you. I get you found the event to be a lot better 04-10, and that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. But you have to remember a lot of us on here see houses a lot differently from the 14-34 year olds that go once a year, if that, and see 3-5 houses in a night. Half of them intoxicated or fully trashed on top of it. This is the crowd the IPs are for. These are the people that saw the "water effect" in TWD 4.0 and thought it was neat. Hell, these people made The Purge way more popular than it deserved to be. We are the .1% of HHN attendees, and chances are most of the event is going to be catered to the 99.9% of individuals who give them the most amount of profit. That being said, last year did seem like they significantly tried to boost the scare factor in comparison to the last few years, and I commend them for it. 2014 was by far the least scariest year I've attended since 05, no matter how good the houses looked. Last year gave me some great scares, and a lot of people viewed Insidious as one of the most intense houses they've done ever (I don't agree, but I digress). I'm with you in wanting more original houses, and I mean ORIGINAL. Uncharted topics and such. But since it's so early, with nothing to speculate upon yet, all we can do is say what we would personally like to see, and give our best guesses as to what we might actually see.
    1 point
  2. Opinions are like @$$holes. Everybody has one, and everybody else thinks they stink. Chill out, it's WISHFUL thinking. We aren't even to the speculation point yet. The IPs are what bring people in, so why is it shocking that people are focusing on them? We always have like half IPs, so why are you surprised that people are speculating on them? It's hard to anticipate something completely original and unknown, so if you're trying to be accurate it would make sense to focus on IPs that you MIGHT get right. Regarding horrific IPs, some people find Blair Witch scary...it's just a shakey cam running through the woods so one person's horrific will be another's boring (for the record, I'm on the boring side there). I know you're trying to live up to your name and be critical of everything...but calm down. There are still 4 months until Dr Jimmy's tongue in cheek April Fool's escapade that always has some truth hidden in it and kicks off the true speculation.
    1 point
  3. Oh my God yes! Too bad it would never happen.
    1 point
  4. Okay... That Mythbusters house is a pretty fantastic idea.
    1 point
  5. LOL ok. You are alive to me again... you're ALIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! The classics are my fav. I spent so much time at the Carey Drive-In this year!
    1 point
  6. Okay, full disclosure-- I thought OTHER people might get tired of classic monsters if we see them too often, and I don't want to hear the whining. We can have 'em every year as far as I'm concerned, and I would LOVE for them to have a stronger presence in the park year-round (especially now that Beetlejuice is leaving). Please forgive me! I even have a Bride of Frankenstein tattoo!
    1 point
  7. "Though I agree to a certain extent with others who feel we had an awful lot of the classic Universal monsters this year and that it might be best not to see them again so soon" You are dead to me... DEAD TO MEEEEEE!
    1 point
  8. Though I agree to a certain extent with others who feel we had an awful lot of the classic Universal monsters this year and that it might be best not to see them again so soon, there's one thing I would love to see: Phantom of the Opera should get his own house. I imagine that many don't find him all that frightening, but in the book and the Chaney film, he kills a LOT of people-- drowning, strangling, dropping a massive chandelier during a performance-- and ends with trapping the heroes in a mirrored torture chamber and nearly blowing up the opera house. Also, he could appear masked, unmasked, and in his Red Death masquerade costume, so it wouldn't get monotonous. The sets would be stunning, reminiscent of Nevermore and Gothic, and I could imagine many great theatrical effects suggested by the Phantom's skill with illusions and secret passages. Ideally, they would bring back the Usher as the event icon and really utilize him properly, and this house, based on his favorite movie, would be a "feature presentation". Maybe someday...
    1 point
  9. I mean, I can tell you from experience that it defiantly does not go over well. The House of 1000 Corpses maze that is a part of Rob Zombie's Great American Nightmare received huge backlash the year I worked it because of these vary reasons. It also didn't help that the Villa Park venue which housed the event is only a hop skip and a jump away from where the Gacy killings happened.
    1 point
  10. I agree. As much as I would like this, I highly doubt it would happen. The thing with using figures like Vlad the Impaler and Jack the Ripper is that their victims have no more close relatives at this point. The victims of sickos such as Bundy, Dahmer, and Gacy still have brothers, sisters, and even parents in some cases. It would be extremely distasteful and disrespectful to them to glorify these bastards in a maze. On a lighter note, your profile picture is amazing, Boosaphus Rex.
    1 point
  11. NO! ET is a classic and you want it replaced by TWD I'm sorry but you are fried! If everyone is getting tired of TWD in Horror nights what makes you think they won't be tired of a year round ride. I'm saying this but in my opinion TWD house every year is a waste of a house. The first year was good but they included TWD every year after that and that's stupid.
    1 point
  12. *ahem* NO. How about just no more TWD? This is the first year I'm close to certain about TWD's demise. There's just too much evidence this year (Very low house ratings, Comcast not forcing it this year until Hollywood vouched for it, etc), plus it honestly is fading in popularity as far as HHN goes. SO many people are tired of seeing it, not just die hards. Hell, I know people who've only been 1 of the past 4 years who think it's stupid it keeps coming back. Yes, there are PLENTY who love TWD as a show, but as virtually anyone who went this year what their 3 favorite houses were, and not only will 1-2 of them not even be an IP, but there's a 90% chance none of them are TWD. Hell, the graffiti infested, last minute switched-over house was rated higher than TWD.
    1 point
  13. Turn it into the Sharp Aquos theater and host the Blue Man Group. That's a possibility. It's the BMG offices.
    1 point
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